Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
X. Dasaka-Nipāta
V. Akkosa Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
X. The Book of the Tens
V: Reviling

Sutta 47

Mahāli Suttaṃ


Translated from the Pali by F. L. Woodward, M.A.

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[1] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was staying near Vesālī in Great Wood,
at the House of the Peaked Roof.

Then Mahāli the Licchavite[1]
came to see the Exalted One,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and sat down at one side.

So seated he said this to him:

"Pray, sir, what is the reason,
what is the cause
of doing an evil deed,
of committing an evil deed?"

"Lust, Mahāli, is the reason,
lust is the cause
of doing an evil deed,
of committing an evil deed.

Malice, Mahāli, is the reason,
malice is the cause
of doing an evil deed,
of committing an evil deed.

Delusion, Mahāli, is the reason,
delusion is the cause
of doing an evil deed,
of committing an evil deed.

Not paying proper attention, Mahāli, is the reason,
not paying proper attention is the cause
of doing an evil deed,
of committing an evil deed.

Wrongly directed thought, Mahāli, is the reason,
wrongly directed thought is the cause
of doing an evil deed,
of committing an evil deed.

These are the reasons,
these are the causes
of doing an evil deed,
of committing an evil deed."




"Pray, sir, what is the reason,
what is the cause
of doing a lovely deed,
of committing a lovely deed?"

"Not lusting, Mahāli, is the reason,
not lusting is the cause

of doing a lovely deed,
of committing a lovely deed.

Not-malice, Mahāli, is the reason,
not-malice is the cause
of doing a lovely deed,
of committing a lovely deed.

Not-delusion, Mahāli, is the reason,
not-delusion is the cause
of doing a lovely deed,
of committing a lovely deed.

Paying proper attention, Mahāli, is the reason,
paying proper attention is the cause
of doing a lovely deed,
of committing a lovely deed.

[62] Rightly directed thought, Mahāli, is the reason,
rightly directed thought is the cause
of doing a lovely deed,
of committing a lovely deed.

These are the reasons,
these are the causes
of doing a lovely deed,
of committing a lovely deed.




Moreover, Mahāli, if[2] these ten qualities were not found existing in the world,
there would be here no proclaiming of wrong living
and crooked living,
or of right living
and straight living.

But since, Mahāli,
these ten qualities are found existing in the world,
therefore is there proclaiming of wrong living
and crooked living,
or of right living
and straight living."


[1] At K.S. i, 295 at the same place he asks about Sakha. According to Apadāna, p. 540, v. 28, he was father of Sīvalīthera. At K.S. iii, 60 he asks about purity.

[2] Reading ce for ca.

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