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Aṇguttara Nikāya
X. Dasaka-Nipāta
XXII: Sāmañña-Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
X. The Book of the Tens
XXII: Characteristics

Sutta 219


Lust, Malice and the Rest

Translated from the Pali by F. L. Woodward, M.A.

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[1] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One addressed the monks, saying:


"Yes, lord," they replied, and the Exalted One said:


Perfect Understanding




219 (1)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of lust.




220 (2)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of lust.




221 (3)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of lust.

Utter Destruction




222 (1)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of lust.




223 (2)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of lust.




224 (3)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of lust.





225 (1)

"Monks, for the abandoning of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of lust.




226 (2)

"Monks, for the abandoning of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of lust.




227 (3)

"Monks, for the abandoning of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of lust.

Wearing Out




228 (1)

"Monks, for the wearing out of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of lust.




229 (2)

"Monks, for the wearing out of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of lust.




230 (3)

"Monks, for the wearing out of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of lust.

Passing Away




231 (1)

"Monks, for the passing away of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of lust.




232 (2)

"Monks, for the passing away of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of lust.




233 (3)

"Monks, for the passing away of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of lust.

Fading of Interest In




234 (1)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in lust.




235 (2)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in lust.




236 (3)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in lust.





237 (1)

"Monks, for the ending of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of lust.




238 (2)

"Monks, for the ending of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of lust.




239 (3)

"Monks, for the ending of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of lust.

Calming Down




240 (1)

"Monks, for the calming down of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of lust.




241 (2)

"Monks, for the calming down of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of lust.




242 (3)

"Monks, for the calming down of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of lust.

Giving Up




243 (1)

"Monks, for the giving up of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of lust.




244 (2)

"Monks, for the giving up of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of lust.




245 (3)

"Monks, for the giving up of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of lust.

Casting Away




246 (1)

"Monks, for the casting away of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of lust.




247 (2)

"Monks, for the casting away of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of lust.




248 (3)

"Monks, for the casting away of lust
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of lust.


Perfect Understanding




249 (1)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of malice.




250 (2)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of malice.




251 (3)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of malice.

Utter Destruction




252 (1)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of malice.




253 (2)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of malice.




254 (3)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of malice.





255 (1)

"Monks, for the abandoning of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of malice.




256 (2)

"Monks, for the abandoning of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of malice.




257 (3)

"Monks, for the abandoning of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of malice.

Wearing Out




258 (1)

"Monks, for the wearing out of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of malice.




259 (2)

"Monks, for the wearing out of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of malice.




260 (3)

"Monks, for the wearing out of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of malice.

Passing Away




261 (1)

"Monks, for the passing away of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of malice.




262 (2)

"Monks, for the passing away of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of malice.




263 (3)

"Monks, for the passing away of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of malice.

Fading of Interest In




264 (1)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in malice.




265 (2)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in malice.




266 (3)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in malice.





267 (1)

"Monks, for the ending of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of malice.




268 (2)

"Monks, for the ending of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of malice.




269 (3)

"Monks, for the ending of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of malice.

Calming Down




270 (1)

"Monks, for the calming down of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of malice.




271 (2)

"Monks, for the calming down of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of malice.




272 (3)

"Monks, for the calming down of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of malice.

Giving Up




273 (1)

"Monks, for the giving up of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of malice.




274 (2)

"Monks, for the giving up of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of malice.




275 (3)

"Monks, for the giving up of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of malice.

Casting Away




276 (1)

"Monks, for the casting away of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of malice.




277 (2)

"Monks, for the casting away of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of malice.




278 (3)

"Monks, for the casting away of malice
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of malice.



Perfect Understanding




279 (1)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of delusion.




280 (2)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of delusion.




281 (3)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of delusion.

Utter Destruction




282 (1)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of delusion.




283 (2)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of delusion.




284 (3)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of delusion.





285 (1)

"Monks, for the abandoning of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of delusion.




286 (2)

"Monks, for the abandoning of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of delusion.




287 (3)

"Monks, for the abandoning of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of delusion.

