Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
Pañcaka Nipāta
III: Pañc'aṇgika Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Fives
III: The Fivefold

Sutta 24

Dussīla Suttaṃ

For the Wicked

Translated by E. M. Hare

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[19] [14]

[1][bodh] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One dwelt near Sāvatthī;
and there he addressed the monks, saying:


'Yes, lord,' they replied; and the Exalted One said:

"Monks,[1] for the wicked,
who lack virtue,
right concentration is perforce destroyed;
when right concentration is not,
true[2] knowledge and insight
are perforce destroyed
in one who lacks right concentration;
when true knowledge and insight are not,
aversion[3] and dispassion
are perforce destroyed
in one who lacks true knowledge and insight;
when aversion and dispassion are not,
emancipated[4]knowledge and insight
are perforce destroyed
in one who lacks aversion and dispassion.

Monks, just as in the case of a tree,
devoid of branches and leaves,
its shoots come not to maturity,
nor its bark,
nor its sapwood,
nor its core;
even so in the wicked,
who lack virtue,
right concentration is perforce destroyed;
when right concentration is not,
true knowledge and insight
are perforce destroyed
in one who lacks right concentration;
when true knowledge and insight are not,
aversion and dispassion
are perforce destroyed
in one who lacks true knowledge and insight;
when aversion and dispassion are not,
emancipated knowledge and insight
are perforce destroyed
in one who lacks aversion and dispassion.




Monks, in the moral and virtuous,
right concentration perforce thrives;
when there is right concentration,
true knowledge and insight
perforce thrive
in one who has right concentration;
when there is true knowledge and insight,
aversion and dispassion
perforce thrive
in one who has true knowledge and insight;
when there is aversion and dispassion,
emancipated knowledge and insight
perforce thrive
in one who has aversion and dispassion.

Monks, just as in the case of a tree,
possessing branches [15] and leaves,
its shoots,
its bark,
and core
come to maturity;
even so in the moral and virtuous
right concentration perforce thrives;
when there is right concentration,
true knowledge and insight
perforce thrive
in one who has right concentration;
when there is true knowledge and insight,
aversion and dispassion
perforce thrive
in one who has true knowledge and insight;
when there is aversion and dispassion,
emancipated knowledge and insight
perforce thrive
in one who has aversion and dispassion.'


[1] Cf.. below V, § 168; VI, § 50; A. iv, 99, 330; v, 4, 313.

[2] Comy. taruṇa: fresh insight, see DhS. trasl. 256 n.

[3] Comy. balava-vipassanā.

[4] Comy. phala-vimutti.

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