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Saṃyutta Nikāya
II. Nidāna Vagga
12. Nidāna Saṃyutta
7. Mahā Vagga

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
Part II. The Book Called the Nidāna-Vagga
Containing Kindred sayings on Cause
and Other Subjects
12. The Kindred Sayings on Cause
7. The Great Chapter

Sutta 64

Atthi-Rāga Suttaṃ

There is Passion

Translated by Mrs. Rhys Davids
Assisted by F. L. Woodward

Originally Published by
The Pali Text Society
Public Domain



[1][bodh][than][olds] While at Sāvatthī the Exalted One said: —

[2][bodh][than][olds] There are these four sustenances, brethren,
for the maintenance of beings
that have come to birth,
or for the forwarding of those
who seek to come to be.

[3][bodh][than][olds] Which are the four?

[71] Solid food, coarse or fine,
contact the second,
willing of mind the third,
consciousness the fourth.

These are the four[1] sustenances, brethren,
for the maintenance of beings
that have come to birth,
or for the forwarding of those
who seek to come to be.

[4][bodh][than][olds] If there be passion, brethren,
if there be delight,
if there be craving
as to solid food,
it is there that consciousness is firmly placed
and becomes fruitful.[2]

Where consciousness is firmly placed and fruitful,
there is descent of name-and-shape.

Where there is descent of name-and-shape,
there is growth of activities.

Where there is growth of activities
there in the future is renewed becoming and rebirth.

Where in the future is renewed becoming and rebirth,
there in the future is decay-and-death.

Where there is in the future decay-and-death,
I declare, brethren,
that with it is grief,

[5][bodh][than][olds] If there be passion, brethren,
if there be delight,
if there be craving
as to contact,
it is there that consciousness is firmly placed
and becomes fruitful.

Where consciousness is firmly placed and fruitful,
there is descent of name-and-shape.

Where there is descent of name-and-shape,
there is growth of activities.

Where there is growth of activities
there in the future is renewed becoming and rebirth.

Where in the future is renewed becoming and rebirth,
there in the future is decay-and-death.

Where there is in the future decay-and-death,
I declare, brethren,
that with it is grief,

[6][than][olds] If there be passion, brethren,
if there be delight,
if there be craving
as to willing of mind,
it is there that consciousness is firmly placed
and becomes fruitful.

Where consciousness is firmly placed and fruitful,
there is descent of name-and-shape.

Where there is descent of name-and-shape,
there is growth of activities.

Where there is growth of activities
there in the future is renewed becoming and rebirth.

Where in the future is renewed becoming and rebirth,
there in the future is decay-and-death.

Where there is in the future decay-and-death,
I declare, brethren,
that with it is grief,

[7][than][olds] If there be passion, brethren,
if there be delight,
if there be craving
as to consciousness,
it is there that consciousness is firmly placed
and becomes fruitful.

Where consciousness is firmly placed and fruitful,
there is descent of name-and-shape.

Where there is descent of name-and-shape,
there is growth of activities.

Where there is growth of activities
there in the future is renewed becoming and rebirth.

Where in the future is renewed becoming and rebirth,
there in the future is decay-and-death.

Where there is in the future decay-and-death,
I declare, brethren,
that with it is grief,

[8][bodh][than][olds] Just as if a dyer, brethren,
or a painter,
if there be dye,
or lac,
or turmeric,
or indigo
or madder,
or a well polished panel or wall
or strip of cloth
can fashion a woman's shape
or a man's shape
complete in all its parts,
even so, brethren, if there be passion,
craving as to any one of these four foods,
there consciousness,
being firmly placed and fruitful,
name-and-shape descends,
activities grow,
in the future is renewed becoming and rebirth,
grief, affliction,

[9][than][olds] Even so, if there be passion, brethren,
if there be delight,
if there be craving
as to solid food,
it is there that consciousness is firmly placed
and becomes fruitful.

Where consciousness is firmly placed and fruitful,
there is descent of name-and-shape.

Where there is descent of name-and-shape,
there is growth of activities.

Where there is growth of activities
there in the future is renewed becoming and rebirth.

Where in the future is renewed becoming and rebirth,
there in the future is decay-and-death.

Where there is in the future decay-and-death,
I declare, brethren,
that with it is grief,

[10][than][olds] Even so, if there be passion, brethren,
if there be delight,
if there be craving
as to contact,
it is there that consciousness is firmly placed
and becomes fruitful.

Where consciousness is firmly placed and fruitful,
there is descent of name-and-shape.

Where there is descent of name-and-shape,
there is growth of activities.

