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Saṃyutta Nikāya
3. Khandha Vagga
24. Diṭṭhi Saṃyutta
1. Sot'āpatti Vagga

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
3. The Book Called the Khandhā-Vagga
Containing Kindred Sayings on the Elements of Sensory Existence and other Subjects
24. Kindred Sayings on Views
1. On Stream-Winning

Sutta 6

Karoto Suttaṃ

For Him Who Acts[1]

Translated by F. L. Woodward
Edited by Mrs. Rhys Davids

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[1] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There being what, brethren,
by clinging to what,
by depending upon what
does such a view as this arise:

'For him who acts
or makes others act:
for him who mutilates
or makes others mutilate,
who torments
or makes others torment,[2]
who causes grief of himself
or through others,
who enfeebles
or make others enfeeble,[3]
who binds
or makes others bind,[4]
who causes life to be taken,
who causes robbery,
who breaks into houses,
plunders on the highway,
who plunders houses,
waylays travellers,
commits adultery
and tells lies, -
by one so acting
no evil is done.[5]

Even though with a razor-edged tool
he should make all living beings on earth
one mash[6] of fiesh,
one heap of flesh,
no evil would result from that,
no coming by any evil.[7]

Though he should go along the right bank of the Ganges,
[169] slaying and striking,
mutilating and causing mutilation,
tormenting and causing torment, -
yet therefrom results no evil,
no coming by any evil.

Though he should go along the left bank of the Ganges,[8]
making burnt offerings
and causing them to be made,
and causing sacrifice, -
yet therefrom results no merit,
no coming by any merit.

In charity,
in self-restraint,
in control of feeling,
in truthfulness
there is no merit,
no coming by any merit'?"

"For us, lord, things have the Exalted One as their root
their guide,
their resort.

Well indeed if the meaning of these words
should show itself in the Exalted One."

"There being a body, brethren,
by clinging to body,
depending on body,
arises such a view as this:

'For him who acts
or makes others act:
for him who mutilates
or makes others mutilate,
who torments
or makes others torment,
who causes grief of himself
or through others,
who enfeebles
or make others enfeeble,
who binds
or makes others bind,
who causes life to be taken,
who causes robbery,
who breaks into houses,
plunders on the highway,
who plunders houses,
waylays travellers,
commits adultery
and tells lies, -
by one so acting
no evil is done.

Even though with a razor-edged tool
he should make all living beings on earth
one mash of fiesh,
one heap of flesh,
no evil would result from that,
no coming by any evil.

Though he should go along the right bank of the Ganges,
slaying and striking,
mutilating and causing mutilation,
tormenting and causing torment, -
yet therefrom results no evil,
no coming by any evil.

Though he should go along the left bank of the Ganges,
making burnt offerings
and causing them to be made,
and causing sacrifice, -
yet therefrom results no merit,
no coming by any merit.

In charity,
in self-restraint,
in control of feeling,
in truthfulness
there is no merit,
no coming by any merit.'

There being feeling, brethren,
by clinging to feeling,
depending on feeling,
arises such a view as this:

'For him who acts
or makes others act:
for him who mutilates
or makes others mutilate,
who torments
or makes others torment,
who causes grief of himself
or through others,
who enfeebles
or make others enfeeble,
who binds
or makes others bind,
who causes life to be taken,
who causes robbery,
who breaks into houses,
plunders on the highway,
who plunders houses,
waylays travellers,
commits adultery
and tells lies, -
by one so acting
no evil is done.

Even though with a razor-edged tool
he should make all living beings on earth
one mash of fiesh,
one heap of flesh,
no evil would result from that,
no coming by any evil.

Though he should go along the right bank of the Ganges,
slaying and striking,
mutilating and causing mutilation,
tormenting and causing torment, -
yet therefrom results no evil,
no coming by any evil.

Though he should go along the left bank of the Ganges,
making burnt offerings
and causing them to be made,
and causing sacrifice, -
yet therefrom results no merit,
no coming by any merit.

In charity,
in self-restraint,
in control of feeling,
in truthfulness
there is no merit,
no coming by any merit.'

