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Saṃyutta Nikāya
II. Nidāna Vagga
12. Nidāna Saṃyutta
7. Mahā Vagga

Sutta 64

Atthi-Rāga Suttaṃ

Where There is Passion

Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
Proofed against and modified in accordance with the revised edition at
Provenance, terms and conditons



[1][pts][bodh][olds] Near Sāvatthi.

[2][pts][bodh][olds] "There are these four nutriments for the maintenance of beings who have come into being or for the support of those in search of a place to be born.

[3][pts][bodh][olds] Which four?

Physical food, gross or refined; contact as the second, intellectual intention the third, and consciousness the fourth.

These are the four nutriments for the maintenance of beings who have come into being or for the support of those in search of a place to be born.

[4][pts][bodh][olds] "Where there is passion, delight, and craving for the nutriment of physical food, consciousness lands and increases, there is the alighting of name-and-form.

Where there is alighting of name-and-form, there is the growth of fabrications.

Where there is the growth of fabrications, there is the production of renewed becoming in the future.

Where there is the production of renewed becoming in the future, there is future birth, aging, and death, together, I tell you, with sorrow, affliction, and despair.

[5][pts][bodh][olds] "Where there is passion, delight, and craving for the nutriment of contact....

[6][pts][olds] "Where there is passion, delight, and craving for the nutriment of intellectual intention....

[7][pts][olds] "Where there is passion, delight, and craving for the nutriment of consciousness, consciousness lands there and increases.

Where consciousness lands and increases, there is the alighting of name-and-form.

Where there is the alighting of name-and-form, there is the growth of fabrications.

Where there is the growth of fabrications, there is the production of renewed becoming in the future.

Where there is the production of renewed becoming in the future, there is future birth, aging, and death, together, I tell you, with sorrow, affliction, and despair.

[8][pts][bodh][olds] "Just as — when there is dye, lac, yellow orpiment, indigo, or crimson — a dyer or painter would paint the picture of a woman or a man, complete in all its parts, on a well-polished panel or wall, or on a piece of cloth, in the same way, where there is passion, delight, and craving for the nutriment of physical food ... consciousness, consciousness lands there and grows.

Where consciousness lands and grows, name-and-form alights.

Where name-and-form alights, there is the growth of fabrications.

Where there is the growth of fabrications, there is the production of renewed becoming in the future.

Where there is the production of renewed becoming in the future, there is future birth, aging, and death, together, I tell you, with sorrow, affliction, and despair.

[13][pts][bodh][olds] "Where there is no passion for the nutriment of physical food, where there is no delight, no craving, then consciousness does not land there or increase.

Where consciousness does not land or increase, there is no alighting of name-and-form.

Where there is no alighting of name-and-form, there is no growth of fabrications. Where there is no growth of fabrications, there is no production of renewed becoming in the future.

Where there is no production of renewed becoming in the future, there is no future birth, aging, and death. That, I tell you, has no sorrow, affliction, or despair.

[14][pts][olds] "Where there is no passion for the nutriment of contact....

[15][pts][olds] "Where there is no passion for the nutriment of intellectual intention....

[16][pts][olds] "Where there is no passion for the nutriment of consciousness, where there is no delight, no craving, then consciousness does not land there or increase.

Where consciousness does not land or increase, there is no alighting of name-and-form.

Where there is no alighting of name-and-form, there is no growth of fabrications.

Where there is no growth of fabrications, there is no production of renewed becoming in the future.

Where there is no production of renewed becoming in the future, there is no future birth, aging, and death. That, I tell you, has no sorrow, affliction, or despair.

[17][pts][bodh][olds] "Just as if there were a roofed house or a roofed hall having windows on the north, the south, or the east.

When the sun rises, and a ray has entered by way of the window, where does it land?"

"On the western wall, lord."

[18][pts][bodh][olds] "And if there is no western wall, where does it land?"

"On the ground, lord."

[19][pts][bodh][olds] "And if there is no ground, where does it land?"

"On the water, lord."

[20][pts][bodh][olds] "And if there is no water, where does it land?"

"It does not land, lord."

[21][pts][bodh][olds] "In the same way, where there is no passion for the nutriment of physical food ... contact ... intellectual intention ... consciousness, where there is no delight, no craving, then consciousness does not land there or increase.[1]

Where consciousness does not land or increase, there is no alighting of name-and-form. Where there is no alighting of name-and-form, there is no growth of fabrications.

Where there is no growth of fabrications, there is no production of renewed becoming in the future.

Where there is no production of renewed becoming in the future, there is no future birth, aging, and death. That, I tell you, has no sorrow, affliction, or despair."


[1] See the discussion in The Paradox of Becoming, chapter 7.



Of Related Interest:

DN 11;
MN 49;
SN 1:1;
SN 12:38;
SN 22:53–55;
Ud 8:1


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