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Saṃyutta Nikāya
3. Khandha Vagga
34. Jhāna Saṃyutta

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
3. The Book Called the Khandhā-Vagga
Containing Kindred Sayings on the Elements of Sensory Existence and other Subjects
34. Kindred Sayings on Jhāna (or Samādhi)

Suttas 1-55

Translated by F. L. Woodward
Edited by Mrs. Rhys Davids

Copyright The Pali Text Society
Commercial Rights Reserved
Creative Commons Licence
For details see Terms of Use.




Sutta 1

Samādhi-Samāpatti Suttaṃ

Attainment in Concentration[1]

[1.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren,
who practise the Jhānas.

What four?

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in concentration,
but is not skilled in the attainment thereof.

Again, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the attainments of concentration,
but is not skilled in concentration (itself).

Again, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in concentration
nor skilled in the attainments thereof.

Again, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in concentration and skilled in the fruits thereof.

Of the four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the attainments thereof, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as,[2] brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is [206] both skilled in concentration and skilled in the attainments thereof, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 2

Ṭhiti Kusala Suttaṃ


[2.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in concentration,
but not skilled in steadfastness therein.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in steadfastness in concentration,
but not skilled in concentration (itself).

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in concentration
nor in steadfastness in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in steadfastness therein.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in steadfastness therein, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in steadfastness therein, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 3

Vuṭṭhāna Kusala Suttaṃ


[3.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in concentration,
but not skilled in emerging therefrom.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in emerging from concentration,
but not skilled in concentration (itself).

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in concentration
nor in emerging from concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in emerging therefrom.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in emerging therefrom, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in emerging therefrom, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 4

Kallavā Kusala Suttaṃ


[4.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in concentration,
but not fully expert in skill therein[ed1].

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is fully expert in skills of concentration,
but not skilled in concentration (itself).

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in concentration
nor fully expert in skills of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in concentration
and fully expert in skills of concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in concentration
and fully expert in skills of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in concentration
and fully expert in skills of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 5

Ārammaṇa Kusala Suttaṃ


[5.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in concentration,
but not skilled in the object of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the object of concentration,
but not skilled in concentration (itself).

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in concentration
nor skilled in the object of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the object of concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the object of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the object of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 6

Gocara Kusala Suttaṃ


[6.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in concentration,
but not skilled in the range of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the range of concentration,
but not skilled in concentration (itself).

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in concentration
nor skilled in the range of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the range of concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the range of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the range of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 7

Abhinīhāra Kusala Suttaṃ


[7.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in concentration,
but not skilled in the resolve of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the resolve of concentration,
but not skilled in concentration (itself).

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in concentration
nor skilled in the resolve of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the resolve of concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the resolve of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the resolve of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 8

Sakkaccakāri Suttaṃ


[8.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in concentration,
but not skilled[ed2] in the zeal of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the zeal of concentration,
but not skilled in concentration (itself).

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in concentration
nor skilled in the zeal of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the zeal of concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the zeal of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the zeal of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 9

Sātacca-kārī Suttaṃ


[9.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in concentration,
but not skilled in perseverance in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in perseverance in concentration,
but not skilled in concentration (itself).

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in concentration
nor skilled in perseverance in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in perseverance in concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in perseverance in concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in perseverance in concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 10

Sappāya-kārī Suttaṃ


[10.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in concentration,
but not skilled in the fitness of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the fitness of concentration,
but not skilled in concentration (itself).

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in concentration
nor skilled in the fitness of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the fitness of concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the fitness of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the fitness of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."





Sutta 11

Samāpattiṭhiti Kusala Suttaṃ

Steadfastness in Attainment

[11.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in concentration,
but not skilled in steadfastness in attainment of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in steadfastness in attainment of concentration,
but not skilled in concentration (itself).

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in concentration
nor skilled in steadfastness in attainment of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in steadfastness in attainment of concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in steadfastness in attainment of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in steadfastness in attainment of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."

