Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
X. Dasaka-Nipāta
IX: Thera-Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
X. The Book of the Tens
IX: The Elders

Sutta 81

Bāhuna Suttaṃ


Translated from the Pali by F. L. Woodward, M.A.

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[1][than] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was staying near Campā[1]
on the bank of the Lotus-pond at Gaggarā.

Then the venerable Bāhuna came to see the Exalted One,
and on coming to him saluted him
and sat down at one side.

So seated he said this to the Exalted One:

"Pray, sir, from what states free,
detached and released does the Wayfarer dwell,
with a mind whose barriers are broken down?"[2]

[152]"Bāhuna, the Wayfarer is free,
and released from[3] ten states
and so dwells with a mind
whose barriers are broken down.

The Wayfarer dwells free,
and released from physical body, Bāhuna,
and dwells with a mind
whose barriers are broken down.

What are the ten?




The Wayfarer dwells free,
and released from feeling, Bāhuna,
and dwells with a mind
whose barriers are broken down.

The Wayfarer dwells free,
and released from perception, Bāhuna,
and dwells with a mind
whose barriers are broken down.

The Wayfarer dwells free,
and released from mental factors, Bāhuna,
and dwells with a mind
whose barriers are broken down.

The Wayfarer dwells free,
and released from (persisting) consciousness, Bāhuna,
and dwells with a mind
whose barriers are broken down.

The Wayfarer dwells free,
and released from rebirth, Bāhuna,
and dwells with a mind
whose barriers are broken down.

The Wayfarer dwells free,
and released from decay, Bāhuna,
and dwells with a mind
whose barriers are broken down.

The Wayfarer dwells free,
and released from death, Bāhuna,
and dwells with a mind
whose barriers are broken down.

The Wayfarer dwells free,
and released from the passions, Bāhuna,
and dwells with a mind
whose barriers are broken down.

Just as, Bāhuna, a lotus,
or red
or white,
born in water,
grown up in water,
on reaching the surface
rests on the water unsoiled thereby,[4]
even so Bāhuna, the Wayfarer,
and released from these ten states,
dwells with a mind
whose barriers are broken down."


[1] § 94 below; M. i, 339; S. i, 195. Capital of the Angas, now Bhagulpur. Cf. MA. iii, 1. Bāhuna seems unknown.

[2] Cf. S. ii, 173; A. i, 259, cetasā vimariyāda-katena.

[3] The use of the instrumental case throughout here might give the meaning 'by means of.'

[4] Cf. G.S. iii, 245 (gāthās).

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