Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
XI. Ekā-Dasaka Nipāta
I. Nissāya

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
XI. The Book of the Elevens
I. Dependence

Sutta 11

Mora-Nivāpa Suttaṃ

At Peacocks' Feeding-ground[1]

Translated from the Pali by F. L. Woodward, M.A.

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[1.] Once the Exalted One was staying near Rājagaha at Peacocks' Feeding-ground in the Wanderers' Park.

On that occasion the Exalted One called to the monks, saying:


"Yes, sir," replied those monks to the Exalted One,
who said this:

"Monks, if he be gifted with three qualities
a monk is fully proficient,
has fully reached release from bondage,
has fully lived the Brahma-life,
has fully reached the goal,
is best of devas and mankind.

What three qualities?

The aggregate of virtues,
of concentration,
and of insight belonging to an adept.

[327] Gifted with these three qualities
a monk is fully proficient,
has fully reached release from bondage,
has fully lived the Brahma-life,
has fully reached the goal,
is best of devas and mankind.




[208] If he be gifted with three other qualities
a monk is fully proficient,
has fully reached release from bondage,
has fully lived the Brahma-life,
has fully reached the goal,
he is best of devas and mankind.

What three other qualities?

The marvel of more-power,
the marvel of mind-reading,
the marvel of exhorting others.

Gifted with these three
a monk is fully proficient,
has fully reached release from bondage,
has fully lived the Brahma-life,
has fully reached the goal,
he is best of devas and mankind.




If he be gifted with three further qualities
a monk a monk is fully proficient,
has fully reached release from bondage,
has fully lived the Brahma-life,
has fully reached the goal,
is best of devas and mankind.

What three further qualities?

Right view,
right understanding
and right release.

Gifted with these three other qualities
a monk is fully proficient,
has fully reached release from bondage,
has fully lived the Brahma-life,
has fully reached the goal,
is best of devas and mankind.




If he be gifted with yet two other qualities
a monk is fully proficient,
has fully reached release from bondage,
has fully lived the Brahma-life,
has fully reached the goal,
is best of devas and mankind.

What two other qualities?

Knowledge and practice.

Gifted with these two other qualities
a monk is fully proficient,
has fully reached release from bondage,
has fully lived the Brahma-life,
has fully reached the goal,
is best of devas and mankind.




Monks, these verses were uttered by the Brahmā, the Eternal Youth:[2]

The noble is the best among the folk
Who put their trust in lineage.

But one in wisdom and in virtue clothed
Is best of devas and mankind.

Now, monks, these verses were well sung,
not ill sung,
by the Brahmā, the Eternal Youth,
well spoken not ill spoken,
[328] they are fraught with meaning,
not void of meaning,
and they are approved by me too.[3]

I, too, say, monks:

The noble is the best among the folk
Who put their trust in lineage.

But one in wisdom and in virtue clothed
Is best of devas and mankind.


[1] Mora-nivāpa as at G.S. i, 270 n. (for three sets of threes cf. K.S. iii, 15).

[2] Brahmā Sanankumāra (or 'Five-Crest'), D. i, 99; cf. K.S. i, 192 n.; ii, 194; also D. iii, Aggañña-Suttanta.

[3] As at D. i, 99; M. i, 358. Anumatā (from anumaññati) = anuññāṭā, Comy.

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