Aṅguttara Nikāya
X. Dasaka-Nipāta
XVII: Jāṇussoṇi Vagga
The Book of Tens
Sutta 174
Kamma-Nidāna Suttaṃ
Bound-Up in Intentional Action
Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds
Once upon a time the Lucky Man said this to the beggars:
And the beggars responding "Elder!" the Lucky Man said this:
"Cutting down the living, beggars, is essentially three-fold say I:
driven sometimes by lust;
driven sometimes by hate;
driven sometimes by stupidity.
"Taking the ungiven, beggars, is essentially three-fold say I:
driven sometimes by lust;
driven sometimes by hate;
driven sometimes by stupidity.
"Lustful low behavior, beggars, is essentially three-fold say I:
driven sometimes by lust;
driven sometimes by hate;
driven sometimes by stupidity.
"Telling lies, beggars, is essentially three-fold say I:
driven sometimes by lust;
driven sometimes by hate;
driven sometimes by stupidity.
"Taking the ungiven, beggars, is essentially three-fold say I:
driven sometimes by lust;
driven sometimes by hate;
driven sometimes by stupidity.
"Slander, beggars, is essentially three-fold say I:
driven sometimes by lust;
driven sometimes by hate;
driven sometimes by stupidity.
"Unkind speech, beggars, is essentially three-fold say I:
driven sometimes by lust;
driven sometimes by hate;
driven sometimes by stupidity.
"Idle lip-flapping, beggars, is essentially three-fold say I:
driven sometimes by lust;
driven sometimes by hate;
driven sometimes by stupidity.
"Unkind speech, beggars, is essentially three-fold say I:
driven sometimes by lust;
driven sometimes by hate;
driven sometimes by stupidity.
"Covetousness, beggars, is essentially three-fold say I:
driven sometimes by lust;
driven sometimes by hate;
driven sometimes by stupidity.
"Deviousness, beggars, is essentially three-fold say I:
driven sometimes by lust;
driven sometimes by hate;
driven sometimes by stupidity.
"Low view, beggars, is essentially three-fold say I:
driven sometimes by lust;
driven sometimes by hate;
driven sometimes by stupidity.
Now then beggars
lust comes to be bound-up in intentional-action,
hate comes to be bound-up in intentional-action,
stupidity comes to be bound-up in intentional-action,
lust is ended ending the intentional-action in which it is bound-up,
hate is ended ending the intentional-action in which it is bound-up,
stupidity is ended ending the intentional-action in which it is bound-up."