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Resources and Links

Of Special Interest to Translators


Digital Dictionary of Pāli

A digital version of the Pali Text Society’s new Dictionary of Pāli (DoP) Written by Margaret Cone.

A Critical Pāli Dictionary

A Critical Pāli Dictionary Online is maintained by the Data Center for the Humanities at the University of Cologne in cooperation with the Pali Text Society.

Digital Pāḷi Dictionary. This links to a page which describes this dictionary and the many features of Golden Dictionary.

Open Buddhist University. A huge but very well organized and beautifully presented collection of references to Buddhist works of all sorts.

The Index at Reading Faithfully. This could be a really valuable resources, but unfortunately at this time the links are only to Bhkkhu Sujato's translations. It can be used, however by others if the links are ignored and just the sutta references followed.

Michael Lackner: Circumnavigating The Unfamiliar: Dao'An (314 — 385) And Yan Fu (1852 — ;1921) On Western Grammar


new Friday, October 19, 2012 4:33 PMTrenckner, Critical Pāḷi Dictionary, Search Form an on-line searchable version of this incomplete effort to create a critical Pāḷi Dictionary.


Ancient Buddhist Texts
Pāḷi Texts, studies, translations


Links to Various websites of interest to Buddhists in general.


new Monday, July 16, 2012 5:55 AM O. von Hinuber, Pāḷi as an Artificial Language From, The Online Journal of the International Association of Sanskrit Studies, Volume X (1982), Proceedings of the"Conference-Seminar of Indological Studies", Article #10


new Saturday, August 18, 2012 4:20 AM Digital Pāḷi Reader
Download links for a tool in the form of a Mozilla Firefox extension, much like a hard-copy language reader, facilitating study of the Pāḷi language.

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