Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
Sattaka Nipāta
Avyākata Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Sevens
Chapter VI: The Unexplained

Sutta 59a

Māpuññabhāyi Suttaṃ


Translated from the Pali by E.M. Hare.

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[1] Monks, be not afraid of deeds of merit.

It is a name for happiness,
that is, meritorious deeds.[2]

For well I know, monks,
that deeds of merit
done for a long time
have a ripening,
a blossoming,
which is pleasing,
joyous and
lovely for a long time.

For[3] seven years I fostered thoughts of amity,
and then for seven ages
of the world's rolling on and rolling back
I came not again to this world.

Then when the world rolled on,
I reached the sphere of Radiance;
then when the world rolled back,
I won to Brahmā's empty palace.

Then, monks, I became Brahmā,
great Brahmā,
the conqueror,
all powerful.

Thirty-six times I was Sakka,
the deva-king.

Many times seven
was I a Wheel-turning rajah,
conquering the four ends of the earth,
bringing stability to the country,
possessing the seven gems.

Monks, these were [55] my seven gems:

The wheel-gem,
precious stone-gem,
and minister gem.

And I had more than a thousant sons,
valiant, vigorous, crushers of enemy-hosts.

And when I had conquered it,
I dwelt within this sea-girt country,
(ruling) righteously,
not needing rod or sword.



See, monks, the fruit of merit, fruit of good
For seekers after happiness: Seven years
I fostered thoughts of amity; seven ages
Rolled on, rolled back, nor to this world I came;
The world rolled on and Radiance I reached;
The world rolled back and Brahmā's void I won;
Seven times I rose all-powerful, gret Brahmā;
Thirty-six times I ruled as deva-king
And I became a rajah Wheel-turner,
Lord o' the Rose Apple Grove;[4] and I became
A warrior duly crowned, the chief of men;
This earth I conquered and then justly ruled,
Needing no rod or sword or violence,
But ordering all impartially,[5] I caused
The clans to grow in fortune, riches, wealth,
Theirs were all pleasures, mine the seven gems—
This Buddhas taught in pity[6] for the world—
This is the cause of greatness and my names:[7]
Squire of the Earth,[8] King, Splendid, Opulent,
Famous, Majestic, Lord o' the Rose Apple Grove!
Who hearing this should doubt? Not e'en the base-born
Hence,[9] wishing weal, and for the great self yearning,
Revere Saddhamma, mind the Buddha's Word.'


[1] Our text does not treat this as a separate sutta, not so Comy., where it is numbered navame. It is omitted from the uddāna (so, too, from S.e.), but with v.l. we should no doubt read mettā for satta-. Much of the sutta recurs at It. 14 ff., and is referred to at KhpA.230.

[2] S.e. puññan-ti; It. puññāni; KhpA. puññānī-ti.

[3] Cf. below, p. 68; the second half of the paragraph is stock, see D.ii, 16; M. ii, 134; Sn. p. 106. For the seven gems see Dial. ii, 202-8; Bachhofer's Early Indian Sculpture, plates 107 and 115.

[4] Jambusaṇḍassa issaro; Jambudīpa is, very vaguely, India.

[5] S.e. samena anusāsiyaṇ.

[6] Sangāhakā. Comy. mahākaruṇikā; cf. J. iii, 262; the word also means 'charioteer,' see D. ii, 268; M. ii, 80, etc.; so the line might be rendered 'Thus taught the Buddhas, charioteers o' the world.'

[7] Yena vuccati ... rājā homi ... yasavā homi. ...

[8] Pathabyo; S.e. with v.l. puth-.

[9] S.e. reads, attakāmena mahattham; B. (M. and Ph.) mahantaṇ; cf. mahattham and mahaṭṭham at M. ii, 197; M.A. iii, 444; cf. G.S. ii, p. 22; K.S. i, 174; also G.S. i, 227. Cf. Mrs. Rh. D. Manual, 166.

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