Where there is growth of activities
there in the future is renewed becoming and rebirth.

Where in the future is renewed becoming and rebirth,
there in the future is decay-and-death.

Where there is in the future decay-and-death,
I declare, brethren,
that with it is grief,

[11][than][olds] Even so, if there passion, brethren,
if there be delight,
if there be craving
as to willing of mind,
it is there that consciousness is firmly placed
and becomes fruitful.

Where consciousness is firmly placed and fruitful,
there is descent of name-and-shape.

Where there is descent of name-and-shape,
there is growth of activities.

Where there is growth of activities
there in the future is renewed becoming and rebirth.

Where in the future is renewed becoming and rebirth,
there in the future is decay-and-death.

Where there is in the future decay-and-death,
I declare, brethren,
that with it is grief,

[12][than][olds] Even so, if there passion, brethren,
if there be delight,
if there be craving
as to consciousness,
it is there that consciousness is firmly placed
and becomes fruitful.

Where consciousness is firmly placed and fruitful,
there is descent of name-and-shape.

Where there is descent of name-and-shape,
there is growth of activities.

Where there is growth of activities
there in the future is renewed becoming and rebirth.

Where in the future is renewed becoming and rebirth,
there in the future is decay-and-death.

Where there is in the future decay-and-death,
I declare, brethren,
that with it is grief,

[13][bodh][than][olds] If there be not passion, brethren,
nor delight,
nor craving
as to solid food,
there consciousness is not firmly placed nor fruitful,
there in consequence name-and-shape does not descend,
there activities do not grow,
there in the future
is no renewed becoming and rebirth,
nor yet decay-and-death
with grief, affiiction,

[14][than][olds] If there be not passion, brethren,
nor delight,
nor craving
as to contact,
there consciousness is not firmly placed nor fruitful,
there in consequence name-and-shape does not descend,
there activities do not grow,
there in the future
is no renewed becoming and rebirth,
nor yet decay-and-death
with grief, affiiction,

[15][than][olds] If there be not passion, brethren,
nor delight,
nor craving
as to willing of mind,
there consciousness is not firmly placed nor fruitful,
there in consequence name-and-shape does not descend,
there activities do not grow,
there in the future
is no renewed becoming and rebirth,
nor yet decay-and-death
with grief, affiiction,

[16][than][olds] If there be not passion, brethren,
nor delight,
nor craving
as to consciousness,
there consciousness is not firmly placed nor fruitful,
there in consequence name-and-shape does not descend,
there activities do not grow,
there in the future
is no renewed becoming and rebirth,
nor yet decay-and-death
with grief, affiiction,

[17][bodh][than][olds] Just as if, brethren,
there were a roofed house
or hall
having windows on the north,
or the south
or the east.

When at sunrise a sunbeam enters by the window,
where does it alight?"

"On the west wall, lord."

[18][bodh][than][olds] [72] "If there be no west wall, brethren,
where does it alight?"

"On the ground, lord."

[19][bodh][than][olds] If there be no ground, brethren,
where does it alight?"

"On water, lord."

[20][bodh][than][olds] "If there be no water, brethren,
where does it alight?"

"It alights nowhere, lord."

[21][bodh][than][olds] "Even so, brethren,
if there be not passion,
nor delight,
nor craving as solid food,
there consciousness is not stationed nor fruitful,
there in consequence name-and-shape does not descend,
there activities do not grow,
there in the future
is no renewed becoming and rebirth,
nor yet decay-and-death
with grief, affliction,

[22][than][olds] Even so, brethren,
if there be not passion,
nor delight,
nor craving as contact,
there consciousness is not stationed nor fruitful,
there in consequence name-and-shape does not descend,
there activities do not grow,
there in the future
is no renewed becoming and rebirth,
nor yet decay-and-death
with grief, affliction,

[23][than][olds] Even so, brethren,
if there be not passion,
nor delight,
nor craving as willing of mind,
there consciousness is not stationed nor fruitful,
there in consequence name-and-shape does not descend,
there activities do not grow,
there in the future
is no renewed becoming and rebirth,
nor yet decay-and-death
with grief, affliction,

[24][than][olds] Even so, brethren,
if there be not passion,
nor delight,
nor craving as consciousness,
there consciousness is not stationed nor fruitful,
there in consequence name-and-shape does not descend,
there activities do not grow,
there in the future
is no renewed becoming and rebirth,
nor yet decay-and-death
with grief, affliction,


[1]First sentence repeated in full. [ed.: added back]

[2]Cf. § 38.

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