Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
X. Dasaka-Nipāta
V. Akkosa Vagga

Sutta 48

Dasa-Dhamma Suttaṃ

Discourse on The Ten Dhammas

Translated from the Pali by Piyadassi Thera.
From The Book of Protection,
translated by Piyadassi Thera
(Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1999).
Copyright ©1999 Buddhist Publication Society.
Used with permission.



[1][pts][than][olds] Thus have I heard:

On one occasion the Blessed One was living near Sāvatthi at Jetavana at the monastery of Anāthapiṇḍika.

Then the Blessed One addressed the monks, saying:


"Venerable Sir," they said by way of reply.

The Blessed One then spoke as follows:

"These ten essentials (dhammas)
must be reflected upon again and again
by one who has gone forth (to live the holy life).

What are these ten?

1. "'I am now changed into a different mode of life (from that of a layman).'

This must be reflected upon again and again
by one who has gone forth.

2. "'My life depends on others.'

This must be reflected upon again and again
by one who has gone forth.

3. "'I must now behave in a different manner.'

This must be reflected upon again and again
by one who has gone forth.

4. "'Does my mind upbraid me
regarding the state of my virtue (sila)?'

This must be reflected upon again and again
by one who has gone forth.

5. "'Do my discerning fellow-monks
having tested me,
reproach me regarding the state of my virtue?'

This must be reflected upon again and again
by one who has gone forth.

6. "'There will be a parting (some day)
from all those who are dear and loving to me.

Death brings this separation to me.'

This must be reflected upon again and again
by one who has gone forth.

7. "'Of kamma[1] I am constituted.

Kamma is my inheritance;
kamma is the matrix;
kamma is my kinsman;
kamma is my refuge.

Whatever kamma I perform,
be it good or bad,
to that I shall be heir.

This must be reflected upon again and again
by one who has gone forth.

8. "'How do I spend my nights and days?'

This must be reflected upon again and again
by one who has gone forth.

9. "'Do I take delight in solitude?'

This must be reflected upon again and again
by one who has gone forth.

10. "'Have I gained superhuman faculties?

Have I gained that higher wisdom
so that when I am questioned (on this point) by fellow-monks
at the last moment (when death is approaching)
I will have no occasion
to be depressed and downcast?'

This must be reflected upon again and again
by one who has gone forth.

"These, monks, are the essentials
that should be reflected again and again
by one who has gone forth (to live the holy life)."

So spoke the Blessed One.

Those monks rejoiced at the words of the Blessed One.


[1]Literally action — mental, verbal, and physical.

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