Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
X. Dasaka-Nipāta
IX: Thera-Vagga

Sutta 81

Bāhuna Suttaṃ

To Bahuna

Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
Proofed against and modified in accordance with the revised edition at dhammatalks.org
Provenance, terms and conditons



[1][pts][olds] I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Campā on the shore of Gaggarā Lake.

Then Ven. Vāhuna went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, having bowed down to him, sat to one side.

As he was sitting there he said to the Blessed One:

"Lord, freed, dissociated, and released from how many things does the Tathāgata dwell with unrestricted awareness?"

"Freed, dissociated, and released from ten things, Vāhuna, the Tathāgata dwells with unrestricted awareness.

Which ten?

Freed, dissociated, and released from form, the Tathāgata dwells with unrestricted awareness.

Freed, dissociated, and released from feeling...

Freed, dissociated, and released from perception...

Freed, dissociated, and released from fabrications...

Freed, dissociated, and released from consciousness...

Freed, dissociated, and released from birth...

Freed, dissociated, and released from aging...

Freed, dissociated, and released from death... Freed, dissociated, and released from stress...

Freed, dissociated, and released from defilement, the Tathāgata dwells with unrestricted awareness.

"Just as a red, blue, or white lotus born in the water and growing in the water, rises up above the water and stands with no water adhering to it, in the same way the Tathāgata—freed, dissociated, and released from these ten things—dwells with unrestricted awareness."



Of Related Interest:

MN 72;
SN 22:85–86;
AN 4:24;
AN 6:43;
AN 9:7;
Iti 112;
Sn 5:6

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