Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
IV. Catukka Nipāta
II. Cara Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Fours
Chapter II: Deportment

Sutta 20

Bhattuddesa Suttaṃ

The Food-Steward

Translated from the Pali by F. L. Woodward, M.A.

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[19] [19]

[1][bodh] Thus have I heard:

On a certain occasion the Exalted One was staying near Sāvatthī.

Then the Exalted One addressed the monks, saying:


"Yes, lord," they replied, and the Exalted One said:

"Monks, possessed of four qualities
a food-steward is put into Purgatory
according to his deserts.[1]

What are the four?

He goes to the no-bourn through desire,
he goes to the no-bourn through ill-will,
he goes to the no-bourn through delusion,
he goes to the no-bourn through fear.

Possessed of these four qualities,
a food-steward is put into Purgatory
according to his deserts.

Monks, possessed of four qualities
a food-steward is put into Heaven
according to his deserts.

What four?

He goes not to the no-bourn through desire,
he goes not to the no-bourn through ill-will,
he goes not to the no-bourn through delusion,
he goes not to the no-bourn through fear.

Whatever folk are unrestrained in lusts,
Not led by Dhamma or respect for Dhamma,[2]
Led by desire, ill-will and fear they go:[3]
"A blemish to the company"[4] they're called.
Thus was it said by the Samana who knows.[5]

Therefore those worthy ones and worthy praise
Who, fixed in Dhamma, do no evil deed,
Not going by desire, ill-will and fear, -
"Cream of the company" such ones are called.
Thus was it said by the Samana who knows.'


[1] Yathābhataṃ. Cf. A. i, 8; G.S. i, 6 n.; infra, Ch. VII, 4. For the food-steward or almoner (bhattuddesako) cf. Vin. i, 58; A. iii, 274; JA. i, 5. There were evidently 'unjust stewards' in those days.

[2] Dhammika seems to be the equivalent of 'conscientious.'

[3] The gāthās omit the third quality, moha.

[4] Parisa-kkasāvo. Cf. infra, text 225 (p. dussana) and Dhp. v. 9. Kasāva is an astringent, opp. to maṇḍa below; Comy. paraphr. by p-hacavara (dust-heap).

[5] Here and below text should read samaṇena jānatā.

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