There being perception, brethren,
by clinging to perception,
depending on perception,
arises such a view as this:

'For him who acts
or makes others act:
for him who mutilates
or makes others mutilate,
who torments
or makes others torment,
who causes grief of himself
or through others,
who enfeebles
or make others enfeeble,
who binds
or makes others bind,
who causes life to be taken,
who causes robbery,
who breaks into houses,
plunders on the highway,
who plunders houses,
waylays travellers,
commits adultery
and tells lies, -
by one so acting
no evil is done.

Even though with a razor-edged tool
he should make all living beings on earth
one mash of fiesh,
one heap of flesh,
no evil would result from that,
no coming by any evil.

Though he should go along the right bank of the Ganges,
slaying and striking,
mutilating and causing mutilation,
tormenting and causing torment, -
yet therefrom results no evil,
no coming by any evil.

Though he should go along the left bank of the Ganges,
making burnt offerings
and causing them to be made,
and causing sacrifice, -
yet therefrom results no merit,
no coming by any merit.

In charity,
in self-restraint,
in control of feeling,
in truthfulness
there is no merit,
no coming by any merit.'

There being the activities, brethren,
by clinging to the activities,
depending on the activities,
arises such a view as this:

'For him who acts
or makes others act:
for him who mutilates
or makes others mutilate,
who torments
or makes others torment,
who causes grief of himself
or through others,
who enfeebles
or make others enfeeble,
who binds
or makes others bind,
who causes life to be taken,
who causes robbery,
who breaks into houses,
plunders on the highway,
who plunders houses,
waylays travellers,
commits adultery
and tells lies, -
by one so acting
no evil is done.

Even though with a razor-edged tool
he should make all living beings on earth
one mash of fiesh,
one heap of flesh,
no evil would result from that,
no coming by any evil.

Though he should go along the right bank of the Ganges,
slaying and striking,
mutilating and causing mutilation,
tormenting and causing torment, -
yet therefrom results no evil,
no coming by any evil.

Though he should go along the left bank of the Ganges,
making burnt offerings
and causing them to be made,
and causing sacrifice, -
yet therefrom results no merit,
no coming by any merit.

In charity,
in self-restraint,
in control of feeling,
in truthfulness
there is no merit,
no coming by any merit.'

There being consciousness, brethren,
by clinging to consciousness,
depending on consciousness,
arises such a view as this:

'For him who acts
or makes others act:
for him who mutilates
or makes others mutilate,
who torments
or makes others torment,
who causes grief of himself
or through others,
who enfeebles
or make others enfeeble,
who binds
or makes others bind,
who causes life to be taken,
who causes robbery,
who breaks into houses,
plunders on the highway,
who plunders houses,
waylays travellers,
commits adultery
and tells lies, -
by one so acting
no evil is done.

Even though with a razor-edged tool
he should make all living beings on earth
one mash of fiesh,
one heap of flesh,
no evil would result from that,
no coming by any evil.

Though he should go along the right bank of the Ganges,
slaying and striking,
mutilating and causing mutilation,
tormenting and causing torment, -
yet therefrom results no evil,
no coming by any evil.

Though he should go along the left bank of the Ganges,
making burnt offerings
and causing them to be made,
and causing sacrifice, -
yet therefrom results no merit,
no coming by any merit.

In charity,
in self-restraint,
in control of feeling,
in truthfulness
there is no merit,
no coming by any merit.'

As to that, what think ye, brethren?

Is body permanent or impermanent?"

"Impermanent, lord."

"That which is impermanent,
is it weal or woe?"

"Woe, lord."

by nature changeable, -
without clinging to that
can such a view as this arise:

'For him who acts
or makes others act:
for him who mutilates
or makes others mutilate,
who torments
or makes others torment,
who causes grief of himself
or through others,
who enfeebles
or make others enfeeble,
who binds
or makes others bind,
who causes life to be taken,
who causes robbery,
who breaks into houses,
plunders on the highway,
who plunders houses,
waylays travellers,
commits adultery
and tells lies, -
by one so acting
no evil is done.