Wearing Out




288 (1)

"Monks, for the wearing out of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of delusion.




289 (2)

"Monks, for the wearing out of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of delusion.




290 (3)

"Monks, for the wearing out of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of delusion.

Passing Away




291 (1)

"Monks, for the passing away of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of delusion.




292 (2)

"Monks, for the passing away of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of delusion.




293 (3)

"Monks, for the passing away of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of delusion.

Fading of Interest In




294 (1)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in delusion.




295 (2)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in delusion.




296 (3)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in delusion.





297 (1)

"Monks, for the ending of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of delusion.




298 (2)

"Monks, for the ending of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of delusion.




299 (3)

"Monks, for the ending of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of delusion.

Calming Down




300 (1)

"Monks, for the calming down of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of delusion.




301 (2)

"Monks, for the calming down of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of delusion.




302 (3)

"Monks, for the calming down of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of delusion.

Giving Up




303 (1)

"Monks, for the giving up of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of delusion.




304 (2)

"Monks, for the giving up of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of delusion.




305 (3)

"Monks, for the giving up of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of delusion.

Casting Away




306 (1)

"Monks, for the casting away of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of delusion.




307 (2)

"Monks, for the casting away of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of delusion.




308 (3)

"Monks, for the casting away of delusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of delusion.


Perfect Understanding




309 (1)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of wrath.




310 (2)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of wrath.




311 (3)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of wrath.

Utter Destruction




312 (1)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of wrath.




313 (2)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of wrath.




314 (3)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of wrath.





315 (1)

"Monks, for the abandoning of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of wrath.




316 (2)

"Monks, for the abandoning of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of wrath.




317 (3)

"Monks, for the abandoning of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of wrath.

Wearing Out




318 (1)

"Monks, for the wearing out of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of wrath.




319 (2)

"Monks, for the wearing out of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of wrath.




320 (3)

"Monks, for the wearing out of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of wrath.

Passing Away




321 (1)

"Monks, for the passing away of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of wrath.




322 (2)

"Monks, for the passing away of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of wrath.




323 (3)

"Monks, for the passing away of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of wrath.

Fading of Interest In




324 (1)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in wrath.




325 (2)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in wrath.




326 (3)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in wrath.





327 (1)

"Monks, for the ending of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of wrath.




328 (2)

"Monks, for the ending of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of wrath.




329 (3)

"Monks, for the ending of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of wrath.

Calming Down




330 (1)

"Monks, for the calming down of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of wrath.




331 (2)

"Monks, for the calming down of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of wrath.




332 (3)

"Monks, for the calming down of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of wrath.

Giving Up




333 (1)

"Monks, for the giving up of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of wrath.




334 (2)

"Monks, for the giving up of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of wrath.




335 (3)

"Monks, for the giving up of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of wrath.

Casting Away




336 (1)

"Monks, for the casting away of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of wrath.




337 (2)

"Monks, for the casting away of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of wrath.




338 (3)

"Monks, for the casting away of wrath
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of wrath.


Perfect Understanding




339 (1)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of enmity.




340 (2)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of enmity.




341 (3)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of enmity.

Utter Destruction




342 (1)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of enmity.




343 (2)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of enmity.




344 (3)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of enmity.





345 (1)

"Monks, for the abandoning of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of enmity.




346 (2)

"Monks, for the abandoning of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of enmity.




347 (3)

"Monks, for the abandoning of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of enmity.

Wearing Out




348 (1)

"Monks, for the wearing out of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of enmity.




349 (2)

"Monks, for the wearing out of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of enmity.




350 (3)

"Monks, for the wearing out of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of enmity.

Passing Away




351 (1)

"Monks, for the passing away of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of enmity.




352 (2)

"Monks, for the passing away of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of enmity.




353 (3)

"Monks, for the passing away of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of enmity.

Fading of Interest In




354 (1)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in enmity.




355 (2)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in enmity.




356 (3)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in enmity.





357 (1)

"Monks, for the ending of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of enmity.




