Samyutta Nikaya Masthead

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Saṃyutta Nikāya
5. Mahā-Vagga
45. Magga Saṃyutta
3. Micchatta Vagga

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
5. The Great Chapter
45. Kindred Sayings on the Way
3. Perversion

Sutta 30

Uttiya (or Uttika) Suttaṃ


Translated by F. L. Woodward
Edited by Mrs. Rhys Davids

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[1][bodh] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was staying near Sāvatthī.

Now the venerable Uttiya[1] came to see the Exalted One
on coming to him greeted him courteously,
and after the exchange of greetings and compliments
sat down at one side.

Seated at one side
the venerable Uttiya said this to the Exalted One:

"Here, lord, when I was secluded in solitude,
this discursive thought came to me:

'Five sensual elements[2]
were spoken of by the Exalted One.

I wonder what are those five sensual elements
so spoken of by the Exalted One.'"

"Well said, well said, Uttiya!

Five indeed are the sensual elements
spoken of by me.

What five?

There are objects cognizable by the eye,
objects desirable,
and dear,
inciting to lust.

There are sounds cognizable by the ear,
objects desirable,
and dear,
inciting to lust.

There are scents cognizable by the nose
objects desirable,
and dear,
inciting to lust.

There are savours cognizable by the tongue
objects desirable,
and dear,
inciting to lust.

There are tangibles cognizable by the body,
objects desirable,
and dear,
inciting to lust.

These, Uttiya, are the five sensual elements
of which I spoke.

Woodward has reversed the meaning of this sutta to make it that the Magga is to be understood by abandoning the five, but it is that the five are to be abandoned by cultivation of the Magga.

p.p. explains it all — p.p.

Now, Uttiya, it is by abandoning these five sensual elements
that the Ariyan eightfold way is to be cultivated.

What Ariyan eightfold way?

It is right view,
right aim,
right speech,
right action,
right living,
right effort,
right mindfulness
right concentration.

By abandoning these five sensual elements, Uttiya,
this Ariyan eightfold way must be cultivated."


[1] Cf. infra, [Text] 166; A. v, 193; Brethren, 34 n, Doubtless the same as there. Text v.l. Uttika. Comy. does not notice this sutta (see note on next section).

[2] Cf. K.S. iv, 56 ff., etc.

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