Aṅguttara Nikāya
XI. Ekā-Dasaka Nipāta
I. Nissāya
The Book of Elevens
Sutta 6
Vyasana Suttaṃ
A few of the many possible selections from Roget's Thesaurus: taking a dim view, thumbs down, censure, reprehension, denunciation, damnation, castigation, aspersion, stricture, obloquy, knock, carping, caviling, reproof, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, scolding, castigation, lecture, talking-to, speaking-to, jobation, wigging, roasting, raking-down, dressing, dressing-down, bawling-out, cussing-out, jacking-up, going-over, ragging, berating, revile, abuse, vituperation invective, contumely, cutting, bitter words, tirade, diatribe, ... etc. etc. etc. ... The idea is that taking another's thoughts, words or deeds as unpleasant, one speaks to him or to others about this person or his thoughts, words or deeds in a harsh or unfriendly manner.
[1][pts] "If, beggars,
some beggar
tells off,
calls out
those with whom he lives
the best of lives,
fault-finds Aristocrats,
it is impossible,
that he not be dragged down,
encounter misfortune,
not undergo,
one or another
of these eleven
What eleven?
[1] Not attaining the not attained;
[2] falling away from the attained;
[3] true Dhamma is not made clear;
[4] or he has excessive pride concerning true Dhamma;
[5] or he takes no delight in his conduct of the best of lives;
[6] or he commits some corrupt offense;
[7] or rejecting the training he reverts to the lower;
[8] or he is afflicted by some sharp sickening disease;
[9] or gone mad he loses his mind;
[10] confused he does his time;
[11] at the break-up of the body at death
he is reborn in the woeful way,
the downfall,
Niriya Hell.
If, beggars,
some beggar
tells off,
calls out
those with whom he lives
the best of lives,
fault-finds Aristocrats,
it is impossible,
that he not be dragged down,
encounter misfortune,
not undergo,
one or another
of these eleven