358 (2)

"Monks, for the ending of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of enmity.




359 (3)

"Monks, for the ending of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of enmity.

Calming Down




360 (1)

"Monks, for the calming down of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of enmity.




361 (2)

"Monks, for the calming down of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of enmity.




362 (3)

"Monks, for the calming down of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of enmity.

Giving Up




363 (1)

"Monks, for the giving up of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of enmity.




364 (2)

"Monks, for the giving up of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of enmity.




365 (3)

"Monks, for the giving up of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of enmity.

Casting Away




366 (1)

"Monks, for the casting away of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of enmity.




367 (2)

"Monks, for the casting away of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of enmity.




368 (3)

"Monks, for the casting away of enmity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of enmity.


Perfect Understanding




369 (1)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of depreciation.




370 (2)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of depreciation.




371 (3)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of depreciation.

Utter Destruction




372 (1)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of depreciation.




373 (2)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of depreciation.




374 (3)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of depreciation.





375 (1)

"Monks, for the abandoning of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of depreciation.




376 (2)

"Monks, for the abandoning of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of depreciation.




377 (3)

"Monks, for the abandoning of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of depreciation.

Wearing Out




378 (1)

"Monks, for the wearing out of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of depreciation.




379 (2)

"Monks, for the wearing out of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of depreciation.




380 (3)

"Monks, for the wearing out of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of depreciation.

Passing Away




381 (1)

"Monks, for the passing away of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of depreciation.




382 (2)

"Monks, for the passing away of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of depreciation.




383 (3)

"Monks, for the passing away of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of depreciation.

Fading of Interest In




384 (1)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in depreciation.




385 (2)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in depreciation.




386 (3)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in depreciation.





387 (1)

"Monks, for the ending of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of depreciation.




388 (2)

"Monks, for the ending of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of depreciation.




389 (3)

"Monks, for the ending of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of depreciation.

Calming Down




390 (1)

"Monks, for the calming down of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of depreciation.




391 (2)

"Monks, for the calming down of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of depreciation.




392 (3)

"Monks, for the calming down of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of depreciation.

Giving Up




393 (1)

"Monks, for the giving up of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of depreciation.




394 (2)

"Monks, for the giving up of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of depreciation.




395 (3)

"Monks, for the giving up of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of depreciation.

Casting Away




396 (1)

"Monks, for the casting away of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of depreciation.




397 (2)

"Monks, for the casting away of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of depreciation.




398 (3)

"Monks, for the casting away of depreciation
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of depreciation.

Unmercifulness [Palāsassa][ed1]

Perfect Understanding




399 (1)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of unmercifulness.




400 (2)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of unmercifulness.




401 (3)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of unmercifulness.

Utter Destruction




402 (1)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of unmercifulness.




403 (2)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of unmercifulness.




404 (3)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of unmercifulness.





405 (1)

"Monks, for the abandoning of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of unmercifulness.




406 (2)

"Monks, for the abandoning of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of unmercifulness.




407 (3)

"Monks, for the abandoning of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of unmercifulness.

Wearing Out




408 (1)

"Monks, for the wearing out of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of unmercifulness.




409 (2)

"Monks, for the wearing out of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of unmercifulness.




410 (3)

"Monks, for the wearing out of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of unmercifulness.

Passing Away




411 (1)

"Monks, for the passing away of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of unmercifulness.




412 (2)

"Monks, for the passing away of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of unmercifulness.




413 (3)

"Monks, for the passing away of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of unmercifulness.

Fading of Interest In




414 (1)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in unmercifulness.




415 (2)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in unmercifulness.




416 (3)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in unmercifulness.





417 (1)

"Monks, for the ending of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of unmercifulness.




418 (2)

"Monks, for the ending of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of unmercifulness.




419 (3)

"Monks, for the ending of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of unmercifulness.

Calming Down




420 (1)

"Monks, for the calming down of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of unmercifulness.




421 (2)

"Monks, for the calming down of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of unmercifulness.




422 (3)

"Monks, for the calming down of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of unmercifulness.

