Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
VIII. Navaka Nipāta
III. Satt'Āvāsa Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
VIII. The Book of the Nines
Chapter III: Spheres of Beings

Sutta 25

Paññā-Paricita Suttaṃ


Translated from the Pali by E.M. Hare.

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[1][than] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was dwelling near Savatthī, at Jeta Grove, in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

There he addressed the monks, saying: "Monks."

"Yes, lord," they replied;
and the Exalted One said:

"Monks, when the mind of a monk is well heaped around with wisdom,
it is proper for that monk to say:

'I know that birth is destroyed,
the godly life lived,
done is what was to be done
and there is no more life in these conditions.'[2]




And how, monks, is the mind of a monk
well heaped around with wisdom?

'Passion-free is my mind' -
(knowing this) is his mind well heaped around with wisdom;

'hatred-free is my mind,' -
(knowing this) is his mind well heaped around with wisdom;[ed1]

'delusion-free is my mind,' -
(knowing this) is his mind well heaped around with wisdom;

'free of any passionate condition,' -
(knowing this) is his mind well heaped around with wisdom;

'free of any hateful condition,' -
(knowing this) is his mind well heaped around with wisdom;

'free of any delusive condition,' -
(knowing this) is his mind well heaped around with wisdom;

'my mind is free of any condition
of return [271] for becoming
in (the worlds of) sense, form and no form,' -
(knowing this) is his mind well heaped around with wisdom.

Verily, monks, when the mind of a monk
is well heaped around with wisdom,
it is proper for that monk to say:

'I know that birth is destroyed,
the godly life lived,
done is what was to be done
and there is no more life in these conditions.'"


[1] The Uddāna reads: saññā, with v.l. paññā.

[2] This is, of course, the affirmation of arahantship.


[ed1] Hare abridges this list.


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