Aṇguttara Nikāya

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I. Ekanipāta

Suttas 140-141

Bahujanahitaya Sutta

For the Benefit of Many People

Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
Provenance, terms and conditons



Sutta 140

[140-1][pts][olds] "Monks, any monks who explain not-Dhamma as not-Dhamma
are practicing for the welfare of many people,
for the happiness of many people,
for the benefit of many people,
for the welfare and happiness of human beings and devas.

They amass much merit
and help this True Dhamma to remain."



Sutta 141

[141-1][pts][olds] "Monks, any monks who explain Dhamma as Dhamma
are practicing for the welfare of many people,
for the happiness of many people,
for the benefit of many people,
for the welfare and happiness of human beings and devas.

They amass much merit
and help this True Dhamma to remain."



Of Related Interest:

SN 16:13;
SN 20:7;
AN 7:56


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