Giving Up




423 (1)

"Monks, for the giving up of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of unmercifulness.




424 (2)

"Monks, for the giving up of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of unmercifulness.




425 (3)

"Monks, for the giving up of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of unmercifulness.

Casting Away




426 (1)

"Monks, for the casting away of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of unmercifulness.




427 (2)

"Monks, for the casting away of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of unmercifulness.




428 (3)

"Monks, for the casting away of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of unmercifulness.

Jealousy [Issāya][ed2]

Perfect Understanding




429 (1)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of unmercifulness.




430 (2)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of unmercifulness.




431 (3)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of unmercifulness.

Utter Destruction




432 (1)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of unmercifulness.




433 (2)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of unmercifulness.




434 (3)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of unmercifulness.





435 (1)

"Monks, for the abandoning of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of unmercifulness.




436 (2)

"Monks, for the abandoning of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of unmercifulness.




437 (3)

"Monks, for the abandoning of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of unmercifulness.

Wearing Out




438 (1)

"Monks, for the wearing out of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of unmercifulness.




439 (2)

"Monks, for the wearing out of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of unmercifulness.




440 (3)

"Monks, for the wearing out of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of unmercifulness.

Passing Away




441 (1)

"Monks, for the passing away of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of unmercifulness.




442 (2)

"Monks, for the passing away of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of unmercifulness.




443 (3)

"Monks, for the passing away of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of unmercifulness.

Fading of Interest In




444 (1)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in unmercifulness.




445 (2)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in unmercifulness.




446 (3)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in unmercifulness.





447 (1)

"Monks, for the ending of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of unmercifulness.




448 (2)

"Monks, for the ending of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of unmercifulness.




449 (3)

"Monks, for the ending of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of unmercifulness.

Calming Down




450 (1)

"Monks, for the calming down of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of unmercifulness.




451 (2)

"Monks, for the calming down of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of unmercifulness.




452 (3)

"Monks, for the calming down of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of unmercifulness.

Giving Up




453 (1)

"Monks, for the giving up of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of unmercifulness.




454 (2)

"Monks, for the giving up of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of unmercifulness.




455 (3)

"Monks, for the giving up of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of unmercifulness.

Casting Away




456 (1)

"Monks, for the casting away of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of unmercifulness.




457 (2)

"Monks, for the casting away of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of unmercifulness.




458 (3)

"Monks, for the casting away of unmercifulness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of unmercifulness.

Selfishness [Macchariyassa][ed3]

Perfect Understanding




459 (1)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of selfishness.




460 (2)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of selfishness.




461 (3)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of selfishness.

Utter Destruction




462 (1)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of selfishness.




463 (2)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of selfishness.




464 (3)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of selfishness.





465 (1)

"Monks, for the abandoning of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of selfishness.




466 (2)

"Monks, for the abandoning of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of selfishness.




467 (3)

"Monks, for the abandoning of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of selfishness.

Wearing Out




468 (1)

"Monks, for the wearing out of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of selfishness.




469 (2)

"Monks, for the wearing out of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of selfishness.




470 (3)

"Monks, for the wearing out of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of selfishness.

Passing Away




471 (1)

"Monks, for the passing away of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of selfishness.




472 (2)

"Monks, for the passing away of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of selfishness.




473 (3)

"Monks, for the passing away of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of selfishness.

Fading of Interest In




474 (1)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in selfishness.




475 (2)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in selfishness.




476 (3)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in selfishness.





477 (1)

"Monks, for the ending of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of selfishness.




478 (2)

"Monks, for the ending of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of selfishness.




479 (3)

"Monks, for the ending of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of selfishness.

Calming Down




480 (1)

"Monks, for the calming down of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of selfishness.




481 (2)

"Monks, for the calming down of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of selfishness.




482 (3)

"Monks, for the calming down of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of selfishness.

Giving Up




483 (1)

"Monks, for the giving up of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of selfishness.




484 (2)

"Monks, for the giving up of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of selfishness.




485 (3)

"Monks, for the giving up of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of selfishness.

