Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
X. Dasaka-Nipāta
XII: Paccorohaṇī-Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
X. The Book of the Tens
XII: The Descent

Sutta 114

Dutiya Adhamma Suttaṃ

Not-Dhamma (b)

Translated from the Pali by F. L. Woodward, M.A.

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[1] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One addressed the monks, saying:


"Yes, lord," they replied, and the Exalted One said:

"Monks, not-Dhamma
and Dhamma
are to be understood,
likewise not-aim
and aim.

When one knows not-Dhamma
and Dhamma,
and not-aim
and aim,
one should fare onward according to Dhamma
and according to aim.




And what are not-Dhamma and not-aim?

Wrong view, monks, is not-Dhamma;
right view is Dhamma;
also whatsoever divers evil,
unprofitable states
come to be
because of wrong view,
that is not-aim;
whereas whatsoever divers good,
profitable states
due to right view
reach fullness of culture,
that is the aim.

Wrong thinking, monks, is not-Dhamma;
right thinking is Dhamma;
also whatsoever divers evil,
unprofitable states
come to be
because of wrong thinking,
that is not-aim;
whereas whatsoever divers good,
profitable states
due to right thinking
reach fullness of culture,
that is the aim.

Wrong speech, monks, is not-Dhamma;
right speech is Dhamma;
also whatsoever divers evil,
unprofitable states
come to be
because of wrong speech,
that is not-aim;
whereas whatsoever divers good,
profitable states
due to right speech
reach fullness of culture,
that is the aim.

Wrong action, monks, is not-Dhamma;
right action is Dhamma;
also whatsoever divers evil,
unprofitable states
come to be
because of wrong action,
that is not-aim;
whereas whatsoever divers good,
profitable states
due to right action
reach fullness of culture,
that is the aim.

Wrong living, monks, is not-Dhamma;
right living is Dhamma;
also whatsoever divers evil,
unprofitable states
come to be
because of wrong living,
that is not-aim;
whereas whatsoever divers good,
profitable states
due to right living
reach fullness of culture,
that is the aim.

Wrong effort, monks, is not-Dhamma;
right effort is Dhamma;
also whatsoever divers evil,
unprofitable states
come to be
because of wrong effort,
that is not-aim;
whereas whatsoever divers good,
profitable states
due to right effort
reach fullness of culture,
that is the aim.

Wrong mindfulness, monks, is not-Dhamma;
right mindfulness is Dhamma;
also whatsoever divers evil,
unprofitable states
come to be
because of wrong mindfulness,
that is not-aim;
whereas whatsoever divers good,
profitable states
due to right mindfulness
reach fullness of culture,
that is the aim.

Wrong concentration, monks, is not-Dhamma;
right concentration is Dhamma;
also whatsoever divers evil,
unprofitable states
come to be
because of wrong concentration,
that is not-aim;
whereas whatsoever divers good,
profitable states
due to right concentration
reach fullness of culture,
that is the aim.

Wrong knowledge, monks, is not-Dhamma;
right knowledge is Dhamma;
also whatsoever divers evil,
unprofitable states
come to be
because of wrong knowledge,
that is not-aim;
whereas whatsoever divers good,
profitable states
due to right knowledge
reach fullness of culture,
that is the aim.

[224]Wrong release, monks, is not-Dhamma;
right release is Dhamma;
also whatsoever divers evil,
unprofitable states
come to be
because of wrong release,
that is not-aim;
whereas whatsoever divers good,
profitable states
due to right release
reach fullness of culture,
that is the aim[ed1].




"Monks, not-Dhamma
and Dhamma
are to be understood,
likewise not-aim
and aim.

When one knows not-Dhamma
and Dhamma,
and not-aim
and aim,
one should fare onward according to Dhamma
and according to aim.

What I have said was said because of this."


[ed1] Woodward switches to 'profit' here.

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