Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
VIII. Aṭṭhaka Nipāta
V. Uposatha Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
VIII. The Book of the Eights
V: The Observance Day

Sutta 46

Anuruddha-Manāpa-Kāyika Suttaṃ

The Venerable Anuruddha

Translated from the Pali by E.M. Hare.

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[262] [175]

[1][bodh] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was dwelling at Kosambī in Ghosita Park.[1]

Now the venerable Anuruddha had gone apart during the noon-day rest;
and there, there came to him
a host of lovely fairies,[2] who saluted and stood at one side.

Thus standing, they addressed the venerable one and said:

'Master Anuruddha, we are the fairies of lovely form.

In three degrees we wield power and have dominion:

We can assume in a trice[3] any colour we desire;
we can produce in a trice
any sound we desire;
we can obtain in a trice
any happiness we desire.

We, Master Anuruddha, are the fairies of lovely form
and in these three degrees we have power and dominion.'




Then the venerable Anuruddha thought:

'Oh that these fairies would become all blue,
with blue faces,
blue garments
[176] and blue finery!'

And those fairies,
knowing his thoughts,
became all blue,
with blue faces,
blue garments
and blue finery.

Then he thought:
'Oh that these fairies would become all yellow,
with yellow faces,
yellow garments
and blue yellow!'

And those fairies,
knowing his thoughts,
became all yellow,
with yellow faces,
yellow garments
and yellow finery.

Then he thought:
'Oh that these fairies would become all red,
with red faces,
red garments
and red yellow!'

And those fairies,
knowing his thoughts,
became all red,
with red faces,
red garments
and red finery.

Then he thought:
'Oh that these fairies would become all white,
with white faces,
white garments
and white finery!'

And those fairies,
knowing his thoughts,
became all white,
with white faces,
white garments
and white finery.




Now some of the fairies sang,
some danced
and some clapped[4] their hands.

[5] Just as the five instruments of music,
when well attuned,
well played[6]
and properly struck by the skilled,
yield a sound at once sweet and charming,
and bewitching;
even so was the music of those fairies,
all bedecked,
at once sweet and charming,
alluring,[7] lovable
and bewitching.

But the venerable Anuruddha kept his senses under control.[8]

Then thought the fairies:

"Master Anuruddha is not enjoying this,"
and immediately vanished.




At eventide, the venerable Anuruddha arose from solitude
and came where the Exalted One was;
and after saluting,
he sat down at one side.

So seated,
he told the Exalted One:

Now I, Lord, had gone apart during the noon-day rest;
and there, there came to me
a host of lovely fairies,
who saluted and stood at one side.

Thus standing, they addressed me and said:

'Master Anuruddha, we are the fairies of lovely form.

In three degrees we wield power and have dominion:

We can assume in a trice any colour we desire;
we can produce in a trice
any sound we desire;
we can obtain in a trice
any happiness we desire.

We, Master Anuruddha, are the fairies of lovely form
and in these three degrees we have power and dominion.'

Then I thought:

'Oh that these fairies would become all blue,
with blue faces,
blue garments
and blue finery!'

And those fairies,
knowing my thoughts,
became all blue,
with blue faces,
blue garments
and blue finery.

Then I thought:
'Oh that these fairies would become all yellow,
with yellow faces,
yellow garments
and blue yellow!'

And those fairies,
knowing my thoughts,
became all yellow,
with yellow faces,
yellow garments
and yellow finery.

Then I thought:
'Oh that these fairies would become all red,
with red faces,
red garments
and red yellow!'

And those fairies,
knowing my thoughts,
became all red,
with red faces,
red garments
and red finery.

Then I thought:
'Oh that these fairies would become all white,
with white faces,
white garments
and white finery!'

And those fairies,
knowing my thoughts,
became all white,
with white faces,
white garments
and white finery.

Now some of the fairies sang,
some danced
and some clapped their hands.

Just as the five instruments of music,
when well attuned,
well played
and properly struck by the skilled,
yield a sound at once sweet and charming,
and bewitching;
even so was the music of those fairies,
all bedecked,
at once sweet and charming,
alluring, lovable
and bewitching.

But I kept my senses under control.

Then thought the fairies:

"Master Anuruddha is not enjoying this,"
and immediately vanished.




"Lord, how many qualities have women,
who, on the breaking up of the body after death,
are reborn among the fairies of lovely form?"

Eight qualities have women, Anuruddha,
who after death
are reborn among the fairies of lovely form.

What eight?

Herein, Anuruddha, the husband to whom her parents give her,
out of love for her,
seeking her good,
in loving kindness
[177] and fond regard, -
she will get up before him,
retire after him,
be obedient to his wishes,
lovely in her ways
and gentle in speech.[9]

Whosoever is honoured by her husband as mother,
or godly man,
such she reverences,
and respects;
on their arrival she proffers a seat and water.

Whatever her husband's home industries,
whether in wool or cotton,
therein she is deft and nimble;
gifted with an inquiring turn of mind
into all such undertakings,
she is able to arrange and carry them out.

Of whatever her husband's household consists -
or workfolk -
she knows the work of each
by what has been done;
she knows their remissness
by what has not been done;
she knows the strength and the weakness of the sick;
she divides the hard and soft food,
each according to his share.

When her husband brings home money,
or gold,
she keeps it secure by watch and ward;
and of it she is no robber,

She is a lay-disciple,
who has found refuge in the Buddha,
in Dhamma
and in the Order.

She keeps the precepts,
abstaining from taking life,
from stealing,
from fleshly lusts,
from lying,
from drinking strong drink,
the cause of sloth.

She is charitable,
dwelling at home with heart purged of the stain of stinginess;
given over to charity,
taking delight in giving,
yoke-mate to asking,
she finds joy in almsgiving.[10]

These, Anuruddha, are the eight qualities women have,
who, after death, are reborn among the fairies of lovely form.

Active, alert to cherish him alway,
Not to that man who brings her every joy[11]
She offers slight, nor will a good wife move
To wrath her husband by some spiteful word;
And she reveres all whom her lord doth honour -
[178] For she is wise. Deft, nimble, up betimes,
She minds his wealth amid his folk at work
And sweetly orders all. A wife like this,
Who with her husband's wish and will complies,
Is born again where lovely devas dwell.'


[1] Above, p. 21.

[2] Devatā, lit. deities.

Ṭhānaso. From 'to stand' it implies position more than time: without moving rather than 'in an instant'. 'Standing right here.'

p.p. explains it all — p.p.

[3] Ṭhānaso.

[4] Accharikaṃ vādesi. Comy. pāṇitalaṃ vādesi; P.E.D. s.v. accharika (referring to this passage), to make heavenly music; deriving it from Vedic apsaras, a water nymph. But with Bu. I take it from accharā (1), as in accharaṃ paharati, to snap the fingers. Dancing in a circle, singing and clapping the hands is a common performance by Indian Tamil women.

[5] This simile recurs at D. ii, 172, 183 (Dial. ii, in both places, translates pañca, seven). Comy. here gives the five kinds of drums; see P.E.D. s.v. turiya.

[6] Su-p-paṭippa-tāḷita, so also Andersen, J.P.T.S., '09; but D., loc. cit., S.e. of A. and Comy. -p-paṭipa; P.E.D. omits.

[7] Kamanīyo. The Comy. and S.e. have alternatively khamanīyo.

[8] Indriyāni okkhipi. Comy. indriyāni heṭṭha khipi, na akkhini ummīlelvā olokesi.

[9] Cf. A. iii, 37.

[10] Cf. above, p. 4.

[11] Sabba-kāma-haraṃ. Comy. ad A. iii, -dadaṃ.

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