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Index of the Suttas of the
Saṃyutta Nikāya
Sagāthā Vagga
Devatā Saṃyutta


Index of Sutta Indexes


I. Sagāthā Vagga

PTS: Saṃyutta Nikāya Volume 1, Sagāthā-Vagga ed. by M. Léon Feer, London: Pāḷi Text Society 1884. The html formatted Pāḷi Text Society edition of the Pāḷi text.
BJT: Saṃyutta Nikāya Volume 1, Sagāthā-Vagga The Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series Pāḷi text.

The Pāḷi text for individual suttas listed below is adapted from the Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series [BJT], not from the PTS version.
Each translation is linked to its Pāḷi version and to the PTS, Sister Upalavanna, Olds and where available to the ATI Bhk. Thanissaro translation, and each of these is in turn linked back to each of the others. Many, but not all have been checked against the Pāḷi Text Society edition, and many have been reformatted to include the original Pāḷi (and/or organizational) phrase and sentence breaks.

PTS: Kindred Sayings with Verses, translated by Mrs. Rhys Davids,
WP: The Book with Verses, translated by Bhkkhu Bodhi
ATI: The translations of Bhkkhu Thanissaro and others originally located on Access to Insight
MNL: The translations of Sister Upalavanna.
BD: The translations of M. Olds.

1. Devatā Saṃyutta, I.1

PTS: The Devas, I.1
WP: Connected Discourses with Devatas, 89

I. I. Naḷa Vagga I.1

PTS: I. The 'Reed' Suttas
WP: I. A Reed

1. Ogha Suttaṃ, I.1

PTS: Crossing the Flood, 1
WP: Crossing the Flood, 89
ATI: Crossing Over the Flood
BD: Flood
SpanishSpanish Para Cruzar la Corriente Traducción de José Manuel Alvárez Flórez
MNL: Flood

2. Kim-okkha Suttaṃ, 2

PTS: Deliverance, 3
WP: Emancipation, 90
MNL: Release
ATI: Freedom, Bhk. Thanissaro, trans.

3. Upaneyya Suttaṃ, 2

PTS: Led to its doom, 3
WP: Reaching, 90
MNL: Comparing
WLSH: The Doomed

4. Accenti Suttaṃ, 3

PTS: Passing by, 4
WP: Time Flies By, 91
MNL: Time Sits

5. Kati Chinde Suttaṃ, 3

PTS: How many should he cut? 5
WP: How Many Must One Cut? 91
MNL: How Many Are Cut

6. Jāgara Suttaṃ, 3

PTS: Vigil, 5
WP: Awake, 91
MNL: Awake

7. Appaṭividitā Suttaṃ, 4

PTS: Not grasped, 6
WP: Not Penetrated, 92
MNL: Not Penetrating
ATI/DTO: Unpenetrated, Bhk. Thanissaro, trans.

8. Susammuṭṭhā Suttaṃ, 4

PTS: Wholly blurred, 6
WP: Utterly Muddled, 92
MNL: Thoroughly Forgetful
ATI/DTO: Thoroughly Confused, Bhk. Thanissaro, trans.

9. Māna-kāma Suttaṃ, 4

PTS: Desire for delusion, 7
WP: One Prone to Conceit, 93
MNL: A Desire To Measure
WLSH: Vain Conceits

10. Araññe Suttaṃ, 5

PTS: In the forest, 7
WP: Forest, 93
ATI: The Wilderness
SpanishSpanish: Sutta del Bosque Traducción de José Manuel Alvárez Flórez
MNL: In the Forest

II. Nandana Vagga I.5

PTS: The 'Paradise' Suttas
WP: Nandana

11. Nandana Suttaṃ, 5

PTS: Paradise, 8
WP: Nandana, 94

12. Nandati Suttaṃ, 6

PTS: Gladness ariseth, 9
WP: Delight, 94

13. N'atthi Puttasamam, 6

PTS: As we love the child, 10
WP: None Equal to That for a Son, 95

14. Khattiyo Suttaṃ, 6

PTS: Of noble blood, 10
WP: The Khattiya, 95

15. Saka-māno Suttaṃ or Santi-kāyo Suttaṃ, 7

PTS: Forest sounds, 11
WP: Murmuring, 95

16. Niddā Tandi Suttaṃ, 7

PTS: Sloth, drowsiness, 12
WP: Drowsiness and Lethargy, 96

17. Dukkara Suttaṃ, 7

PTS: Hard to fulfil, or the Tortoise, 12
WP: Difficult to Practice, 96
WLSH: Difficult or The Tortoise

