Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
Chakka Nipāta
V. Dhammika Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Sixes
Chapter V: Dhammika

Khattiya Suttaṃ

Sutta 52

The Noble

Translated from the Pali by E.M. Hare.

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[1] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was dwelling near Sāvatthī,
at Jeta Grove,
in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Now brahman Jānussoṇi[1] approached the Exalted One,
greeted him
and, after exchanging the usual polite talk,
sat down at one side.

So seated, he said:

'Master Gotama,
what's a noble's aim,[2]
what's his quest,
what's his resolve,
what's his want,
what's his ideal?'

wealth's a noble's aim,
wisdom's his quest,
power's his resolve,
the earth's his want,
dominion's his ideal.'

'And a brahman, Master Gotama,
what's his aim
what's his quest,
what's his resolve,
what's his want,
what's his ideal?'

'Wealth's his aim,
wisdom's his quest,
mantras are his resolve,
sacrifices his want,
Brahma-world is his ideal.'

'And a householder, Master Gotama
what's his aim
what's his quest,
what's his resolve,
what's his want,
what's his ideal?'

'Wealth's his aim,
wisdom's his quest,
craft's his resolve,
work's his want,
work's end is his ideal.'

'And a woman, Master Gotama
what's her aim
what's her quest,
what's her resolve,
what's her want,
what's her ideal?'

'Man's her aim,
adornment's her quest,
a son's her resolve,
to be without[3] a rival is her want,
dominion's her ideal.'

[259] 'And a thief, Master Gotama
what's his aim
what's his quest,
what's his resolve,
what's his want,
what's his ideal?'

'Booty's his aim,
capture's his quest,
a caravan's his resolve,
darkness is his want,
not to be seen is his ideal.'

'And a recluse, Master Gotama
what's his aim
what's his quest,
what's his resolve,
what's his want,
what's his ideal?'

'Patience and forbearance are his aim,
wisdom's his quest,
virtue's his resolve,
nothing's[4] his want,
Nibbāna's his ideal.'

'Wonderful, wonderful, Master Gotama!

Verily, Master Gotama knows the aim,
and ideal of nobles
and recluses!

'This, indeed, is wonderful, Master Gotama!

This, indeed, is wonderful, Master Gotama!

'Tis just as if one had set upright a thing toppled over,
opened out a covered thing,
showed a blind man along the road,
brought an oil lamp into the dark,
so that those that had eyes could see objects —
it is just thus that Dhamma
has been blazed abroad by Master Gotama
in manifold ways.

'I, Master Gotama,
go to Master Gotama for help,
to Dhamma
and to the monk-Order;
let Master Gotama look upon me as a lay-disciple,
to that refuge gone,
henceforth as long as life lasts!'


[1] He lived at Manasākaṭa in Kosala; see D. i, 235; M. i, 16; A. i, 66; S. ii, 76, etc.

[2] Adhippāya, upavicāra, adhiṭṭhāna, abhinivesa, (Comy. and v.l. also vinivesa), pariyosāna.

[3] A-sapati-. Comy. with v.l. sapatti-, but S.e. -sapati-. Comy. observes; she thinks Asapattī hutvā ekikā'va ghare vaseyyan- ti

[4] We should read akiñcañña with Comy. and S.e. for a- in text.

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