Casting Away




486 (1)

"Monks, for the casting away of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of selfishness.




487 (2)

"Monks, for the casting away of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of selfishness.




488 (3)

"Monks, for the casting away of selfishness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of selfishness.


Perfect Understanding




489 (1)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of illusion.




490 (2)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of illusion.




491 (3)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of illusion.

Utter Destruction




492 (1)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of illusion.




493 (2)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of illusion.




494 (3)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of illusion.





495 (1)

"Monks, for the abandoning of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of illusion.




496 (2)

"Monks, for the abandoning of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of illusion.




497 (3)

"Monks, for the abandoning of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of illusion.

Wearing Out




498 (1)

"Monks, for the wearing out of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of illusion.




499 (2)

"Monks, for the wearing out of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of illusion.




500 (3)

"Monks, for the wearing out of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of illusion.

Passing Away




501 (1)

"Monks, for the passing away of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of illusion.




502 (2)

"Monks, for the passing away of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of illusion.




503 (3)

"Monks, for the passing away of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of illusion.

Fading of Interest In




504 (1)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in illusion.




505 (2)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in illusion.




506 (3)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in illusion.





507 (1)

"Monks, for the ending of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of illusion.




508 (2)

"Monks, for the ending of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of illusion.




509 (3)

"Monks, for the ending of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of illusion.

Calming Down




510 (1)

"Monks, for the calming down of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of illusion.




511 (2)

"Monks, for the calming down of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of illusion.




512 (3)

"Monks, for the calming down of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of illusion.

Giving Up




513 (1)

"Monks, for the giving up of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of illusion.




514 (2)

"Monks, for the giving up of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of illusion.




515 (3)

"Monks, for the giving up of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of illusion.

Casting Away




516 (1)

"Monks, for the casting away of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of illusion.




517 (2)

"Monks, for the casting away of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of illusion.




518 (3)

"Monks, for the casting away of illusion
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of illusion.


Perfect Understanding




519 (1)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of treachery.




520 (2)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of treachery.




521 (3)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of treachery.

Utter Destruction




522 (1)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of treachery.




523 (2)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of treachery.




524 (3)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of treachery.





525 (1)

"Monks, for the abandoning of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of treachery.




526 (2)

"Monks, for the abandoning of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of treachery.




527 (3)

"Monks, for the abandoning of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of treachery.

Wearing Out




528 (1)

"Monks, for the wearing out of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of treachery.




529 (2)

"Monks, for the wearing out of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of treachery.




530 (3)

"Monks, for the wearing out of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of treachery.

Passing Away




531 (1)

"Monks, for the passing away of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of treachery.




532 (2)

"Monks, for the passing away of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of treachery.




533 (3)

"Monks, for the passing away of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of treachery.

Fading of Interest In




534 (1)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in treachery.




535 (2)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in treachery.




536 (3)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in treachery.





537 (1)

"Monks, for the ending of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of treachery.




538 (2)

"Monks, for the ending of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of treachery.




539 (3)

"Monks, for the ending of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of treachery.

Calming Down




540 (1)

"Monks, for the calming down of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of treachery.




541 (2)

"Monks, for the calming down of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of treachery.




542 (3)

"Monks, for the calming down of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of treachery.

Giving Up




543 (1)

"Monks, for the giving up of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of treachery.




544 (2)

"Monks, for the giving up of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of treachery.




545 (3)

"Monks, for the giving up of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of treachery.

Casting Away




546 (1)

"Monks, for the casting away of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of treachery.




547 (2)

"Monks, for the casting away of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of treachery.




548 (3)

"Monks, for the casting away of treachery
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of treachery.


Perfect Understanding




549 (1)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of stubbornness.




550 (2)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of stubbornness.




551 (3)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of stubbornness.

Utter Destruction




552 (1)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of stubbornness.




553 (2)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of stubbornness.




554 (3)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of stubbornness.





555 (1)

"Monks, for the abandoning of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of stubbornness.




556 (2)

"Monks, for the abandoning of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of stubbornness.