18. Hirī Suttaṃ, 7

PTS: Conscientiousness, 13
WP: A Sense of Shame, 96
ATI: Conscience

19. Kuṭikā Suttaṃ, 8

PTS: The Hut, 13
WP: A Little Hut, 97

20. Samiddhi Suttaṃ, 8

PTS: Samiddhi, 14
WP: Samiddhi, 97
ATI: About Samiddhi
WLSH: Samiddhi

III. Satti Vagga I.13

PTS: The 'Sword' Suttas
WP: The Sword

21. Sattiyā Suttaṃ, 13

PTS: By impending sword, 19
WP: A Sword, 100

22. Phusati Suttaṃ, 13

PTS: The Touch, 19
WP: It Touches, 101

23. Jaṭā Suttaṃ, 13

PTS: The Tangle, 20
WP: Tangle, 101

24. Mano-Nivāraṇā Suttaṃ, 14

PTS: Mind-checking, 21
WP: Reining in the Mind, 101

25. Araha Suttaṃ, 14

PTS: The Arahant
WP: The Arahant, 102
ATI/DTO: An Arahant, Bhk. Thanissaro, trans.
WLSH: The Arahant

26. Pajjoto Suttaṃ, 15

PTS: Light, 22
WP: Sources of Light, 102

27. Sarā Suttaṃ, 15

PTS: The Tides, 23
WP: Streams, 103

28. Maha-d-dhana Suttaṃ, 15

PTS: Goodly treasures, 23
WP: Those of Great Wealth, 103

29. Catu-cakka Suttaṃ, 16

PTS: The Four-wheeled, 24
WP: Four Wheels, 104

30. Enijaṅgha Suttaṃ, 16

PTS: The Antelope, 25
WP: Antelope Calves, 104

IV. Satullpa-kāyika Vagga I.16

PTS: The 'Satullapa-Group' Suttas
WP: The Satullapa Host

Covering suttas 31-40. Suttas in which The Buddha interacts with Devas of various sorts in various ways.

31. Sabbhi Suttaṃ, 16

PTS: With good men, 25
WP: With the Good, 104

32. Macchari Suttaṃ, 18

PTS: Avarice, 27
WP: Stinginess, 106

33. Sādhu Suttaṃ, 20

PTS: How blest! 29
WP: Good, 108

34. Na Santi Suttaṃ, 22

PTS: They are not, 31
WP: There Are No, 110

35. Ujjhāna-saññino Suttaṃ, 23

PTS: The Captious-minded, 33
WP: Faultfinders, 112

36. Saddhā Suttaṃ, 25

PTS: Faith, 35
ATI/DTO: Conviction,
WP: Faith, 114

37. Samayo Suttaṃ, 26

PTS: The Concourse, 36
WP: Concourse, 115

38. Sakalika Suttaṃ, 27

PTS: The Splinter, 38
WP: The Stone Splinter, 116
ATI: The Stone Sliver

39. Paṭhama Pajjunna-dhītā Suttaṃ, 29

PTS: Pajjunna's Daughter, 40
WP: Pajjunna's Daughter, 118

40. Dutiya Pajjunna-dhītā Suttaṃ, 30

PTS: Pajjunna's Daughter 2, 41
WP: Pajjuna's Daughter 2, 119

V. Āditta Vagga I.31

PTS: The 'Burning' Suttas
WP: Ablaze

Covering Suttas 41-81. Short suttas in verse in which The Buddha interacts with Devas in the form of 'riddle and response'.

