Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
VIII. Aṭṭhaka Nipāta
III: Gahapati-Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Eights
III: On Householders

Sutta 21

Vesālika-Ugga Suttaṃ

Ugga of Vesali

Translated from the Pali by E.M. Hare.

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[208] [142]

[1][bodh] Once the Exalted One was dwelling in the Gabled Hall,
in Mahavana, near Vesali.

There the Exalted One addressed the monks, saying:


"Yes, lord," they replied.

And the Exalted One said:

"Hold it true, monks,
that Ugga,[1] the householder of Vesali,
is possessed of eight wonderful and marvelous qualities.'

Thus spake the Exalted One, and thereafter,
rising from his seat,
the Well-farer entered the dwelling.




Now a certain monk,
robing himself early in the morning,
taking bowl and cloak,
went to the house of Ugga, the householder,
and there sat down on a seat made ready for him,
And Ugga of Vesali approached that monk,
saluted him and sat down at one side.

Then said that monk to Ugga:

"It has been declared by the Exalted One
that you, O householder,
are possessed of eight marvelous and wonderful qualities.

What are those eight marvelous and wonderful qualities, householder,
of which you are declared by the Exalted One to be possessed?'

'Nay, reverend sir,
I know not of what eight marvelous and wonderful qualities
I am declared by the Exalted One to be possessed;
but as to the eight marvelous and wonderful qualities found in me,
listen, lend and ear and I will tell you."

"Very well, householder,"
replied the monk;
and Ugga said:

"When I first saw the Exalted One,
even a long way off,
my heart, sir, at the mere sight of him
became tranquil.

This is the first
marvelous and wonderful quality found in me.

Then, with tranquil heart
I drew nigh and reverenced the Exalted One.

And to me he preached a graduated discourse,
that is to say:
on almsgiving,
on virtue
and on heaven.

He set forth the peril,
the folly,
the depravity of lusts
and the advantages of renunciation.[2]

And when the Exalted One knew
that my heart was clear, malleable,
free from hindrance,
then he revealed to me
that Dhamma-teaching
to which Buddhas alone have won,
to wit:

its coming-to-be,
its ending
and the Way.

Just as a clean cloth,
free of all stain,
will take dye perfectly;
even so, as I sat there,
there arose within me
the spotless, stainless Dhamma-sight:
that whatsoever is conditioned by coming- [144] to-be,
all that is subject to ending.

I, sir, saw Dhamma,
possessed Dhamma,
found Dhamma,
penetrated Dhamma,
overcame doubt,
surpassed uncertainty,
possessed without another's aid
perfect confidence in the word of the Teacher,
and there and then took refuge
in the Buddha, in Dhamma and in the Order,
and embraced[3] the five rules of training
in the godly life.

This is the second
marvelous and wonderful quality found in me.

Now, sir, I had four wives,
young girls,
and I went and spoke to them thus:

"Sisters, I have embraced the five rules of training in the godly life.

Who wishes, may enjoy the wealth of this place,
or may do deeds of merit,
or may go to her own relations and family;
or is there some man you desire
to whom I may give you?"

And when I stopped speaking,
the eldest wife said to me:

"Sir, give me to such and such a man!"

Then I had that man sent for;
and, taking my wife by the left hand
and holding the water pot in my right,
I cleansed[4] that man (by an act of dedication).

Yet I was not a whit discomfited
at parting with my wife.

This is the third
marvelous and wonderful quality found in me.

Moreover, sir, there is wealth in my family,
but among the good and lovely in character
it is shared impartially.[5]

This is the fourth
marvelous and wonderful quality found in me.

And when I wait upon a monk, sir,
I serve him respectfully
and not without deference.[6]

This is the fifth
marvelous and wonderful quality found in me.

If, sir, that reverend monk preach Dhamma to me,
I listen attentively and not listlessly.

If he preach not Dhamma to me,
I preach Dhamma to him.

This is the sixth
marvelous and wonderful quality found in me.

Furthermore, sir,
it is not uncommon for devas to come
and declare to me:

"Perfectly, O householder,
is Dhamma pro- [145] claimed by the Exalted One!"

When they speak thus, I reply:

"Ho! You devas,
whether you declare so or not,
Dhamma is perfectly proclaimed by the Exalted One!"

Yet, sir, I feel no elation[7]
because of such thoughts as:

"It is to me these devas come.

I am the man who talks to devas."

This is the seventh
marvelous and wonderful quality found in me.

Of those five lower fetters,[8] sir,
declared by the Exalted One,
I see no remnant whatsoever within me.

This is the eighth
marvelous and wonderful quality found in me.

These, sir, are the eight
marvelous and wonderful qualities found in me;
but I do not know of what eight
marvelous and wonderful qualities
I am declared by the Exalted One to be possessed."




Then that monk,
after taking alms at Ugga's house,
rose from his seat and departed.

And when he had eaten his meal,
after his alms-round,
he went to the Exalted One
and saluting him,
sat down[ed1] at one side.

So seated, he told the Exalted One
of all his conversation[9]
with Ugga the householder of Vesali.

(And the Exalted One said:)

'Well done, well done, monk!

As Ugga, the householder of Vesali,
in explaining the matter rightly
should explain;
even so, monk,
he is declared by me
to be possessed of those eight
marvelous and wonderful qualities.

Moreover, monk,
hold it true
that Ugga, the householder of Vesali,
is so possessed!"


[1] At G.S. i, 23 he is called 'the chief of genial givers'; cf. A.A. i, 394; G.S. iii, 40 f.

[2] Above, p. 128.

Hebrews xi, 13: These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

p.p. explains it all — p.p.

[3] Cf. Hebrews xi, 13.

[4] Oṇojesiṇ; see Q. of M. ii, 45; Mil. 236; Vin. i, 39. Comy. on this word in the next sutta observes; He poured water on their hands and gave her. This ceremony is still that used at a Buddhist marriage in Ceylon.

[5] Appaṭivibhattā. Comy. I share my wealth with the virtuous, like (the practice) of a brotherhood and those who belong to an order. This 'division without partiality' was enjoined upon a monk; see Dial. ii, 85 (D. ii, 80); D. iii, 245; Dial. iii. 231; A. iii, 289; Mil. 373; also Tr.'s note, ibid. 429.

[6] Asakkaccaṇ.

[7] Cittassa uṇṇatiṇ, from √NAM; cf. DhS. trsl. 298, n. 3.

[8] Above, p. 8.

[9] Not repeated.


[ed1] Hare has the bhikkhu standing when the text indicates he was seated.

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