Sutta 12

Samāpattivuṭṭhāna Kusala Suttaṃ

Emerging from Attainment

[12.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in concentration,
but not skilled in emerging from attainment of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in emerging from attainment of concentration,
but not skilled in concentration (itself).

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in concentration
nor skilled in emerging from attainment of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in emerging from attainment of concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in emerging from attainment of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in emerging from attainment of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 13

Samāpattikallita Suttaṃ

Ease in Attainment[12]

[13.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in concentration,
but not skilled in ease of attainment of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in ease of attainment of concentration,
but not skilled in concentration (itself).

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in concentration
nor skilled in ease of attainment of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in ease of attainment of concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in ease of attainment of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in ease of attainment of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 14

Samāpatti Ārammaṇa Kusala Suttaṃ

Object of Attainment

[14.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in concentration,
but not skilled in the object of attainment of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the object of attainment of concentration,
but not skilled in concentration (itself).

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in concentration
nor skilled in the object of attainment of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the object of attainment of concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the object of attainment of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the object of attainment of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 15

Samāpatti Gocara Kusala Suttaṃ

Range of Attainment

[15.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in concentration,
but not skilled in the range of attainment of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the range of attainment of concentration,
but not skilled in concentration (itself).

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in concentration
nor skilled in the range of attainment of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the range of attainment of concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the range of attainment of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the range of attainment of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 16

Samāpatti Abhinīhāra Kusala Suttaṃ

Resolve for Attainment

[16.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in concentration,
but not skilled in the resolve for attainment of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the resolve for attainment of concentration,
but not skilled in concentration (itself).

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in concentration
nor skilled in the resolve for attainment of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the resolve for attainment of concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the resolve for attainment of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in concentration
and skilled in the resolve for attainment of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 17

Samāpatti Sakkacca Kusala Suttaṃ

Zeal for Attainment

[17.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in concentration,
but not in the zeal for attainment of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
has zeal for attainment of concentration,
but is not skilled in concentration (itself).

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in concentration
nor the zeal for attainment of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in concentration
and in the zeal for attainment of concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in concentration
and in the zeal for attainment of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in concentration
and in the zeal for attainment of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 18

Samāpatti Sātacca-kārī Suttaṃ

Perseverance in Attainment

[18.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in concentration,
but not in perseverance in attainment of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
has perseverance in attainment of concentration,
but is not skilled in concentration (itself).

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in concentration
nor in perseverance in attainment of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in concentration
has perseverance in attainment of concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in concentration
and in perseverance in attainment of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in concentration
and in perseverance in attainment of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 19

Samāpatti Sappāya-kāri Suttaṃ

Profiting by Attainment[13]

[19.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in attainment of concentration,
but not in profiting by concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
profits by concentration,
but is not skilled attainment of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled attainment of concentration
nor profits by concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in attainment of concentration
and profits by concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in attainment of concentration
and profits by concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in attainment of concentration
and profits by concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."





Sutta 20

Ṭhiti-Vuṭṭhāna Suttaṃ

Emerging from Steadfastness

[20.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in steadfastness in concentration,
but not in emerging from concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in emerging from concentration,
but not in steadfastness in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in steadfastness in concentration
nor in emerging from concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and in emerging from concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and in emerging from concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and in emerging from concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 21

Ṭhiti Kallita Suttaṃ

Steadfastness in the Object (Ease)

[21.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in steadfastness in concentration,
but is not skilled in ease in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in ease in concentration,
but is not skilled in steadfastness in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in steadfastness in concentration
nor skilled in ease in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and skilled in ease in concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and skilled in ease in concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and skilled in ease in concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 22

Ṭhiti Ārammaṇa Suttaṃ

Steadfastness in the Object (Object)

[22.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in steadfastness in concentration,
but is not skilled the object of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the object of concentration,
but is not skilled in steadfastness in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in steadfastness in concentration
nor skilled in the object of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and skilled in the object of concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and skilled in the object of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and skilled in the object of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 23