41. Āditta Suttaṃ, 31

PTS: A-fire, 42
WP: Ablaze, 119
ATI: (The House) on Fire

42. Kiṃ Dada Suttaṃ, 32

PTS: Giver of What? 43
WP: Giving What? 120
ATI: A Giver of What

43. Anna Suttaṃ, 32

PTS: Food, 43
WP: Food, 121

44. Eka Mūla Suttaṃ, 32

PTS: Which hath one root, 44
WP: One Root

45. Anomiya Suttaṃ, 33

PTS: The Perfect One, 44
WP: Perfect, 121

46. Accharā Suttaṃ, 33

PTS: Nymphs, 44
WP: Nymphs, 122

47. Vana-ropa Suttaṃ (or Vacana Suttaṃ), 33

PTS: Planters of groves, 45
WP: Planters of Groves, 122

48. Jeta-vana Suttaṃ, 33

PTS: Jeta's Grove, 46
WP: Jeta's Grove, 123

49. Macchari Suttaṃ, 34

PTS: The Miser, 47
WP: Stingy, 123

50. Ghaṭīkaro Suttaṃ, 35

PTS: Ghatikara, 48
WP: Ghaṭīkāra, 125

VI. Jarā Vagga I.36

PTS: The 'Decay' Suttas
WP: Old Age

51. Jarā Suttaṃ, 36

PTS: Old Age, 50
WP:Old Age, 127

52. Ajarasā Suttaṃ, 36

PTS: Absence of Decay, 51
WP: Undecaying, 127

53. Mitta Suttaṃ, 37

PTS: Friends, 51
WP: The Friend, 127

54. Vatthu Suttaṃ, 37

PTS: Basis and support, 52
WP: Support, 128

55. Paṭhama Jana Suttaṃ, 37

PTS: That which gives birth, 52
WP: Produces, 128

56. Dutiya Jana Suttaṃ, 37

PTS: That which gives birth 2, 52
WP: Produces 2, 128
ATI: Engendered (2), Bhk. Thanissaro, trans.

57. Tatiya Jana Suttaṃ, 38

PTS: That which gives birth 3, 53
WP: Produces 3, 129
ATI: Engendered (3), Bhk. Thanissaro, trans.

58. Uppatho Suttaṃ, 38

PTS: The Wrong Road, 53
WP: The Deviant Path, 129

59. Dutiyo Suttaṃ, 38

PTS: The Companion, 54
WP: Partner, 129
ATI: Companion, Bhikkhu Thanissaro, trans.

60. Kavi Suttaṃ, 38

PTS: The Bard, 54
WP: Poetry, 130

VII. Addha Vagga I.39

PTS: The 'Over-Under' Suttas
WP: Weighed Down

61. Nāma Suttaṃ, 39

PTS: Name, 54
WP: Name, 130

62. Citta Suttaṃ, 39

PTS: The heart (mind), 55
WP: Mind, 130
ATI/DTO: The Mind

63. Taṇhā Suttaṃ, 39

PTS: Craving, 55
WP: Craving, 131
ATI/DTO: Craving

64. Samyojana Suttaṃ, 39

PTS: The Chain, 55
WP: Fetter, 131

65. Bandhana Suttaṃ, 39

PTS: The Bond, 56
WP: Bondage, 131
ATI/DTO: Bondage

66. Abbhāta Suttaṃ, 40

PTS: Persecuted, 56
WP: Afflicted, 131

67. Uḍḍito Suttaṃ, 40

PTS: Strung up, 56
WP: Ensnared, 132

68. Pihito Suttaṃ, 40

PTS: Shut in, 57
WP: Shut In, 132

69. Icchā Suttaṃ, 40

PTS: Wishes, 57
WP: Desire, 132
ATI: Desire

70. Loka Suttaṃ, 41

PTS: The World, 57
WP: World, 133

VIII. Chetvā Vagga I.41

71. Chetvā Suttaṃ, 41

PTS: What must we slay? 58
WP: Having Slain, 133
ATI: (Ghatva) Having Killed

72. Ratha Suttaṃ, 41

PTS: The Chariot, 58
WP: Chariot, 133

73. Vitta Suttaṃ, 42

PTS: Riches, 59
WP: Treasure, 134
ATI/DTO: Wealth,

74. Vuṭṭhi Suttaṃ, 42

PTS: Rain, 59
WP: Rain, 134

75. Bhītā Suttaṃ, 42

PTS: Frightened, 60
WP: Afraid, 135

76. Na Jrati Suttaṃ, 43

PTS: Doth not decay, 60
WP: Does Not Decay, 135

77. Issara Suttaṃ, 43

PTS: Lordship, 61
WP: Sovereignty, 136

78. Kāma Suttaṃ, 44

PTS: Seeking, 62
WP: Love, 136

79. Pātheyya Suttaṃ, 44

PTS: Provisions, 62
WP: Provisions for a Journey, 137

80. Pajjoto Suttaṃ, 44

PTS: Radiance, 63
WP: Source of Light, 137

81. Araṇā Suttaṃ, 44

PTS: Undefiled, 63
WP: Without Conflict 138.

 [I. Sagathavagga]  [II. Nidanavagga]  [III. Khandhavagga]  [IV. Salayatanavagga]  [V. Mahavagga]

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