Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
IV: Devatā-Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Sixes
Chapter IV: The Devas

Sutta 31

Sekha Suttaṃ

In Training

Translated from the Pali by E.M. Hare.

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[1][than] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was dwelling near Sāvatthī,
at Jeta Grove,
in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

There the Exalted One addressed the monks, saying:


"Yes, lord," they replied, and the Exalted One said:

"Monks, these six things lead to failure for a monk in training.

What six?

Delight[1] in worldly activity,[2]
delight in talk,
delight in sleep,
delight in company,
delight in being unguarded as to the doors of the senses
delight in immoderate in eating.

Monks, these are the six things that lead to failure for a monk in training.




Monks, these six things lead to not failing for a monk in training.

What six?

Non-delight in worldly activity,
non-delight in talk,
non-delight in sleep,
non-delight in company,
non-delight in being unguarded as to the doors of the senses
non-delight in immoderate in eating.

Monks, these are the six things that lead to failure for a monk in training.


[1] Cf. above VI, § 22.

[2] Kamma.

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