Ṭhiti Gocara Suttaṃ

Steadfastness in the Object (Range)

[23.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in steadfastness in concentration,
but is not skilled the range of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the range of concentration,
but is not skilled in steadfastness in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in steadfastness in concentration
nor skilled in the range of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and skilled in the range of concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and skilled in the range of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and skilled in the range of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 24

Ṭhiti Abhinihāra Suttaṃ

Steadfastness in the Object (Resolve)

[24.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in steadfastness in concentration,
but is not skilled the resolve for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the resolve for concentration,
but is not skilled in steadfastness in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in steadfastness in concentration
nor skilled in the resolve for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and skilled in resolve for concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and skilled in resolve for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and skilled in resolve for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 25

Ṭhiti Sātacca-kārī Suttaṃ

Steadfastness in the Object (Zeal)

[25.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in steadfastness in concentration,
but is not skilled the zeal for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the zeal for concentration,
but is not skilled in steadfastness in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in steadfastness in concentration
nor skilled in the zeal for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and skilled in zeal for concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and skilled in zeal for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and skilled in zeal for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 26

Ṭhiti Sātacca-kārī Suttaṃ

Steadfastness in the Object (Perseverance)

[65.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in steadfastness in concentration,
but is not skilled the perseverance for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the perseverance for concentration,
but is not skilled in steadfastness in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in steadfastness in concentration
nor skilled in the perseverance for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and skilled in perseverance for concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and skilled in perseverance for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and skilled in perseverance for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 27

Ṭhiti Sappāya-kārī Suttaṃ

Steadfastness in the Object (Profit)

[27.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in steadfastness in concentration,
but is not skilled profiting by concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in profiting by concentration,
but is not skilled in steadfastness in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in steadfastness in concentration
nor skilled in profiting by concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and skilled in profiting by concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and skilled in profiting by concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in steadfastness in concentration
and skilled in profiting by concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."





Sutta 28

Vuṭṭhāna Kallita Suttaṃ

Ease in Emerging (Ease)

[28.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in emerging from concentration,
but is not skilled in ease in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in ease in concentration,
but is not skilled in emerging from concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in emerging from concentration
nor skilled in ease in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in emerging from concentration
and skilled in ease in concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in emerging from concentration
and skilled in ease in concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in emerging from concentration
and skilled in ease in concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 29

Vuṭṭhāna Ārammaṇa Suttaṃ

Emerging (Object)

[29.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in emerging from concentration,
but is not skilled the object of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the object of concentration,
but is not skilled in emerging from concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in emerging from concentration
nor skilled in the object of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in emerging from concentration
and skilled in the object of concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in emerging from concentration
and skilled in the object of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in emerging from concentration
and skilled in the object of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 30

Vuṭṭhāna Gocara Suttaṃ

Emerging (Range)

[30.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in emerging from concentration,
but is not skilled the range of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the range of concentration,
but is not skilled in emerging from concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in emerging from concentration
nor skilled in the range of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in emerging from concentration
and skilled in the range of concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in emerging from concentration
and skilled in the range of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in emerging from concentration
and skilled in the range of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 31

Vuṭṭhāna Abhinīhāra Suttaṃ

Emerging (Resolve)

[31.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in emerging from concentration,
but is not skilled the resolve for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the resolve for concentration,
but is not skilled in emerging from concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in emerging from concentration
nor skilled in the resolve for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in emerging from concentration
and skilled in the resolve for concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in emerging from concentration
and skilled in the resolve for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in emerging from concentration
and skilled in the resolve for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 32

Vuṭṭhāna Sakkacca-kārī Suttaṃ

Emerging (Zeal)

[32.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in emerging from concentration,
but is not skilled the zeal for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the zeal for concentration,
but is not skilled in emerging from concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in emerging from concentration
nor skilled in the zeal for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in emerging from concentration
and skilled in the zeal for concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in emerging from concentration
and skilled in the zeal for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in emerging from concentration
and skilled in the zeal for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 33

