Aṅguttara Nikāya
23. Dīgha-Cārika Vagga
The Book of Fives
Sutta 223
Paṭhama Ati-Nivāsa Suttaṃ
Over-Staying (First)
Once upon a time, Bhagavā, Sāvatthi-town residing.
There then the Lucky Man addressed the beggars gathered round:
And the beggars responding:
the Lucky Man said this:
"There are these five disadvantages of over-staying.
What five?
Having many possessions
accumulation of many possessions.
Having many medicinals
accumulation of many medicinals.
Having many duties
much to do
being handy at what needs to be done.
Living with people
with householders-homeleavers
settling for householder-companionship.
And departing that residence,
one departs that residence with-reluctance.
These, beggars, are the five disadvantages from over-staying.
There are these five advantages of regular habitat-rotation.
What five?
Not having many possessions
not accumulating many possessions.
Not having many medicinals
not accumulating many medicinals.
Not having many duties
not having much to do
or being handy at what needs to be done.
Not living with people
with householders-homeleavers
settling for householder-companionship.
And departing that residence,
one departs that residence without-reluctance.
These, beggars, are the five advantages of regular habitat-rotation."