Even though with a razor-edged tool
he should make all living beings on earth
one mash of fiesh,
one heap of flesh,
no evil would result from that,
no coming by any evil.

Though he should go along the right bank of the Ganges,
slaying and striking,
mutilating and causing mutilation,
tormenting and causing torment, -
yet therefrom results no evil,
no coming by any evil.

Though he should go along the left bank of the Ganges,
making burnt offerings
and causing them to be made,
and causing sacrifice, -
yet therefrom results no merit,
no coming by any merit.

In charity,
in self-restraint,
in control of feeling,
in truthfulness
there is no merit,
no coming by any merit'"?

"Surely not, lord."

"Is feeling permanent or impermanent?"

"Impermanent, lord."

"That which is impermanent,
is it weal or woe?"

"Woe, lord."

by nature changeable, -
without clinging to that
can such a view as this arise:

'For him who acts
or makes others act:
for him who mutilates
or makes others mutilate,
who torments
or makes others torment,
who causes grief of himself
or through others,
who enfeebles
or make others enfeeble,
who binds
or makes others bind,
who causes life to be taken,
who causes robbery,
who breaks into houses,
plunders on the highway,
who plunders houses,
waylays travellers,
commits adultery
and tells lies, -
by one so acting
no evil is done.

Even though with a razor-edged tool
he should make all living beings on earth
one mash of fiesh,
one heap of flesh,
no evil would result from that,
no coming by any evil.

Though he should go along the right bank of the Ganges,
slaying and striking,
mutilating and causing mutilation,
tormenting and causing torment, -
yet therefrom results no evil,
no coming by any evil.

Though he should go along the left bank of the Ganges,
making burnt offerings
and causing them to be made,
and causing sacrifice, -
yet therefrom results no merit,
no coming by any merit.

In charity,
in self-restraint,
in control of feeling,
in truthfulness
there is no merit,
no coming by any merit'"?

"Surely not, lord."

"Is perception permanent or impermanent?"

"Impermanent, lord."

"That which is impermanent,
is it weal or woe?"

"Woe, lord."

by nature changeable, -
without clinging to that
can such a view as this arise:

'For him who acts
or makes others act:
for him who mutilates
or makes others mutilate,
who torments
or makes others torment,
who causes grief of himself
or through others,
who enfeebles
or make others enfeeble,
who binds
or makes others bind,
who causes life to be taken,
who causes robbery,
who breaks into houses,
plunders on the highway,
who plunders houses,
waylays travellers,
commits adultery
and tells lies, -
by one so acting
no evil is done.

Even though with a razor-edged tool
he should make all living beings on earth
one mash of fiesh,
one heap of flesh,
no evil would result from that,
no coming by any evil.

Though he should go along the right bank of the Ganges,
slaying and striking,
mutilating and causing mutilation,
tormenting and causing torment, -
yet therefrom results no evil,
no coming by any evil.

Though he should go along the left bank of the Ganges,
making burnt offerings
and causing them to be made,
and causing sacrifice, -
yet therefrom results no merit,
no coming by any merit.

In charity,
in self-restraint,
in control of feeling,
in truthfulness
there is no merit,
no coming by any merit'"?

"Surely not, lord."

"Are the activities permanent or impermanent?"

"Impermanent, lord."

"That which is impermanent,
is it weal or woe?"

"Woe, lord."

by nature changeable, -
without clinging to that
can such a view as this arise:

'For him who acts
or makes others act:
for him who mutilates
or makes others mutilate,
who torments
or makes others torment,
who causes grief of himself
or through others,
who enfeebles
or make others enfeeble,
who binds
or makes others bind,
who causes life to be taken,
who causes robbery,
who breaks into houses,
plunders on the highway,
who plunders houses,
waylays travellers,
commits adultery
and tells lies, -
by one so acting
no evil is done.

Even though with a razor-edged tool
he should make all living beings on earth
one mash of fiesh,
one heap of flesh,
no evil would result from that,
no coming by any evil.