557 (3)

"Monks, for the abandoning of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of stubbornness.

Wearing Out




558 (1)

"Monks, for the wearing out of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of stubbornness.




559 (2)

"Monks, for the wearing out of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of stubbornness.




560 (3)

"Monks, for the wearing out of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of stubbornness.

Passing Away




561 (1)

"Monks, for the passing away of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of stubbornness.




562 (2)

"Monks, for the passing away of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of stubbornness.




563 (3)

"Monks, for the passing away of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of stubbornness.

Fading of Interest In




564 (1)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in stubbornness.




565 (2)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in stubbornness.




566 (3)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in stubbornness.





567 (1)

"Monks, for the ending of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of stubbornness.




568 (2)

"Monks, for the ending of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of stubbornness.




569 (3)

"Monks, for the ending of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of stubbornness.

Calming Down




570 (1)

"Monks, for the calming down of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of stubbornness.




571 (2)

"Monks, for the calming down of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of stubbornness.




572 (3)

"Monks, for the calming down of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of stubbornness.

Giving Up




573 (1)

"Monks, for the giving up of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of stubbornness.




574 (2)

"Monks, for the giving up of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of stubbornness.




575 (3)

"Monks, for the giving up of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of stubbornness.

Casting Away




576 (1)

"Monks, for the casting away of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of stubbornness.




577 (2)

"Monks, for the casting away of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of stubbornness.




578 (3)

"Monks, for the casting away of stubbornness
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of stubbornness.


Perfect Understanding




579 (1)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of impetuosity.




580 (2)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of impetuosity.




581 (3)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of impetuosity.

Utter Destruction




582 (1)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of impetuosity.




583 (2)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of impetuosity.




584 (3)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of impetuosity.





585 (1)

"Monks, for the abandoning of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of impetuosity.




586 (2)

"Monks, for the abandoning of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of impetuosity.




587 (3)

"Monks, for the abandoning of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of impetuosity.

Wearing Out




588 (1)

"Monks, for the wearing out of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of impetuosity.




589 (2)

"Monks, for the wearing out of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of impetuosity.




590 (3)

"Monks, for the wearing out of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of impetuosity.

Passing Away




591 (1)

"Monks, for the passing away of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of impetuosity.




592 (2)

"Monks, for the passing away of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of impetuosity.




593 (3)

"Monks, for the passing away of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of impetuosity.

Fading of Interest In




594 (1)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in impetuosity.




595 (2)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in impetuosity.




596 (3)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in impetuosity.





597 (1)

"Monks, for the ending of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of impetuosity.




598 (2)

"Monks, for the ending of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of impetuosity.




599 (3)

"Monks, for the ending of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of impetuosity.

Calming Down




600 (1)

"Monks, for the calming down of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of impetuosity.




601 (2)

"Monks, for the calming down of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of impetuosity.




602 (3)

"Monks, for the calming down of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of impetuosity.

Giving Up




603 (1)

"Monks, for the giving up of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of impetuosity.




604 (2)

"Monks, for the giving up of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of impetuosity.




605 (3)

"Monks, for the giving up of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of impetuosity.

Casting Away




606 (1)

"Monks, for the casting away of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of impetuosity.




607 (2)

"Monks, for the casting away of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of impetuosity.




608 (3)

"Monks, for the casting away of impetuosity
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of impetuosity.


Perfect Understanding




609 (1)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of pride.




610 (2)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of pride.




611 (3)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of pride.

Utter Destruction




612 (1)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of pride.




613 (2)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of pride.




614 (3)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of pride.





615 (1)

"Monks, for the abandoning of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of pride.




616 (2)

"Monks, for the abandoning of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of pride.




617 (3)

"Monks, for the abandoning of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of pride.

Wearing Out




618 (1)

"Monks, for the wearing out of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of pride.




619 (2)

"Monks, for the wearing out of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of pride.




620 (3)

"Monks, for the wearing out of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of pride.

Passing Away




621 (1)

"Monks, for the passing away of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of pride.




622 (2)

"Monks, for the passing away of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of pride.




