Aṅguttara Nikāya
Chakka Nipāta
VI. Mahā Vagga
The Book of Sixes
Sutta 63
Nibbedhika Suttaṃ
Drawing from Experience
Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds
[1][pts][than][1] "I will teach you, beggars,
a curriculum in Dhamma,
a curriculum in drawing-from-experience,
give ear,
focus the mind well,
I will speak!"
"Even so, bhante"
the beggars responded to Bhagava.
Then the Lucky Man said this:
[2][pts][than] "And what, beggars is this curriculum in Dhamma,
this curriculum in drawing-from-experience?
Become an expert on desire, beggars,
become an expert on that from which desire springs,
become an expert on desire's variety,
become an expert on desire's outcome,
become an expert on desire's eradication,[2]
become an expert on the way to go to desire's eradication.
Become an expert on sense-experience, beggars,
become an expert on that from which sense-experience springs,
become an expert on sense-experience's variety,
become an expert on sense-experience's outcome,
become an expert on sense-experience's eradication,
become an expert on the way to go to sense-experience's eradication.
Become an expert on perception, beggars,
become an expert on that from which perception springs,
become an expert on perception's variety,
become an expert on perception's outcome,
become an expert on perception's eradication,
become an expert on the way to go to perception's eradication.
Become an expert on corruption, beggars,
become an expert on that from which corruption springs,
become an expert on corruption's variety,
become an expert on corruption's outcome,
become an expert on corruption's eradication,
become an expert on the way to go to corruption's eradication.
Become an expert on kamma, beggars,
become an expert on that from which kamma springs,
become an expert on kamma's variety,
become an expert on kamma's outcome,
become an expert on kamma's eradication,
become an expert on the way to go to kamma's eradication.
Become an expert on pain, beggars,
become an expert on that from which pain springs,
become an expert on pain's variety,
become an expert on pain's outcome,
become an expert on pain's eradication,
become an expert on the way to go to pain's eradication.
[3][pts][than] 'Become an expert on desire, beggars,
become an expert on that from which desire springs,
become an expert on desire's variety,
become an expert on desire's outcome,
become an expert on desire's eradication,
become an expert on the way to go to desire's eradication.'
This is what was said.
And because of what was it said?
Five, beggars, are the strings of desire:
Visual consciousness of forms
— sought after, craved, pleasing,
attractive, associated with desire, fit for a king.
Auditory consciousness of sounds
— sought after, craved, pleasing,
attractive, associated with desire, fit for a king.
Nasal consciousness of scents
— sought after, craved, pleasing,
attractive, associated with desire, fit for a king.
Tongue consciousness of savours
— sought after, craved, pleasing,
attractive, associated with desire, fit for a king.
Bodily consciousness of touches
— sought after, craved, pleasing,
attractive, associated with desire, fit for a king.
Although, beggars, these are not desire,
'the strings of desire' is the name given them in the discipline of the Aristocrats.
Principled in lust is man's desire.
Not is desire in the world's shimmering borne.
Principled in lust is man's desire.
Separate the world's shimmering stands.
Therefore do the wise their wantings discipline.
[4][pts][than] And what, beggars, is that from which desire springs?
Contact, beggars, is that from which desire springs.
And what, beggars, is desire's variety?
One, beggars, is desire for forms,
another desire for sounds,
another desire for scents,
another desire for savours,
another desire for contact.
This, beggars, is said to be desire's variety.
And what, beggars, is desire's outcome?
Whensoever, beggars, there is pairing with this or that desire,
there is further drawn from that experience
that which partakes of the rewarding,
that which partakes of the unrewarding.
This, beggars, is said to be desire's outcome.
And what, beggars, is desire's eradication?
Contact's eradication, beggars, is desire's eradication.
And it is this very Aristocratic Eight-Dimensional High-Way that is the way to go to desire's eradication, that is:
High Thesis,
High Principles,
High Talk,
High Works,
High Lifestyle,
High Self-Control,
High Mind,
High Getting High.
And when, beggars, the student of the
Aristocrats knows desire in this way,
knows that from which desire springs,
knows desire's variety,
knows desire's outcome,
knows desire's eradication,
knows the way to go to desires eradication,
then he knows this best of lives
having drawn it from the experience
of the eradication of desire.
'Become an expert on desire, beggars,
become an expert on that from which desire springs,
become an expert on desire's variety,
become an expert on desire's outcome,
become an expert on desire's eradication,
become an expert on the way to go to desire's eradication.'
This is what was said.
And it was because of this that it was said.
[5][pts][than] 'Become an expert on sense-experience, beggars,
become an expert on that from which sense-experience springs,
become an expert on sense-experience's variety,
become an expert on sense-experience's outcome,
become an expert on sense-experience's eradication,
become an expert on the way to go to sense-experience's eradication.'
This is what was said.
And because of what was it said?
Three, beggars, are the sense-experiences,
pleasant sense-experience,
painful sense-experience,
not-painful-but-not-pleasant sense-experience.
[6][pts][than] And what, beggars, is that from which sense-experience springs?