Vuṭṭhāna Sāttacca-kārī Suttaṃ

Emerging (Perseverance)

[33.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in emerging from concentration,
but is not skilled the perseverance in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the perseverance in concentration,
but is not skilled in emerging from concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in emerging from concentration
nor skilled in the perseverance in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in emerging from concentration
and skilled in the perseverance in concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in emerging from concentration
and skilled in the perseverance in concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in emerging from concentration
and skilled in the perseverance in concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 34

Vuṭṭhāna Sappāya-kārī Suttaṃ

Emerging (Profit)

[34.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
[209] is skilled in emerging from concentration,
but is not skilled in profiting by concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in profiting by concentration,
but is not skilled in emerging from concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in emerging from concentration
nor skilled in profiting by concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in emerging from concentration
and skilled in profiting by concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in emerging from concentration
and skilled in profiting by concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in emerging from concentration
and skilled in profiting by concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."





Sutta 35

Kalalita Ārammaṇa Suttaṃ

Ease and Object

[35.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in ease in concentration,
but is not skilled in the object of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the object of concentration,
but is not skilled in ease in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in ease in concentration
nor skilled in the object of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in ease in concentration
and skilled in the object of concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in ease in concentration
and skilled in the object of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in ease in concentration
and skilled in the object of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 36

Kallitā Gocara Suttaṃ

Ease (Range)

[36.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in ease in concentration,
but is not skilled in the range of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the range of concentration,
but is not skilled in ease in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in ease in concentration
nor skilled in the range of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in ease in concentration
and skilled in the range of concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in ease in concentration
and skilled in the range of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in ease in concentration
and skilled in the range of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 37

Kallita Abhinīhāra Suttaṃ

Ease (Resolve)

[37.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in ease in concentration,
but is not skilled in the resolve for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the resolve for concentration,
but is not skilled in ease in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in ease in concentration
nor skilled in the resolve for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in ease in concentration
and skilled in the resolve for concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in ease in concentration
and skilled in the resolve for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in ease in concentration
and skilled in the resolve for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 38

Kallita Sakkacca-kārī Suttaṃ

Ease (Zeal)

[38.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in ease in concentration,
but is not skilled in the zeal for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the zeal for concentration,
but is not skilled in ease in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in ease in concentration
nor skilled in the zeal for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in ease in concentration
and skilled in the zeal for concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in ease in concentration
and skilled in the zeal for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in ease in concentration
and skilled in the zeal for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 39

Kallita Sātaccakāri Suttaṃ

Ease (Perseverance)

[39.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in ease in concentration,
but is not skilled in perseverance in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in perseverance in concentration,
but is not skilled in ease in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in ease in concentration
nor skilled in perseverance in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in ease in concentration
and skilled in perseverance in concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in ease in concentration
and skilled in perseverance in concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in ease in concentration
and skilled in perseverance in concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 40

Kallita Sappāyakāri Suttaṃ

Ease (Profit)

[40.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in ease in concentration,
but is not skilled in the profit of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the profit of concentration,
but is not skilled in ease in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in ease in concentration
nor skilled in the profit of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in ease in concentration
and skilled in the profit of concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in ease in concentration
and skilled in the profit of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in ease in concentration
and skilled in the profit of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."





Sutta 41

Ārammaṇa Gocara Suttaṃ

Object (Range)

[41.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the object of concentration,
but is not skilled in the range of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the range of concentration,
but is not skilled in the object of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in the object of concentration
nor skilled in the range of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in the object of concentration
and skilled in the range of concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in the object of concentration
and skilled in the range of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in the object of concentration
and skilled in the range of concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 42

Ārammaṇa Abhinihāra Suttaṃ

Object (Resolve)

[42.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the object of concentration,
but is not skilled in the resolve for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the resolve for concentration,
but is not skilled in the object of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in the object of concentration
nor skilled in the resolve for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in the object of concentration
and skilled in the resolve for concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in the object of concentration
and skilled in the resolve for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in the object of concentration
and skilled in the resolve for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 43