623 (3)

"Monks, for the passing away of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of pride.

Fading of Interest In




624 (1)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in pride.




625 (2)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in pride.




626 (3)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in pride.





627 (1)

"Monks, for the ending of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of pride.




628 (2)

"Monks, for the ending of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of pride.




629 (3)

"Monks, for the ending of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of pride.

Calming Down




630 (1)

"Monks, for the calming down of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of pride.




631 (2)

"Monks, for the calming down of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of pride.




632 (3)

"Monks, for the calming down of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of pride.

Giving Up




633 (1)

"Monks, for the giving up of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of pride.




634 (2)

"Monks, for the giving up of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of pride.




635 (3)

"Monks, for the giving up of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of pride.

Casting Away




636 (1)

"Monks, for the casting away of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of pride.




637 (2)

"Monks, for the casting away of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of pride.




638 (3)

"Monks, for the casting away of pride
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of pride.

Overbearing Arrogance

Perfect Understanding




639 (1)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of overbearing arrogance.




640 (2)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of overbearing arrogance.




641 (3)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of overbearing arrogance.

Utter Destruction




642 (1)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of overbearing arrogance.




643 (2)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of overbearing arrogance.




644 (3)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of overbearing arrogance.





645 (1)

"Monks, for the abandoning of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of overbearing arrogance.




646 (2)

"Monks, for the abandoning of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of overbearing arrogance.




647 (3)

"Monks, for the abandoning of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of overbearing arrogance.

Wearing Out




648 (1)

"Monks, for the wearing out of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of overbearing arrogance.




649 (2)

"Monks, for the wearing out of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of overbearing arrogance.




650 (3)

"Monks, for the wearing out of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of overbearing arrogance.

Passing Away




651 (1)

"Monks, for the passing away of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of overbearing arrogance.




652 (2)

"Monks, for the passing away of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of overbearing arrogance.




653 (3)

"Monks, for the passing away of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of overbearing arrogance.

Fading of Interest In




654 (1)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in overbearing arrogance.




655 (2)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in overbearing arrogance.




656 (3)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in overbearing arrogance.





657 (1)

"Monks, for the ending of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of overbearing arrogance.




658 (2)

"Monks, for the ending of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of overbearing arrogance.




659 (3)

"Monks, for the ending of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of overbearing arrogance.

Calming Down




660 (1)

"Monks, for the calming down of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of overbearing arrogance.




661 (2)

"Monks, for the calming down of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of overbearing arrogance.




662 (3)

"Monks, for the calming down of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of overbearing arrogance.

Giving Up




663 (1)

"Monks, for the giving up of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of overbearing arrogance.




664 (2)

"Monks, for the giving up of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of overbearing arrogance.




665 (3)

"Monks, for the giving up of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of overbearing arrogance.

Casting Away




666 (1)

"Monks, for the casting away of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of overbearing arrogance.




667 (2)

"Monks, for the casting away of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of overbearing arrogance.




668 (3)

"Monks, for the casting away of overbearing arrogance
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of overbearing arrogance.

Intoxication of Mind

Perfect Understanding




669 (1)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of intoxication of mind.




670 (2)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of intoxication of mind.




671 (3)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of intoxication of mind.

Utter Destruction




672 (1)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of intoxication of mind.




673 (2)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of intoxication of mind.




674 (3)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of intoxication of mind.





675 (1)

"Monks, for the abandoning of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of intoxication of mind.




676 (2)

"Monks, for the abandoning of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of intoxication of mind.




677 (3)

"Monks, for the abandoning of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of intoxication of mind.

Wearing Out




678 (1)

"Monks, for the wearing out of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of intoxication of mind.




679 (2)

"Monks, for the wearing out of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of intoxication of mind.




680 (3)

"Monks, for the wearing out of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of intoxication of mind.

Passing Away




681 (1)

"Monks, for the passing away of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of intoxication of mind.




682 (2)

"Monks, for the passing away of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of intoxication of mind.




683 (3)

"Monks, for the passing away of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of intoxication of mind.

