Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
X. Dasaka-Nipāta
IX: Thera-Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
X. The Book of the Tens
IX: The Elders

Sutta 82

Ānanda Suttaṃ


Translated from the Pali by F. L. Woodward, M.A.

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[1][olds] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was dwelling near Sāvatthī.

Now the venerable Ānanda came to see the Exalted One,
and on coming to him saluted him
and sat down at one side.

As he sat at one side
the Exalted One said this to him:

"Ānanda, there is no possibility that a monk who is an un- [104] believer
should reach increase, growth and maturity in this Dhamma-discipline.

There is no possibility that one who is immoral
should reach increase, growth and maturity in this Dhamma-discipline.

There is no possibility that one who is of little learning
should reach increase, growth and maturity in this Dhamma-discipline.

There is no possibility that one who is of foul speech
should reach increase, growth and maturity in this Dhamma-discipline.

There is no possibility that one having wicked friends
should reach increase, growth and maturity in this Dhamma-discipline.

There is no possibility that one who is indolent
should reach increase, growth and maturity in this Dhamma-discipline.

There is no possibility that one who is muddle-headed
should reach increase, growth and maturity in this Dhamma-discipline.

There is no possibility that one who is discontented
should reach increase, growth and maturity in this Dhamma-discipline.

There is no possibility that one who is of wicked desires
should reach increase, growth and maturity in this Dhamma-discipline.

There is no possibility that a monk who holds perverse view
should reach increase, growth and maturity in this dhamma-diseipline.

Indeed, Ānanda, there is no possibility that a monk possessed of these ten qualities
should reach increase, growth and maturity in this dhamma-diseipline.




But, Ānanda, there is a possibility that a monk who is a believer
should reach increase, growth and maturity in this dhamma-diseipline.

There is a possibility that a monk who is virtuous
should reach increase, growth and maturity in this dhamma-diseipline.

There is a possibility that a monk who is deeply learned
should reach increase, growth and maturity in this dhamma-diseipline.

There is a possibility that a monk who is a minder of what he has heard
should reach increase, growth and maturity in this dhamma-diseipline.

There is a possibility that a monk who is fair-spoken
should reach increase, growth and maturity in this dhamma-diseipline.

There is a possibility that a monk who has a lovely friend
should reach increase, growth and maturity in this dhamma-diseipline.

There is a possibility that a monk who is ardent in energy
should reach increase, growth and maturity in this dhamma-diseipline.

There is a possibility that a monk whose mindfulness is sure
should reach increase, growth and maturity in this dhamma-diseipline.

There is a possibility that a monk who is contented
should reach increase, growth and maturity in this dhamma-diseipline.

There is a possibility that a monk who wants little
should reach increase, growth and maturity in this dhamma-diseipline.

There is a possibility that a monk who holds right view
should reach increase, growth and maturity in this dhamma-diseipline.

Indeed, Ānanda, there is a possibility that a monk possessed of these ten qualities
should reach increase, growth and maturity in this dhamma-diseipline."

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