Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
X. Dasaka-Nipāta
XXII: Sāmañña-Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
X. The Book of the Tens
XXII: Characteristics

Sutta 214

Pañcamādi Suttāni


Translated from the Pali by F. L. Woodward, M.A.

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[1] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One addressed the monks, saying:


"Yes, lord," they replied, and the Exalted One said:

"Monks, possessing ten qualities one carries about with him a lifeless, uprooted self[1].

What ten?

Herein a certain one takes life,
takes what is not given,
in sexual desires
is a wrong-doer,
is a liar,
is a slanderer,
is of harsh speech,
is given to idle babble,
is covetous,
is malevolent of heart,
has wrong view.

"Monks, possessing these ten qualities one carries about with him a lifeless, uprooted self.




Possessing ten qualities one carries about with him a self not lifeless, not uprooted.

What ten?

Herein a certain one abandons taking life,
abandons taking what is not given,
in sexual desires
she abandons wrong action,
she abandons lying speech,
she abandoning slanderous speech,
she abandons harsh speech,
she abandons idle babble,
she is not covetous,
she is not malevolent of heart,
she has right view.

Possessing these ten qualities one carries about with him a self not lifeless, not uprooted.'




"Monks, possessing twenty qualities
one carries about with him a lifeless, uprooted self.

What twenty?

Herein a certain one himself takes life,
and he encourages another to take life.

He himself takes what is not given,
and he encourages another takes what is not given.

He himself in sexual desires
is a wrong-doer,
and he encourages another in wrong-doing in sexual desires.

He himself is a liar,
and he encourages another to lie.

He himself is a slanderer,
and he encourages another to slander.

He himself is of harsh speech,
and he encourages another to slander.

He himself is given to idle babble,
and he encourages another in idle babble.

He himself is covetous,
and he encourages another covetousness.

He himself is malevolent of heart,
and he encourages another in malevolence of heart.

He himself has wrong view,
and he encourages another in wrong view.

"Monks, possessing these twenty qualities
one carries about with him a lifeless, uprooted self.




Possessing twenty qualities
one carries about with him a self not lifeless, not uprooted.

What twenty?

Herein a certain one himself abstains from taking life,
and he encourages another to abstain from taking life.

He himself abstains from taking what is not given,
and he encourages another to abstain from taking what is not given.

He himself, abstains from wrong action in sexual desires,
and he encourages another to abstain from wrong action in sexual desires.

He himself abstains from lying speech,
and he encourages another to abstain from lying speech.

He himself abstains from slanderous speech,
and he encourages another to abstain from slanderous speech.

He himself abstains from harsh speech,
and he encourages another to abstain from harsh speech.

He himself abstains from idle babble,
and he encourages another to abstain from idle babble.

He himself abstains from covetousness,
and he encourages another to abstain from covetousness.

He himself abstains from malevolence of heart,
and he encourages another to abstain from malevolence of heart.

He himself has right view,
and he encourages another in right view.

Possessing these twenty qualities one carries about with him a self not lifeless, not uprooted.'




"Monks, possessing thirty qualities
one carries about with him a lifeless, uprooted self.

What thirty?

Herein a certain one himself takes life,
and he encourages another to take life,
and he approves of taking life.

He himself takes what is not given,
and he encourages another takes what is not given,
and he approves of taking what is not given.

He himself in sexual desires
is a wrong-doer,
and he encourages another in wrong-doing in sexual desires,
and he approves of wrong-doing in sexual desires.

He himself is a liar,
and he encourages another to lie,
and he approves of lying.

He himself is a slanderer,
and he encourages another to slander,
and he approves of slander.

He himself is of harsh speech,
and he encourages another to slander,
and he approves of harsh speech.

He himself is given to idle babble,
and he encourages another in idle babble,
and he approves of idle babble.

He himself is covetous,
and he encourages another covetousness,
and he approves of covetousness.

He himself is malevolent of heart,
and he encourages another in malevolence of heart,
and he approves of malevolence of heart.

He himself has wrong view,
and he encourages another in wrong view,
and he approves of wrong view.

"Monks, possessing these thirty qualities
one carries about with him a lifeless, uprooted self.




Possessing thirty qualities
one carries about with him a self not lifeless, not uprooted.

What thirty?

Herein a certain one himself abstains from taking life,
and he encourages another to abstain from taking life,
and he approves of abstaining from taking life.

He himself abstains from taking what is not given,
and he encourages another to abstain from taking what is not given,
and he approves of abstaining from taking what is not given.