Fading of Interest In




684 (1)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in intoxication of mind.




685 (2)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in intoxication of mind.




686 (3)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in intoxication of mind.





687 (1)

"Monks, for the ending of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of intoxication of mind.




688 (2)

"Monks, for the ending of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of intoxication of mind.




689 (3)

"Monks, for the ending of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of intoxication of mind.

Calming Down




690 (1)

"Monks, for the calming down of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of intoxication of mind.




691 (2)

"Monks, for the calming down of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of intoxication of mind.




692 (3)

"Monks, for the calming down of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of intoxication of mind.

Giving Up




693 (1)

"Monks, for the giving up of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of intoxication of mind.




694 (2)

"Monks, for the giving up of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of intoxication of mind.




695 (3)

"Monks, for the giving up of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of intoxication of mind.

Casting Away




696 (1)

"Monks, for the casting away of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of intoxication of mind.




697 (2)

"Monks, for the casting away of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of intoxication of mind.




698 (3)

"Monks, for the casting away of intoxication of mind
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of overbearing arrogance.


Perfect Understanding




699 (1)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of negligence.




700 (2)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of negligence.




701 (3)

"Monks, for the perfect understanding of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the perfect understanding of negligence.

Utter Destruction




702 (1)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of negligence.




703 (2)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of negligence.




704 (3)

"Monks, for the utter destruction of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the utter destruction of negligence.





705 (1)

"Monks, for the abandoning of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of negligence.




706 (2)

"Monks, for the abandoning of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of negligence.




707 (3)

"Monks, for the abandoning of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the abandoning of negligence.

Wearing Out




708 (1)

"Monks, for the wearing out of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of negligence.




709 (2)

"Monks, for the wearing out of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of negligence.




710 (3)

"Monks, for the wearing out of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the wearing out of negligence.

Passing Away




711 (1)

"Monks, for the passing away of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of negligence.




712 (2)

"Monks, for the passing away of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of negligence.




713 (3)

"Monks, for the passing away of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the passing away of negligence.

Fading of Interest In




714 (1)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in negligence.




715 (2)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in negligence.




716 (3)

"Monks, for the fading of interest in negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the fading of interest in negligence.





717 (1)

"Monks, for the ending of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of negligence.




718 (2)

"Monks, for the ending of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of negligence.




719 (3)

"Monks, for the ending of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the ending of negligence.

Calming Down




720 (1)

"Monks, for the calming down of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of negligence.




721 (2)

"Monks, for the calming down of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of negligence.




722 (3)

"Monks, for the calming down of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the calming down of negligence.

Giving Up




723 (1)

"Monks, for the giving up of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of negligence.




724 (2)

"Monks, for the giving up of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of negligence.




725 (3)

"Monks, for the giving up of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the giving up of negligence.

Casting Away




726 (1)

"Monks, for the casting away of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

What ten?

The idea of the foul,
of death,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of impermanence,
of ill,
of the not-self,
of abandoning,
of fading interest
and the idea of ending.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of negligence.




727 (2)

"Monks, for the casting away of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

The idea of impermanence,
of the not-self,
of the repulsiveness in food,
of non-delight in all the world,
of the bony (skeleton),
of the worm-eaten corpse,
of the discoloured corpse,
of the fissured corpse,
and the idea of the inflated corpse.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of negligence.




728 (3)

"Monks, for the casting away of negligence
ten qualities should be made to grow.

Right view,
right thinking,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness,
right concentration,
right knowledge,
right release.

These are the ten qualities to be made to grow
for the casting away of negligence.


[ed1] Palāsassa. Omitted by Woodward. Translated from PED: unmercifulness, malice, spite; Bhk. Bodhi: Insolence.

[ed2] Issāya. Omitted by Woodward. Translated from PED: jealousy, anger, envy, ill-will; Bhk. Bodhi: Envy.

[ed3] Macchariyassa. Omitted by Woodward. Translated from PED: selfish, envious, greedy; Bhk. Bodhi: Miserliness.

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