Aṅguttara Nikāya
Chakka Nipāta
VII. Devatā Vagga
The Book of Sixes
Sutta 74
Dutiya Paṭhama Jhāna Suttaṃ
The Second First Jhāna Sutta
Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds
Once upon a time, The Lucky Man Sāvatthi Town revisiting, Anāthapiṇḍika Park, Jeta Grove.
There then the Lucky Man addressed the beggars:
And "Bhante!" the beggars responded.
Bhagava said this to them:
"Six things, beggars, not let go,
one is not yet ready
for the arising of
and abiding in
the First Jhāna.
What six?
Thinking about sense-pleasure
thinking about deviance,
thinking about harming,
perception of sense-pleasures,
perception of deviance,
perception of harming.
Not having let go these six things, beggars,
one is not yet ready
for the arising of
and abiding in
the First Jhāna.
Six things, beggars, let go,
one is ready
for the arising of
and abiding in
the First Jhāna.
What six?
Thinking about sense-pleasure
thinking about deviance,
thinking about harming,
perception of sense-pleasures,
perception of deviance,
perception of harming.
Having let go these six things, beggars,
one is ready
for the arising of
and abiding in
the First Jhāna."