Aṅguttara Nikāya

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Aṅguttara Nikāya:
4. Catukka Nipāta
II. Cara Vaggo

The Book of the Fours

Sutta 19

Agati-Nāgati Suttaṃ

A-going and Not A-Going

Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds



[1][pts][than][bodh] I Hear Tell:

Once upon a time the Lucky man, Sāvatthī-town revisiting.

There Bhagava said:

2. There are, beggars, these four not-to-go-goings[1].

What four?

Wanting-going[2] going,
hatred-going going,
stupidity-going going,
fear-going going.

These are, beggars, the four not-to-go-goings.

3. There are, beggars, these four not-not-to-go-goings[3].

What four?

Not wanting-going going[4]
not hatred-going going,
not stupidity-going going,
not fear-going going.

These are, beggars, the four not-not-to-go-goings.




Going beyond good form through
wanting, hatred, fear, stupidity
his honor comes to ruin
like the dark half of the month

Not going beyond good form through
wanting, hatred, fear, stupidity
his honor increases
like the bright half of the month


[1] A-gati-gamanāni. Not-going-goings.

[2] Chandā-gatiṃ gacchati, etc. Wanting-going going.

[3] Nāgati-gamanāni. Not-not-to-go-goings.

[4] Na chandā-gatiṃ gacchati. Not wanting-going going.

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