Samyutta Nikaya Masthead

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Saṃyutta Nikāya
II. Nidāna Vagga
13. Abhisamaya Saṃyutta

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
Part II. The Book Called the Nidāna-Vagga
Containing Kindred sayings on Cause
and Other Subjects
13. The Kindred Sayings on Understanding

Sutta 3

Paṭhama Sambhejja-Udaka Suttaṃ

Confluent Waters (1)

Translated by Mrs. Rhys Davids
Assisted by F. L. Woodward

Originally Published by
The Pali Text Society
Public Domain



[1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"Suppose, brethren, that where those great rivers flow together,
meet together, to wit,
a man should therefrom
draw out two or three drops of water.

As to that what think ye, brethren?

Which is the greater:
those two or three drops of water brought up,
or the water that has flowed together?"

"Just this, lord, is greater,
even the water that has flowed together.

Scant are the two or three drops of water brought up,
not equal to the hundredth part,
the thousandth,
the hundred thousandth part
when compared with the water that has flowed together
are those two or three drops of water."

"Even so, brethren,
for the Ariyan disciple who has won vision,
for the person who has understanding
this is the greater ill, to wit,
that which for him is wholly perished,
wholly finished;
little is the ill that remains,
not worth the hundredth part,
not worth the thousandth part,
not worth the hundred thousandth part
when measured with the former ill
which for him is wholly perished,
wholly finished,
to wit, a term of seven times.

So great in good, brethren,
is it to be wise in the Norm;
so great in good is it
to have gained the eye of the Norm."

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