Samyutta Nikaya Masthead

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Saṃyutta Nikāya
5. Mahā-Vagga
47. Sati-Paṭṭhāna Saṃyutta
1. Ambapāli Vagga

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
5. The Great Chapter
47. Kindred Sayings on the Stations of Mindfulness
1. Ambapālī

Sutta 4

Sālā Suttaṃ


Translated by F. L. Woodward

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[1][bodh][olds][than] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was staying among the Kosalans at Sālā, a brahmin village.

[123] Then the Exalted One addressed the monks, saying:


"Yes, lord," replied those monks to the Exalted One.

The Exalted One said:

"Monks, those who are novices,
not long gone forth (from home),
late-comers into this Norm and Discipline,[2] -
such monks should be roused[3]
and admonished for,
and established in,
the cultivation of the four stations of mindfulness.

Of what four and how?

(Ye should say this:)

"Come ye, friends, do ye abide in body
contemplating body (as transient),
and one-pointed,[4]
of tranquil mind,
calmed down,
of concentrated mind,[5]
for insight into body
as it really is.

In feelings do ye abide
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and one-pointed,
of tranquil mind,
calmed down,
of concentrated mind,
for insight into body
as it really is.

In mind do ye abide
contemplating mind (as transient),
and one-pointed,
of tranquil mind,
calmed down,
of concentrated mind,
for insight into body
as it really is.

In mind-states do ye abide
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and one-pointed,
of tranquil mind,
calmed down,
of concentrated mind,
for insight into body
as it really is.




Monks, those monks who are imperfect,[6]
who have not attained their goal,
who abide aspiring
for the peace from bondage unsurpassed,[7] -
they also abide in body
contemplating body (as transient),
and one-pointed,
of tranquil mind,
calmed down,
of concentrated mind,
for insight into body
as it really is.

So also do they abide in feelings,
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and one-pointed,
of tranquil mind,
calmed down,
of concentrated mind,
for insight into body
as it really is.

So also do they abide in mind,
contemplating mind (as transient),
and one-pointed,
of tranquil mind,
calmed down,
of concentrated mind,
for insight into body
as it really is.

So also do they abide in mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and one-pointed,
of tranquil mind,
calmed down,
of concentrated mind,
for insight into body
as it really is.




Monks, those monks who are Axahants,[8]
destroyers of the āsavas,
who have lived the life,
done what was to be done,
[124] who bave removed the burden,
who have won their bigbest good,[9]
who have utterly destroyed the fetters of becoming,
who by perfect knowledge have become free,[10] -
they also abide in body contemplating body (as transient),
of tranquil mind,
calmed down,
of concentrated mind,
with respect to body being released.

So also in feelings, they abide,
contemplating feelings (as transient),
of tranquil mind,
calmed down,
of concentrated mind,
with respect to feelings being released.

So also in mind, they abide,
contemplating mind (as transient),
of tranquil mind,
calmed down,
of concentrated mind,
with respect to mind being released.

So also in mind-states, they abide,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
of tranquil mind,
calmed down,
of concentrated mind,
with respect to mind-states being released.




(For such reasons), monks,
those who are novices,
not long gone forth,
late-comers into this Norm and Discipline, -
such monks should be roused,
admonished for,
and established in,
the cultivation of
these stations of mindfulness."


[1] Text gives as title Sallaṇ (? barb) and infra, text 227, Salaṇ. So also Uddāna ad fin.; but B. v.ll. Kosalāyaṇ, Kosālāyaṇ, Kosallāyaṇ. Cf. M. i, 285. We must read Sālā.

[2] Cf. K.S. iii, 77.

[3] Sampādetabba-gaṇhāpetabba. Comy. Cf. DA. 300; UdA. 242; infra, text, 155.

[4] Ekodi-bhūtā. Khaṇika-samādhinā ekagga-bhūtā samāhtā, 'by a momentary concentration become one-pointed and tranquillized.' Comy. Cf. VM. 144; Manual of a Mystic (passim).

[5] Ekagga-cittā means much the same. Comy. upacār'appanāvasena, 'by way of the preliminary processes.'

[6] Sekhā. Cf. M. i, 4; S. i, 121, and below, text 326 n. [?]: A. i, 231 ff.

[7] Anuttaraṇ yoga-kkhemaṇ.

[8] M. i, 4; K.S. iv, 80.

[9] Anupatta-sadaṭṭhā.

[10] Samma-d-aññā vimuttā.

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