Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
VIII. Aṭṭhaka Nipāta
III: Gahapati-Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Eights
III: On Householders

Sutta 24

Hatthaka-Āḷavaka Sangaha-Vatthu Suttaṃ

Hatthaka of Āḷavī (b)

Translated from the Pali by E.M. Hare.

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[218] [147]

[1][than][bodh][olds] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was staying in Ālavī, at Aggāḷava
near the shrine there,
Hatthaka, surrounded by some [148] five hundred lay-disciples,[1]
came and saluted and sat down at one side.

And the Exalted One said to him, seated there:

"This following of yours, Hatthaka,
is very large.

How do you manage to gather it together?"




"Lord, it is by those four bases of gatherings,[2]
which have been declared by the Exalted One,
that I gather this following together.

Lord, when I realize that this man may be enlisted by a gift
I enlist him in this way;
when by a kindly word,
then in that way;
when by a good turn,
then so;
or when I know that he must be treated as an equal,
if he is to be enlisted,
then I enlist him by equality of treatment.

Moreover, lord, there is wealth in my family,
and they know that such (treatment)
is not rumoured[3] of a poor man."

"Well done, well done, Hatthaka!

This is just the way[4] to gather together a large following.

Whosoever in the past gathered together a large following,
did so on these four bases;
likewise whosoever shall do so in the future;
yea, whosoever now gathers a following together,
gathers it on these four bases."

Then Hatthaka of Āḷavī, being instructed,
and gladdened by the Exalted One's Dhamma-discourse,
rose from his seat,
saluted him and departed,
passing him by on his right.




Now not long after the departure of Hatthaka,
the Exalted One addressed the monks, saying:

"Hold it true, monks, that Hatthaka of Āḷavī is endowed with eight marvellous and wonderful qualities.

What eight?

Monks, Hatthaka of Āḷavī has faith;
Hatthaka of Āḷavī is virtuous;
Hatthaka of Āḷavī is conscientious;
Hatthaka of Āḷavī fears blame;
Hatthaka of Āḷavī is a great listener;
Hatthaka of Āḷavī is charitable;
Hatthaka of Āḷavī is wise;
Hatthaka of Āḷavī is modest."


[1] Comy. They were Stream winners, Once-returners and Ariyan disciples. They came bearing sweet-scented flowers and powders.

SBE 21, pg 140: The four Brahmavihāras and the four Saṇgrahas[note], as well as the laws sanctioned by eminent sages for the education of creatures;

[note:] Commonly called saṇgrahavastūni, Pāḷi saṇgahavatthūni, articles of sociability, viz. liberality, affability, promoting another's interest, and pursuit of a common aim; see e.g. Lalita-vistara, p. 39, 1. 1.

p.p. explains it all — p.p.

[2] Cf. D. iii, 152, 190, 232; A. ii, 32, 248; below, p. 241, n. 1; J. v, 330; for Mahayana reference see S.B.E. xxi, 140; G.S. ii, 36.

[3] Sotabbaṃ.

[4] The text reads yoni kho tyāhaṃ, v.l. ... tyāyaṃ, so Comy. adding upāyo kho te ayaṃ. Yoni = mould.

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