Aṅguttara Nikāya
Catukka Nipāta
26: Abhiññā Vagga
The Book of the Fours
Sutta 259
Arañña Senāsana Suttaṃ
The Solitary Bed-Seat
Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds
Once upon a time, The Lucky Man,
Sāvatthī-town revisiting:
There, to the beggars gathered-round, he said:
And the beggars responding "Bhagavā!"
the Lucky Man said this:
"Four, beggars, are things
possessed of which
a beggar is ill equipped
to practice the forest-way,
the solitary bed-seat.
What four?
Thoughts of sense pleasures,
thoughts of deviance,
thoughts of violence,
being a slack-jawed dribble-mouth.
These then beggars, are the things
possessed of which
a beggar is ill equipped
to practice the forest-way,
the solitary bed-seat.
Four, beggars, are things
possessed of which
a beggar is well equipped
to practice the forest-way,
the solitary bed-seat.
What four?
Thoughts of homelessness,
thoughts of non-deviance,
thoughts of non-violence,
being one who is wise,
no slack-jawed dribble-mouth.
These then beggars, are the things
possessed of which
a beggar is well equipped
to practice the forest-way,
the solitary bed-seat."