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Saṃyutta Nikāya
4. Saḷāyatana Vagga
37. Mātugāma Saṃyutta
1. Paṭhama Peyyāla Vagga

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
4. The Book Called the Saḷāyatana-Vagga
Containing Kindred Sayings on the 'Six-Fold Sphere' of Sense and Other Subjects
37. Kindred Sayings about Womankind
1. First Repetition

Suttas 5-14

Anuruddho I: Kaṇha-Pakkho

Anuruddha 1. The Dark Side[1]

Translated by F. L. Woodward
Edited by Mrs. Rhys Davids

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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Thus have I heard:

Then the venerable Anuruddha[2] came to visit the Exalted One
on coming to him greeted him courteously,
and after the exchange of greetings and compliments
sat down at one side.

Seated at one side he said to the Exalted One: -

"Herein, lord, with clairvoyant eye,
purified and superhuman,
I behold womankind,
after death,
when body breaks [164] up,
being reborn in the Waste,
the Way of Woe,
the Downfall,
in Purgatory.

Of what qualities possessed, lord,
is a woman reborn in the Waste,
the Way of Woe,
the Downfall,
in Purgatory?"



Sutta 5

Kodhano Suttaṃ


[5.1] "Possessed of five things, Anuruddha, a woman,
after death,
when body breaks up,
is reborn in the Waste,
the Way of Woe,
the Downfall,
in Purgatory.

What five?

She is faithless,
and[ed1] she is shameless,
and she is unscrupulous,
and she is wrathful,
and she is of weak wisdom.

These are the five things possessed of which
a woman,
after death,
when body breaks up,
is reborn in the Waste,
the Way of Woe,
the Downfall,
in Purgatory."




Sutta 6

Upanāhī Suttaṃ


[6.1] "Possessed of five things, Anuruddha, a woman,
after death,
when body breaks up,
is reborn in the Waste,
the Way of Woe,
the Downfall,
in Purgatory.

What five?

She is faithless,
and she is shameless,
and she is unscrupulous,
and she is grudging,
and she is of weak wisdom.

These are the five things possessed of which
a woman,
after death,
when body breaks up,
is reborn in the Waste,
the Way of Woe,
the Downfall,
in Purgatory."




Sutta 7

Issukī Suttaṃ


[7.1] "Possessed of five things, Anuruddha, a woman,
after death,
when body breaks up,
is reborn in the Waste,
the Way of Woe,
the Downfall,
in Purgatory.

What five?

She is faithless,
and she is shameless,
and she is unscrupulous,
and she is envious,
and she is of weak wisdom.

These are the five things possessed of which
a woman,
after death,
when body breaks up,
is reborn in the Waste,
the Way of Woe,
the Downfall,
in Purgatory."




Sutta 8

Maccharena Suttaṃ

Through Stinginess

[8.1] "Possessed of five things, Anuruddha, a woman,
after death,
when body breaks up,
is reborn in the Waste,
the Way of Woe,
the Downfall,
in Purgatory.

What five?

She is faithless,
and she is shameless,
and she is unscrupulous,
and she is stingy,
and she is of weak wisdom.

These are the five things possessed of which
a woman,
after death,
when body breaks up,
is reborn in the Waste,
the Way of Woe,
the Downfall,
in Purgatory."




Sutta 9

Aticārī Suttaṃ


[9.1] "Possessed of five things, Anuruddha, a woman,
after death,
when body breaks up,
is reborn in the Waste,
the Way of Woe,
the Downfall,
in Purgatory.

What five?

She is faithless,
and she is shameless,
and she is unscrupulous,
and she is an adulteress,
and she is of weak wisdom.

These are the five things possessed of which
a woman,
after death,
when body breaks up,
is reborn in the Waste,
the Way of Woe,
the Downfall,
in Purgatory."




Sutta 10

Dussīlam Suttaṃ


[10.1] "Possessed of five things, Anuruddha, a woman,
after death,
when body breaks up,
is reborn in the Waste,
the Way of Woe,
the Downfall,
in Purgatory.

What five?

She is faithless,
and she is shameless,
and she is unscrupulous,
and she is immoral,
and she is of weak wisdom.

These are the five things possessed of which
a woman,
after death,
when body breaks up,
is reborn in the Waste,
the Way of Woe,
the Downfall,
in Purgatory."




Sutta 11

Appassuto Suttaṃ

Of Small Knowledge

[11.1] "Possessed of five things, Anuruddha, a woman,
after death,
when body breaks up,
is reborn in the Waste,
the Way of Woe,
the Downfall,
in Purgatory.

What five?

She is faithless,
and she is shameless,
and she is unscrupulous,
and she is of small knowledge,
and she is of weak wisdom.

These are the five things possessed of which
a woman,
after death,
when body breaks up,
is reborn in the Waste,
the Way of Woe,
the Downfall,
in Purgatory."




Sutta 12

Kusīto Suttaṃ


[12.1] "Possessed of five things, Anuruddha, a woman,
after death,
when body breaks up,
is reborn in the Waste,
the Way of Woe,
the Downfall,
in Purgatory.

What five?

She is faithless,
and she is shameless,
and she is unscrupulous,
and she is indolent,
and she is of weak wisdom.

These are the five things possessed of which
a woman,
after death,
when body breaks up,
is reborn in the Waste,
the Way of Woe,
the Downfall,
in Purgatory."




Sutta 13

Muṭṭhassati Suttaṃ


[13.1] "Possessed of five things, Anuruddha, a woman,
after death,
when body breaks up,
is reborn in the Waste,
the Way of Woe,
the Downfall,
in Purgatory.

What five?

She is faithless,
and she is shameless,
and she is unscrupulous,
and she is muddle-headed,
and she is of weak wisdom.

These are the five things possessed of which
a woman,
after death,
when body breaks up,
is reborn in the Waste,
the Way of Woe,
the Downfall,
in Purgatory."




Sutta 14

Pañcaveram Suttaṃ

The Fivefold Guilty Dread[3]

[14.1] "Possessed of five things, Anuruddha, a woman,
after death,
when body breaks up,
is reborn in the Waste,
the Way of Woe,
the Downfall,
in Purgatory.

What five?

She takes life,
and she takes what [165] is not given,
and she acts wrongly in sense-desixes,
and she tells lies,
and she indulges in fermented and distilled liquor,
intoxicants causing sloth.

These are the five things possessed of which
a woman,
after death,
when body breaks up,
is reborn in the Waste,
the Way of Woe,
the Downfall,
in Purgatory."


[1] Kaṇha-pakkha (the dark fortnight of the moon), as opp. to § 15 infra. The title seems to refer to S. ii, xvi, 7 (K.S. ii, 139), the waxing and waning of good qualities.

[2] Anuruddha was noted for his clairvoyant powers. He is proclaimed (A. i, 23) as best of those who had 'the heavenly eye.' Cf. K.S. ii, chap. xix (of Moggallāna).

[3] Cf. K.S. ii, 48. These are to be guarded against by the five charges (pañcasīla).


[ed1] Woodward has omitted the 'ands'.

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