Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
X. Dasaka-Nipāta
X: Upāsaka-Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
X. The Book of the Tens
X: The Lay-followers

Sutta 96

Kokanuda Suttaṃ


Translated from the Pali by F. L. Woodward, M.A.

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[1][than] THUS have I heard:

Once the venerable Ānanda was staying at Rājagaha in the Tapodā Park.

Now the venerable Ānanda rose up in the night
when dawn was at hand
and went to Tapodā[1]
to bathe his limbs.

Having done so
and come up again
he stood clad in one robe
drying his limbs.[2]

Now the Wanderer Kokanuda also had risen in the night
when dawn was at hand
and went to Tapodā Park
to bathe his limbs.

And he saw the venerable Ānanda approaching while yet at a distance;
and at the sight of him he said:

"Who are you, your reverence?"

"I am a monk, your reverence."

"One of what monks?"

"One of the recluses
who are the Sakyan's sons."

"I would ask your reverence a question on a certain point,[3]
if your reverence could give the opportunity
for answering my question."

"Ask on, your reverence.

When we hear, we shall know."




(1) "How is it, friend?
Does your worship hold the view:
Eternal is the world;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation?"

"No indeed, your reverence,
I hold not this view:
Eternal is the world;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation."

(2) "How then, friend?
Does your worship hold the view:
[136] Not eternal is the world;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation?"

"No indeed, your reverence,
I hold not this view:
Not eternal is the world;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation."

(3) "How then, friend?
Does your worship hold the view:
limited is the world;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation?"

"No indeed, your reverence,
I hold not this view:
limited is the world;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation."

(4) "How then, friend?
Does your worship hold the view:
unlimited is the world;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation?"

"No indeed, your reverence,
I hold not this view:
unlimited is the world;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation."

(5) "How then, friend?
Does your worship hold the view:
what is soul, that is body;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation?"

"No indeed, your reverence,
I hold not this view:
what is soul, that is body;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation."

(6) "How then, friend?
Does your worship hold the view:
soul is other than body;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation?"

"No indeed, your reverence,
I hold not this view:
soul is other than body;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation."

(7) "How then, friend?
Does your worship hold the view:
the wayfarer (man) is beyond death;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation?"

"No indeed, your reverence,
I hold not this view:
the wayfarer (man) is beyond death;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation."

(8) "How then, friend?
Does your worship hold the view:
the wayfarer (man) is not beyond death;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation?"

"No indeed, your reverence,
I hold not this view:
the wayfarer (man) is not beyond death;;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation."

(9) "How then, friend?
Does your worship hold the view:
the wayfarer (man) both is and is not beyond death;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation?"

"No indeed, your reverence,
I hold not this view:
the wayfarer (man) both is and is not beyond death;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation."

(10) "How then, friend?
Does your worship hold the view:
the wayfarer (man) neither is nor is not beyond death;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation?"

"No indeed, your reverence,
I hold not this view:
the wayfarer (man) both is and is not beyond death;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation."

"Then your worship knows not,
sees not?"

"No indeed, your reverence,
I am not one who knows not,
sees not.

I know.

I see."




"How is it, friend?[4]

When questioned thus:

'Does your worship hold the view:
Eternal is the world;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation?'
you reply:
'No indeed, your reverence,
I hold not this view:
Eternal is the world;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation.'

When questioned thus:

'Does your worship hold the view:
Not eternal is the world;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation?'
you reply:
'No indeed, your reverence,
I hold not this view:
Not eternal is the world;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation.'

When questioned thus:

'Does your worship hold the view:
limited is the world;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation?'
you reply:
'No indeed, your reverence,
I hold not this view:
limited is the world;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation.'

When questioned thus:

'Does your worship hold the view:
unlimited is the world;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation?'
you reply:
'No indeed, your reverence,
I hold not this view:
unlimited is the world;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation.'

When questioned thus:

'Does your worship hold the view:
what is soul, that is body;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation?'
you reply:
'No indeed, your reverence,
I hold not this view:
what is soul, that is body;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation.'

When questioned thus:

'Does your worship hold the view:
soul is other than body;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation?'
you reply:
'No indeed, your reverence,
I hold not this view:
soul is other than body;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation.'