Contact, beggars, is that from which sense-experience springs.
And what, beggars, is sense-experience's variety?
There is, beggars, pleasant sense-experience that is carnal,
there is pleasant sense-experience that without carnality,
there is unpleasant sense-experience that is carnal,
there is unpleasant sense-experience that is without carnality,
there is not-painful-but-not-pleasant sense-experience that is carnal, and
there is not-painful-but-not-pleasant sense-experience that is without carnality.
This, beggars, is said to be sense-experience's variety
And what, beggars, is sense-experience's outcome?
Whensoever, beggars, there is pairing with this or that sense-experience,
there is further drawn from that experience
that which partakes of the rewarding,
that which partakes of the unrewarding.
This, beggars, is said to be sense-experience's outcome.
And what, beggars, is sense-experiences eradication?
Contact's eradication, beggars is sense-experience's eradication.
And it is this very Aristocratic Eight-Dimensional High-Way that is the way to go to sense-experience's eradication, that is:
High Thesis,
High Principles,
High Talk,
High Works,
High Lifestyle,
High Self-Contro,
High Mind,
High Getting High.
And when, beggars, the student of the
Aristocrats knows sense-experience in this way,
knows that from which sense-experience springs,
knows sense-experience's variety,
knows sense-experience's outcome,
knows sense-experience's eradication,
knows the way to go to sense-experience's eradication,
then he knows this best of lives
having drawn it from the experience
of the eradication of sense-experience.
'Become an expert on sense-experience, beggars,
become an expert on that from which sense-experience springs,
become an expert on sense-experience's variety,
become an expert on sense-experience's outcome,
become an expert on sense-experience's eradication,
become an expert on the way to go to sense-experience's eradication.'
This is what was said.
And it was because of this that it was said.
[7][pts][than] 'Become an expert on perception, beggars,
become an expert on that from which perception springs,
become an expert on perception's variety,
become an expert on perception's outcome,
become an expert on perception's eradication,
become an expert on the way to go to perception's eradication.'
This is what was said.
And because of what was it said?
Six, beggars, are the perceptions:
perception of form,
perception of sound,
perception of scent,
perception of savour,
perception of touch,
perception of things.
[8][pts][than] And what, beggars, is that from which perception springs?
Contact, beggars, is that from which perception springs.
And what, beggars, is perception's variety?
One perception, beggars, is of form,
another perception is of sounds,
another perception is of scents,
another perception is of savours,
another perception is of touches,
another perception is of things.
This, beggars, is said to be perception's variety.
And what, beggars, is perception's outcome?
Perception, beggars, cooks up vocation, say I.
Whatsoever is such as one recognizes,
such is such as he advocates, saying:
'Explain this perception thus.'
This, beggars, is said to be perception's outcome.
And what, beggars, is perception's eradication?
Contact's eradication, beggars, is perception's eradication.
And it is this very Aristocratic Eight-Dimensional High-Way that is the way to go to perception's eradication, that is:
High Thesis,
High Principles,
High Talk,
High Works,
High Lifestyle,
High Self-Contro,
High Mind,
High Getting High.
And when, beggars, the student of the
Aristocrats knows perception in this way,
knows that from which perception springs,
knows perception's variety,
knows perception's outcome,
knows perception's eradication,
knows the way to go to perception's eradication,
then he knows this best of lives
having drawn it from the experience
of the eradication of perception.
'Become an expert on perception, beggars,
become an expert on that from which perception springs,
become an expert on perception's variety,
become an expert on perception's outcome,
become an expert on perception's eradication,
become an expert on the way to go to perception's eradication.'
This is what was said.
And it was because of this that it was said.
[9][pts][than] 'Become an expert on corruption, beggars,
become an expert on that from which corruption springs,
become an expert on corruption's variety,
become an expert on corruption's outcome,
become an expert on corruption's eradication,
become an expert on the way to go to corruption's eradication.'
This is what was said.
And because of what was it said?
Three, beggars, are corruptions:
desire is a corruption
living is a corruption
blindness is a corruption.
[10][pts][than] And what, beggars, is that from which corruption springs?
Blindness, beggars, is that from which corruption springs.
And what, beggars, is the variety of corruption?
There is, beggars, corruption that leads to Hell,
there is corruption that leads to the animal womb,
there is corruption that leads to the realm of ghosts,
there is corruption that leads to the world of man, and
there is corruption that leads to divine worlds.
This, beggars, is said to be the variety of corruption.
And what, beggars, is corruption's outcome?
Whensoever, beggars, there is blindness,
there is further drawn from that experience
that which partakes of the rewarding,
that which partakes of the unrewarding.
This, beggars, is said to be corruption's outcome.
And what, beggars, is corruption's eradication?
The eradication of blindness, beggars, is the eradication of corruption.
And it is this very Aristocratic Eight-Dimensional High-Way that is the way to go to corruption's eradication, that is:
High Thesis,
High Principles,
High Talk,
High Works,
High Lifestyle,
High Self-Contro,
High Mind,
High Getting High.