He himself, abstains from wrong action in sexual desires,
and he encourages another to abstain from wrong action in sexual desires,
and he approves of abstaining from wrong action in sexual desires.

He himself abstains from lying speech,
and he encourages another to abstain from lying speech,
and he approves of abstaining from lying speech.

He himself abstains from slanderous speech,
and he encourages another to abstain from slanderous speech,
and he approves of abstaining from slanderous speech.

He himself abstains from harsh speech,
and he encourages another to abstain from harsh speech,
and he approves of abstaining from harsh speech.

He himself abstains from idle babble,
and he encourages another to abstain from idle babble,
and he approves of abstaining from idle babble.

He himself abstains from covetousness,
and he encourages another to abstain from covetousness,
and he approves of abstaining from covetousness.

He himself abstains from malevolence of heart,
and he encourages another to abstain from malevolence of heart,
and he approves of abstaining from malevolence of heart.

He himself has right view,
and he encourages another in right view,
and he approves of right view.

Possessing these thirty qualities one carries about with him a self not lifeless, not uprooted.'




"Monks, possessing fourty qualities
one carries about with him a lifeless, uprooted self.

What fourty?

Herein a certain one himself takes life,
and he encourages another to take life,
and he approves of taking life,
and he speaks in praise of taking life.

He himself takes what is not given,
and he encourages another takes what is not given,
and he approves of taking what is not given,
and he speaks in praise of taking what is not given.

He himself in sexual desires
is a wrong-doer,
and he encourages another in wrong-doing in sexual desires,
and he approves of wrong-doing in sexual desires,
and he speaks in praise of wrong-doing in sexual desires.

He himself is a liar,
and he encourages another to lie,
and he approves of lying,
and he speaks in praise of lying.

He himself is a slanderer,
and he encourages another to slander,
and he approves of slander,
and he speaks in praise of slander.

He himself is of harsh speech,
and he encourages another to slander,
and he approves of harsh speech,
and he speaks in praise of harsh speech.

He himself is given to idle babble,
and he encourages another in idle babble,
and he approves of idle babble,
and he speaks in praise of idle babble.

He himself is covetous,
and he encourages another covetousness,
and he approves of covetousness,
and he speaks in praise of covetousness.

He himself is malevolent of heart,
and he encourages another in malevolence of heart,
and he approves of malevolence of heart,
and he speaks in praise of malevolence of heart.

He himself has wrong view,
and he encourages another in wrong view,
and he approves of wrong view,
and he speaks in praise of wrong view.

"Monks, possessing these fourty qualities
one carries about with him a lifeless, uprooted self.




Possessing fourty qualities
one carries about with him a self not lifeless, not uprooted.

What fourty?

Herein a certain one himself abstains from taking life,
and he encourages another to abstain from taking life,
and he approves of abstaining from taking life,
and he speaks in praise of abstaining from taking life.

He himself abstains from taking what is not given,
and he encourages another to abstain from taking what is not given,
and he approves of abstaining from taking what is not given,
and he speaks in praise of abstaining from taking what is not given.

He himself, abstains from wrong action in sexual desires,
and he encourages another to abstain from wrong action in sexual desires,
and he approves of abstaining from wrong action in sexual desires,
and he speaks in praise of abstaining from wrong action in sexusl desires.

He himself abstains from lying speech,
and he encourages another to abstain from lying speech,
and he approves of abstaining from lying speech,
and he speaks in praise of abstaining from lying speech.

He himself abstains from slanderous speech,
and he encourages another to abstain from slanderous speech,
and he approves of abstaining from slanderous speech,
and he speaks in praise of abstaining from slanderous speech.

He himself abstains from harsh speech,
and he encourages another to abstain from harsh speech,
and he approves of abstaining from harsh speech,
and he speaks in praise of abstaining from harsh speech.

He himself abstains from idle babble,
and he encourages another to abstain from idle babble,
and he approves of abstaining from idle babble,
and he speaks in praise of abstaining from idle babble.

He himself abstains from covetousness,
and he encourages another to abstain from covetousness,
and he approves of abstaining from covetousness,
and he speaks in praise of abstaining from covetousness.

He himself abstains from malevolence of heart,
and he encourages another to abstain from malevolence of heart,
and he approves of abstaining from malevolence of heart,
and he speaks in praise of abstaining from malevolence of heart.

He himself has right view,
and he encourages another in right view,
and he approves of right view,
and he speaks in praise of right view.

Possessing these fourty qualities one carries about with him a self not lifeless, not uprooted."


[1] Khataṃ attānaṃ pariharati, as at G.S. ii, 3, etc., where the title is thus.

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