Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
XVIII. Upāsaka Vaggo

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Fives
Chapter XVIII: The Lay-Disciple

Sutta 176

Pīti Suttaṃ


Translated by E. M. Hare

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[1][than] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One dwelt near Sāvatthī;
in Jeta Grove at Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Then the householder, Anāthapiṇḍika,
with about five hundred lay-disciples around him,
came to the Exalted One,
and sat down at one side;
and the Exalted One spoke to him,
so seated, and said:

'Verily, householder,
you have served the Order of monks
with gifts of the requisites:
the robe,
and medicine for sickness —
but you must not be satisfied
just by the thought:

"We have served the Order
with gifts of the requisites."

Wherefore, householder,
train yourself thus:

Come now,[2]
let us, from time to time,
enter and abide in
the zest that comes of seclusion.

Verily, train yourself thus, householder.'

And when he had thus spoken,
the venerable Sāriputta said to the Exalted One:

'It is marvellous, lord,
it is wonderful,
how well the Exalted One has spoken:

"Verily, householder,
you have served the Order of monks
with gifts of the requisites:
the robe,
and medicine for sickness —
but you must not be satisfied
just by the thought:

'We have served the Order
with gifts of the requisites.'

Wherefore, householder,
train yourself thus:

'Come now,
let us, from time to time,
enter and abide in
the zest that comes of seclusion.'

Verily, train yourself thus, householder."




Lord, what time the Ariyan disciple
enters and abides
in the zest that comes of seclusion,
for him five things become not:

for him in that time
the pain and grief
that follow lust
become not;

the pleasure and gratification
that follow lust
become not;

the pain and grief
that follow evil
become not;

the pleasure and gratification
that follow evil
become not;[3]

for him in that time
the pain and grief
that follow doing good
become not.

Lord, what time the Ariyan disciple
enters and abides
in the zest that comes of seclusion,
for him these five things
become not.'




'Well done, well done, Sāriputta!

Sāriputta, what time the Ariyan disciple
enters and abides
in the zest that comes of seclusion,
for him five things become not:

for him in that time
the pain and grief
that follow lust
become not;

the pleasure and gratification
that follow lust
become not;

the pain and grief
that follow evil
become not;

the pleasure and gratification
that follow evil
become not;

for him in that time
the pain and grief
that follow doing good
become not.

[153] What time, Sāriputta, the Ariyan disciple
enters and abides
in the zest that comes of seclusion,
for him in that time
these five things become not.'


[1] Pīti.

[2] Kinti. Comy. kena nāma upāyena.

[3] Comy. observes that he may go forth to shoot a deer or pig and miss, and so become depressed; or he may hit and kill and be glad.

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