Though he should go along the right bank of the Ganges,
slaying and striking,
mutilating and causing mutilation,
tormenting and causing torment, -
yet therefrom results no evil,
no coming by any evil.

Though he should go along the left bank of the Ganges,
making burnt offerings
and causing them to be made,
and causing sacrifice, -
yet therefrom results no merit,
no coming by any merit.

In charity,
in self-restraint,
in control of feeling,
in truthfulness
there is no merit,
no coming by any merit'"?

"Surely not, lord."

"Is consciousness permanent or impermanent?"

"Impermanent, lord."

"That which is impermanent,
is it weal or woe?"

"Woe, lord."

by nature changeable, -
without clinging to that
can such a view as this arise:

'For him who acts
or makes others act:
for him who mutilates
or makes others mutilate,
who torments
or makes others torment,
who causes grief of himself
or through others,
who enfeebles
or make others enfeeble,
who binds
or makes others bind,
who causes life to be taken,
who causes robbery,
who breaks into houses,
plunders on the highway,
who plunders houses,
waylays travellers,
commits adultery
and tells lies, -
by one so acting
no evil is done.

Even though with a razor-edged tool
he should make all living beings on earth
one mash of fiesh,
one heap of flesh,
no evil would result from that,
no coming by any evil.

Though he should go along the right bank of the Ganges,
slaying and striking,
mutilating and causing mutilation,
tormenting and causing torment, -
yet therefrom results no evil,
no coming by any evil.

Though he should go along the left bank of the Ganges,
making burnt offerings
and causing them to be made,
and causing sacrifice, -
yet therefrom results no merit,
no coming by any merit.

In charity,
in self-restraint,
in control of feeling,
in truthfulness
there is no merit,
no coming by any merit'"?

"Surely not, lord."




"Now what is seen,
sought after,
thought out by mind, -
is that permanent or impermanent?"

"Impermanent, lord."

"That which is impermanent,
is it weal or woe?"

"Woe, lord."

by nature changeable, -
without clinging to that
can such a view as this arise:

'For him who acts
or makes others act:
for him who mutilates
or makes others mutilate,
who torments
or makes others torment,
who causes grief of himself
or through others,
who enfeebles
or make others enfeeble,
who binds
or makes others bind,
who causes life to be taken,
who causes robbery,
who breaks into houses,
plunders on the highway,
who plunders houses,
waylays travellers,
commits adultery
and tells lies, -
by one so acting
no evil is done.

Even though with a razor-edged tool
he should make all living beings on earth
one mash of fiesh,
one heap of flesh,
no evil would result from that,
no coming by any evil.

Though he should go along the right bank of the Ganges,
slaying and striking,
mutilating and causing mutilation,
tormenting and causing torment, -
yet therefrom results no evil,
no coming by any evil.

Though he should go along the left bank of the Ganges,
making burnt offerings
and causing them to be made,
and causing sacrifice, -
yet therefrom results no merit,
no coming by any merit.

In charity,
in self-restraint,
in control of feeling,
in truthfulness
there is no merit,
no coming by any merit'"?

"Surely not, lord."

"But when in an Ariyan disciple
doubt as to these six points is put away
when for him doubt as to suffering is put away,
doubt as to the arising of suffering,
as to the ceasing of suffering,
as to the way going to the ceasing of suffering is put away, -
then this Ariyan disciple is called

saved from disaster,
bound for enlightenment.'"


[1] The heresy of Pūraṇa Kassapa, from D i, 52; Dialog. i, 52.

[2] Reading with Comy. paccato pāeapayato (for text vadhato vadhā-payato) ti = parehi pīḷapentassa.

[3] Comy. 'by starvation or imprisonment.'

[4] Comy. bandhato for text phandhato.

[5] karato na karīyate pāpaṇ. Or 'for him' or 'to him.' No demerit accrues to him.

[6] Maṇsakhalaṇ, lit. 'a flesh-paste.'

[7] Agamo.

[8] Comy. says that on the north bank men are religious devotees of the Buddha-Dhamma-Saṇgha. On the south bank they are scoundrels!

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