Ārammaṇa Sakkacca-kārī Suttaṃ

Object (Zeal)

[43.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the object of concentration,
but is not skilled in the zeal for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the zeal for concentration,
but is not skilled in the object of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in the object of concentration
nor skilled in the zeal for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in the object of concentration
and skilled in the zeal for concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in the object of concentration
and skilled in the zeal for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in the object of concentration
and skilled in the zeal for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 44

Ārammaṇa Sātacca-kārī Suttaṃ

Object (Perseverance)

[44.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the object of concentration,
but is not skilled in perseverance in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in perseverance in concentration,
but is not skilled in the object of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in the object of concentration
nor skilled in perseverance in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in the object of concentration
and skilled in perseverance in concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in the object of concentration
and skilled in perseverance in concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in the object of concentration
and skilled in perseverance in concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 45

Ārammaṇa Sappāyakāri Suttaṃ

Object (Profit)

[45.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the object of concentration,
but is not skilled in profiting by concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in profiting by concentration,
but is not skilled in the object of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in the object of concentration
nor skilled in profiting by concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in the object of concentration
and skilled in profiting by concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in the object of concentration
and skilled in profiting by concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in the object of concentration
and skilled in profiting by concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."





Sutta 46

Gocara Abhinīhāra Suttaṃ

Range and Resolve

[46.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the range of concentration,
but is not skilled in the resolve for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the resolve for concentration,
but is not skilled in the range of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in the range of concentration
nor skilled in the resolve for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in the range of concentration
and skilled in the resolve for concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in the range of concentration
and skilled in the resolve for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in the range of concentration
and skilled in the resolve for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 47

Gocara Sakkaccakāri Suttaṃ

Range (Zeal)

[47.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the range of concentration,
but is not skilled in the zeal for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the zeal for concentration,
but is not skilled in the range of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in the range of concentration
nor skilled in the zeal for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in the range of concentration
and skilled in the zeal for concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in the range of concentration
and skilled in the zeal for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in the range of concentration
and skilled in the zeal for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 48

Gocara Sātacca-kārī Suttaṃ

Range (Perseverance)

[48.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the range of concentration,
but is not skilled in perseverance in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in perseverance in concentration,
but is not skilled in the range of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in the range of concentration
nor skilled in perseverance in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in the range of concentration
and skilled in perseverance in concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in the range of concentration
and skilled in perseverance in concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in the range of concentration
and skilled in perseverance in concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 49

Gocara Sappāya-kārī Suttaṃ

Range (Profit)

[49.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the range of concentration,
but is not skilled in profiting by concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in profiting by concentration,
but is not skilled in the range of concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in the range of concentration
nor skilled in profiting by concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in the range of concentration
and skilled in profiting by concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in the range of concentration
and skilled in profiting by concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in the range of concentration
and skilled in profiting by concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."





Sutta 50

Abhinihāra Sakkaccakāri Suttaṃ


[50.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the resolve for concentration,
but is not skilled in zeal for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in zeal for concentration,
but is not skilled in the resolve for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in the resolve for concentration
nor skilled in zeal for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in the resolve for concentration
and skilled in zeal for concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in the resolve for concentration
and skilled in zeal for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in the resolve for concentration
and skilled in zeal for concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 51

Abhinihāra Sātaccakāri Suttaṃ

Resolve and Perseverance

[51.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the resolve for concentration,
but is not skilled in perseverance in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in perseverance in concentration,
but is not skilled in the resolve for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in the resolve for concentration
nor skilled in perseverance in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in the resolve for concentration
and skilled in perseverance in concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in the resolve for concentration
and skilled in perseverance in concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in the resolve for concentration
and skilled in perseverance in concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 52

Abhinīhāra Sappāya-kāri Suttaṃ

Resolve and Profit

[52.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the resolve for concentration,
but is not skilled in profiting by concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in profiting by concentration,
but is not skilled in the resolve for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in the resolve for concentration
nor skilled in profiting by concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in the resolve for concentration
and skilled in profiting by concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in the resolve for concentration
and skilled in profiting by concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in the resolve for concentration
and skilled in profiting by concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."