And when, beggars, the student of the
Aristocrats knows corruption in this way,
knows that from which corruption springs,
knows corruption's variety,
knows corruption's outcome,
knows corruption's eradication,
knows the way to go to corruption's eradication,
then he knows this best of lives
having drawn it from the experience
of the eradication of corruption.
'Become an expert on corruption, beggars,
become an expert on that from which corruption springs,
become an expert on corruption's variety,
become an expert on corruption's outcome,
become an expert on corruption's eradication,
become an expert on the way to go to corruption's eradication.'
This is what was said.
And it was because of this that it was said.
[11][pts][than] 'Become an expert on kamma, beggars,
become an expert on that from which kamma springs,
become an expert on kamma's variety,
become an expert on kamma's outcome,
become an expert on kamma's eradication,
become an expert on the way to go to kamma's eradication.'
This is what was said.
And because of what was it said?
Intention beggars, is kamma, I say.
It is with intent that one does works of body, speech and mind.
[12][pts][than] And what, beggars, is that from which kamma springs?
Contact, beggars, is that from which kamma springs.
And what is kamma's variety?
There is, beggars, kamma that is to be experienced in Hell,
there is kamma that is to be experienced in the animal womb,
there is kamma that is to be experienced in the realm of ghosts,
there is kamma that is to be experienced in the world of man, and
there is kamma that is to be experienced in divine worlds.
This, beggars, is said to be the variety of kamma.
And what, beggars, is kamma's outcome?
Threefold, beggars, is kamma's outcome:
as in this seen thing,
as upon
as circling-round after.
This, beggars, is said to be kamma's outcome.
And what, beggars, is kamma's eradication?
Contact's eradication, beggars, is kamma's eradication.
And it is this very Aristocratic Eight-Dimensional High-Way that is the way to go to kamma's eradication, that is:
High Thesis,
High Principles,
High Talk,
High Works,
High Lifestyle,
High Self-Contro,
High Mind,
High Getting High.
And when, beggars, the student of the
Aristocrats knows kamma in this way,
knows that from which kamma springs,
knows the variety of kamma,
knows kamma's outcome,
knows kamma's eradication,
knows the way to go to kamma's eradication,
then he knows this best of lives
having drawn it from the experience
of the eradication of kamma.
'Become an expert on kamma, beggars,
become an expert on that from which kamma springs,
become an expert on kamma's variety,
become an expert on kamma's outcome,
become an expert on kamma's eradication,
become an expert on the way to go to kamma's eradication.'
This is what was said.
And it was because of this that it was said.
[13][pts][than] "Become an expert on pain, beggars,
become an expert on that from which pain springs,
become an expert on pain's variety,
become an expert on pain's outcome,
become an expert on pain's eradication,
become an expert on the way to go to pain's eradication".
This is what was said.
And because of what was it said?
Birth is pain
aging is pain
sickness is painful
death is painful
grief and lamentation
pain and misery
and despair are painful
not gaining what is wished for is pain
in a word, the five stockpiled heaps are pain.
[14][pts][than] And what, beggars, is that from which pain springs?
Hunger and thirst, beggars, is that from which pain springs.
And what, beggars, is pain's variety?
There is, beggars, pain beyond measure
that which is trifling,
that which is slow to fade,
that which is quick to fade.
This, beggars, is said to be pain's variety.
And what, beggars, is pain's outcome?
Here, beggars one subject to pain,
having lost control of his mind,
goes around sorrowful,
beating his breast,
Either that, or,
subject to pain,
having lost control of his mind,
he goes out searching around, saying:
"Who knows one way ... or two ways! ... to eradicate my pain?"
Pain, beggars, has its outcome in bewilderment
or its outcome in searching around, say I.
This, beggars, is said to be pain's outcome.
And what, beggars, is pain's eradication?
The eradication of hunger and thirst, beggars, is the eradication of pain.
And it is this very Aristocratic Eight-Dimensional High-Way that is the way to go to pain's eradication, that is:
High Thesis,
High Principles,
High Talk,
High Works,
High Lifestyle,
High Self-Contro,
High Mind,
High Getting High.
And when, beggars, the student of the
Aristocrats knows pain in this way,
knows that from which pain springs,
knows pain's variety,
knows pain's outcome,
knows pain's eradication,
knows the way to go to pain's eradication,
then he knows this best of lives
having drawn it from the experience
of the eradication of pain.
"Become an expert on pain, beggars,
become an expert on that from which pain springs,
become an expert on pain's variety,
become an expert on pain's outcome,
become an expert on pain's eradication,
become an expert on the way to go to pain's eradication".
This is what was said.
And it was because of this that it was said.
This then, beggars, is that curriculum in Dhamma,
that curriculum in drawing-from-sense-experience.
[1] No nidana in PTS. The previous sutta is located in Kosala, BJT has it as given in Sāvatthi.
[2] Eradication throughout this sutta is probably not the best. What it means is eradication not of the phenomena itself, but of the experience of it by the individual.