When questioned thus:

'Does your worship hold the view:
the wayfarer (man) is beyond death;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation?'
you reply:
'No indeed, your reverence,
I hold not this view:
the wayfarer (man) is beyond death;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation.'

When questioned thus:

'Does your worship hold the view:
the wayfarer (man) is not beyond death;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation?'
you reply:
'No indeed, your reverence,
I hold not this view:
the wayfarer (man) is not beyond death;;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation.'

When questioned thus:

'Does your worship hold the view:
the wayfarer (man) both is and is not beyond death;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation?'
you reply:
'No indeed, your reverence,
I hold not this view:
the wayfarer (man) both is and is not beyond death;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation.'

When questioned thus:

'Does your worship hold the view:
the wayfarer (man) neither is nor is not beyond death;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation?'
you reply:
'No indeed, your reverence,
I hold not this view:
the wayfarer (man) both is and is not beyond death;
this is the truth;
other view is infatuation.'

When thus questioned:

'Does your worship know not,
see not?'
you reply:
'No indeed, your reverence,
I am not one who knows not,
who sees not.
I know.
I see.'

Pray how is the meaning of your words to be understood?"

"Your reverence,
to regard the world as eternal,
(and to hold) this is the truth;
other view is infatuation -
this is going-to-view.

Your reverence,
to regard the world as not eternal,
(and to hold) this is the truth;
other view is infatuation -
this is going-to-view.

Your reverence,
to regard the world as limited,
(and to hold) this is the truth;
other view is infatuation -
this is going-to-view.

Your reverence,
to regard the world as unlimited,
(and to hold) this is the truth;
other view is infatuation -
this is going-to-view.

Your reverence,
to regard soul as body,
(and to hold) this is the truth;
other view is infatuation -
this is going-to-view.

Your reverence,
to regard soul as different than body,
(and to hold) this is the truth;
other view is infatuation -
this is going-to-view.

Your reverence,
to regard the wayfarer,(man) as being[5] beyond death,
(and to hold) this is the truth;
other view is infatuation -
this is going-to-view.

Your reverence,
to regard the wayfarer,(man) as not being beyond death,
(and to hold) this is the truth;
other view is infatuation -
this is going-to-view.

Your reverence,
to regard the wayfarer,(man) as both being and not being beyond death,
(and to hold) this is the truth;
other view is infatuation -
this is going-to-view.

Your reverence,
to regard the wayfarer,(man) as neither being nor not being beyond death,
(and to hold) this is the truth;
other view is infatuation -
this is going-to-view.




As regards going-to-view, your reverence,
as regards fixing on view,
relying on view,
as regards obsession by view,
rising up[6] from view
and rooting up view[7] -
since in all that I am one who knows,
who sees,
why should I profess that I know not,
that I see not?

I know,
your reverence,
I see."




"Pray what is the venerable one's name?

And by what name
do his fellows in the Brahma-life
know the venerable one?"

[137] "Ānanda is my name,
your reverence.

By that name
my fellows in the Brahma-life know me."


I have been talking with his worship the great teacher
and knew not it was the venerable Ānanda!

Had I been aware
of its being the venerable Ānanda,
I would not have said thus much.

So let the venerable Ānanda pardon me."


[1] Tapodā means 'hot waters.' Cf. K.S. i, 14; Vin. iii, 108 (quoted UdA. 72); VinA. 512. Here was a hot spring, says SA. i, 38, because the Brazen Purgatory was beneath.

[2] Pubbāpayamāno as at M. i, 161, and SA. on S. i, 8 (where text has sukkhāpayamāno). Comy. explains 'make them dry as before (pubba-sadisāni).' Trenckner, however, at M. i, 453 gives a Comy. pubba-bhāvaṃ gamayamāno.

[3] Kiñci-d-eva desaṃ; cf. § 23 above.

[4] Here the Wanderer uses the familiar bho Ānanda uses āvuso, the term of equals in religious standing, but ends up with āyasmā, in addressing him.

[5] 'Being' = 'existing.'

[6] Samuṭṭhāna. Comy., however, takes this as a synonym of the word before.

[7] This, according to Comy., constitutes the stream-winner.

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