Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
Pañcaka Nipāta
15. Tikaṇḍaki Vaggo

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Fives
Chapter XV: Three-thorn Grove[1]

Sutta 141

Avajānāti Suttaṃ

He Gives and Despises

Translated by E. M. Hare

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[1] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One dwelt near Sāvatthī;
and there he addressed the monks, saying:


'Yes, lord,' they replied;
and the Exalted One said:

"Monks, these five persons
are found living in the world.

What five?

One who gives and despises a man;
one who despises a man by living with him;
one who has a mouth[2] to take in anything;
one who wavers;
and one who is foolish and mind-[3] tossed.




And how, monks, does a person give
and despise a man?

Herein, monks, a person
to a person
gives requisites;
the robe,
and medicaments,
and thinks:

I give;
this fellow receives!

He gives and despipes him.

Thus, monks, a person gives
and despises a man.

And how, monks, does a person
despise a man by living with him?

Herein, monks, a person
lives with a person
for two or three years.

By living with him
he despises him.

Thus, monks, a person despises a man
by living with him.

And how, monks, has a person
a mouth to take in anything?

Herein, monks, a person,
while another is being spoken of
in praise or blame,
just promptly[4] revels in it.

Thus, monks, a person
has a mouth to take in anything.

And how, monks, does a person waver?

Herein, monks, a person is uncertain[5] in faith,
uncertain in devotion,[6]
uncertain in love,
uncertain in goodness.

Thus, monks, a person wavers.

[125] And how, monks, is a person
foolish and mind-tossed?

Herein, monks, a perron
does not know good conditions from bad;
does not know blameworthy conditions from blameless;
does not know low conditions from lofty;
does not know whether conditions are evenly mixed
with bright and dark qualities.[7]

Thus, monks, a person
is foolish and mind-tossed.

Verily, monks, these five persons
are found living in the world.'


[1] Tikaṇḍaki; so S.e., but see K.S. v, 264 n., 'Cactus Grove.'

[2] Ādiyamukha. S.e. with v.l. ādiyya-. Comy. ādiyana-, gahaṇa-; pāliya pana ṭhapitamukho-ti attho, adding: (his mouth) is like a hole dug in the road with water continually flowing into it. P.E.D. suggests gossip, but the literal meaning is the complement.

[3] Above, § 93.

[4] Khippaṃ.

[5] Ittara. Comy. parittaka.

[6] Bhatti = bhakti; see DhS. trsl. 345 n. and correct accordingly.

[7] Cf. Mil. 379.

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