Sutta 53

Sakkacca Sātacca-kārī Suttaṃ

Zeal and Perseverance

[53.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the zeal for concentration,
but is not skilled in perseverance in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in perseverance in concentration,
but is not skilled in the zeal for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in the zeal for concentration
nor skilled in perseverance in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in the zeal for concentration
and skilled in perseverance in concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in the zeal for concentration
and skilled in perseverance in concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in the zeal for concentration
and skilled in perseverance in concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."



Sutta 54

Sakkacca Sappāya-kārī Suttaṃ

Zeal and Profit

[54.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in the zeal for concentration,
but is not skilled in profiting by concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in profiting by concentration,
but is not skilled in the zeal for concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in the zeal for concentration
nor skilled in profiting by concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in the zeal for concentration
and skilled in profiting by concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in the zeal for concentration
and skilled in profiting by concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in the zeal for concentration
and skilled in profiting by concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."





Sutta 55

Sātacca Sappāya-kārī Suttaṃ

Persevering and Profiting

[55.1][olds] Thus have I heard:

The Exalted One was once staying near Sāvatthī
at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

And there the Exalted One addressed the brethren, saying:


"Master!" responded those brethren.

The Exalted One said:

"There are these four, brethren, who practise meditation.

What four?

Herein' brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in persevering in concentration,
but is not skilled in profiting by concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is skilled in profiting by concentration,
but is not skilled in persevering in concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is neither skilled in persevering in concentration
nor skilled in profiting by concentration.

Herein, brethren, a certain one who practises meditation
is both skilled in persevering in concentration
and skilled in profiting by concentration.

Of these four, brethren, who practise meditation,
he who is both skilled in persevering in concentration
and skilled in profiting by concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the best,
most excellent.

Just as, brethren,
from the cow comes milk,
from milk cream,
from cream butter,
from butter ghee,
from ghee come the skimmings of ghee,
and that is reckoned the best, -
even so, brethren, of these four who practise meditation
he who is both skilled in persevering in concentration
and skilled in profiting by concentration, -
he is the topmost,
he is the beat,
and most excellent."


[1] Samādhi-samapatti. See Buddh. Psych. Eth., § 1329 f., n 4. Comy., 'the first jhāna has five stages, the second three. Thus he is skilled in eight in all.'

[2] Cf. A. ii, 95.

[3] Ṭhiti. See Dhs., § 11 (Buddh Psych. Eth. 11. Cittassa ṭhiti saṇthiti avaṭṭhiti, or 'stability, solidity, absorbed steadfastness of thought.'

[4] (V)uṭṭāna 'ability in rising up or emerging from the jhāna or breaking it up at will.' Cf. M. i, 302; A. iii, 311. Dhs. loc. cit. supra.

[5] Kallavā (kalla is soundness or fitness in anything).

[6] Arammaṇa, the object of concentration, e.g., the kasina or device.

[7] Gocaro, the sphere or field of his exercise. Cf. Compendium, 206, n. 1. Comy., kammaṭṭhāna-gocara.

[8] Abhinīhara

[9] Sakkacca.

[10] Sātaccakāra, one who makes continuous or keeps the concentration going.

[11] Sappāyaṇ.

[12] Samāpatti-kallita.

[13] Sappāya-kārī Comy. 'samādhissa sappāye upakāraka-dhamme puretuṇ.


[ed1] Woodward's abridgment if followed literally would read: "...but not skilled in fully expert therein." The Pali: 'Kallavā Kusala' is 'fittingly skilled' or 'of sound skill'.

[ed2] §§ 8, 9, and 10 do not use 'skilled' here.

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