Aṅguttara Nikāya

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Aṅguttara Nikāya
XI. Ekā-Dasaka Nipāta
I. Nissāya

The Book of Elevens

Sutta 5

Tatiya Upanisa Suttaṃ

Seating (3)



[1][pts] There then Old Man Ānanda
addressed the beggars:

"Friend beggars!"

And the beggars there responding: "Friend!"
to Old Man Ānanda,
Old Man Ānanda said this to them:

"Being without self-reproach, beggars,
failing to have self-reproach,
the seating is missing for



Without gladness, beggars,
failing to have gladness,
the seating is missing for



Without approval, beggars,
failing to have approval,
the seating is missing for



Without impassivity, beggars,
failing to have impassivity,
the seating is missing for
being pleased.



Without pleasure, beggars,
failing to have pleasure,
the seating is missing for



Without consummate serenity, beggars,
failing to have consummate serenity,
the seating is missing for
knowing and seeing things
the way they are.



Without knowing and seeing things
the way they are, beggars,
failing to have knowing and seeing things
the way they are,
the seating is missing for



Without weariness, beggars,
failing to have weariness,
the seating is missing for



Without dispassion, beggars,
failing to have dispassion,
the seating is missing for
freedom through knowing and seeing.




In the same way, beggars,
as with a tree
which has failed in
branches and leaves
the off-shoots
do not come to completion;
the bark,
softwood and
do not come to completion.



Even so, beggars,
having poor ethical standards,
failing to have ethical standards,
the seating is missing for
being without self-reproach.



Being without self-reproach, beggars,
failing to have self-reproach,
the seating is missing for



Without gladness, beggars,
failing to have gladness,
the seating is missing for



Without approval, beggars,
failing to have approval,
the seating is missing for



Without impassivity, beggars,
failing to have impassivity,
the seating is missing for
being pleased.



Without pleasure, beggars,
failing to have pleasure,
the seating is missing for



Without consummate serenity, beggars,
failing to have consummate serenity,
the seating is missing for
knowing and seeing things
the way they are.



Without knowing and seeing things
the way they are, beggars,
failing to have knowing and seeing things
the way they are,
the seating is missing for



Without weariness, beggars,
failing to have weariness,
the seating is missing for



Without dispassion, beggars,
failing to have dispassion,
the seating is missing for
freedom through knowing and seeing.




But for sure, beggars,
the ethical
having won ethical standards
for himself,
he has also won the seating for
being without self-reproach.



With being without self-reproach,
having won being without self-reproach
for himself,
he has also won the seating for



With gladness,
having won gladness
for himself,
he has also won the seating for approval.



With approval,
having won approval for himself,
he has also won the seating for impassivity.



With impassivity,
having won impassivity
for himself,
he has also won the seating for being pleased.



With being pleased,
having won being pleased
for himself,
he has also won the seating for consummate serenity.



With consummate serenity,
having won consummate serenity
for himself,
he has also won the seating for knowing and seeing things the way they are.



With knowing and seeing things
the way they are,
having won knowing and seeing things
the way they are
for himself,
he has also won the seating for weariness.



With weariness,
having won weariness
for himself,
he has also won the seating for



With dispassion,
having won dispassion
for himself,
he has also won the seating for
freedom through knowing and seeing.



In the same way, beggars,
as with a tree
which has won to
branches and leaves
the off-shoots
come to completion;
the bark,
softwood and
come to completion.

Even so, beggars,
the ethical
having won ethical standards
for himself,
he has also won the seating for
being without self-reproach.



With being without self-reproach,
having won being without self-reproach
for himself,
he has also won the seating for



With gladness,
having won gladness
for himself,
he has also won the seating for approval.



With approval,
having won approval for himself,
he has also won the seating for impassivity.



With impassivity,
having won impassivity
for himself,
he has also won the seating for being pleased.



With being pleased,
having won being pleased
for himself,
he has also won the seating for consummate serenity.



With consummate serenity,
having won consummate serenity
for himself,
he has also won the seating for knowing and seeing things the way they are.



With knowing and seeing things
the way they are,
having won knowing and seeing things
the way they are
for himself,
he has also won the seating for weariness.



With weariness,
having won weariness
for himself,
he has also won the seating for



With dispassion,
having won dispassion
for himself,
he has also won the seating for
freedom through knowing and seeing.


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