Aṇguttara Nikāya

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III. Tika Nipāta
IV. Deva-Dūta Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
More-Numbered Suttas

III. The Book of the Threes
IV. Messengers of the Devas

Sutta 36

Catu-Mahārāja Suttaṃ

The Four Great Kings

Translated from the Pali by
F.L. Woodward, M.A.

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[1][bodh] Thus have I heard:

On a certain occasion the Exalted One addressed the monks, saying:


"Yes, Lord," replied those monks to the Exalted One.

The Exalted One said this:

"Monks, on the eighth day
of the lunar half-month
the ministers who are councillors
of the Four Great Kings
perambulate this world
to see whether many folk among men
pay reverence to mother and father,
to recluses and brahmins;
and show deference to the elders of the clan,
observe the Sabbath,
keep the vigil[1]
and do good works.

On the fourteenth day
(of the lunar half-month)
the sons of the Four Great Kings
perambulate this world
to see whether many folk among men
pay reverence to mother and father,
to recluses and brahmins;
and show deference to the elders of the clan,
observe the Sabbath,
keep the vigil
and do good works.

On the fifteenth day,
that day[2] which is the Sabbath,
the Four Great Kings in person
perambulate this world
to see whether many folk among men
pay reverence to mother and father,
to recluses and brahmins;
and show deference to the elders of the clan,
observe the Sabbath,
keep the vigil
and do good works.

Now, monks, if few be those among men
pay reverence to mother and father,
to recluses and brahmins;
and show deference to the elders of the clan,
observe the Sabbath,
keep the vigil
and do good works,
the Four Great Kings
report the matter to the Devas of the Thirty-Three,
as they sit in conclave
in the Hall of Righteousness,[3] saying:

'Good my lords,[4]
few among men
pay reverence to mother and father,
to recluses and brahmins;
and show deference to the elders of the clan,
observe the Sabbath,
keep the vigil
and do good works.'

Then, monks, the Devas of the Thirty-Three
are displeased and say:

'Surely, sirs,
the Deva-hosts will diminish
and the Asura-hosts will be increased.'

But, monks,
if many are they among men
who pay reverence to mother and father,
to recluses and brahmins,
who show deference to the elders of the clan,
who observe the Sabbath,
keep the vigil
and do good works,
then the Four Great Kings
report the matter to the Devas of the Thirty-Three,
as they sit in conclave
in the Hall of Righteousness, saying:

'Good my lords,
many are they among men
who pay reverence to mother and father,
to recluses and brahmins,
who show deference to the elders of the clan,
who observe the Sabbath,
keep the vigil
and do good works.'

[127] Thereat, monks, the Devas of the Thirty-Three are glad and say:

'Surely, sirs,
the Deva-hosts will be increased
and the Asura-hosts will decrease.'"


[1] Text paṭijāgarenti. Comy. -jāgaronti.

Childers: Tadahe and Tadahu (adv.), On that day. Both these terms represent, I think, तदहम form with e comp. sve = cvas, pure = puras, antepura = mithas, sajju = sadyas, dgu = āgas. Tadake'va or tadahe yeva, on that very day, on the same day (Alw. I. 98; Mah. 23, 40, 77, 103, 117). Tadahu jāto, born that day (Dh. 313). Tadahu pabbajito santo, being ordained that very day (Subh.). Tadahu'posathe, on that day, it being uposatha day (Sām. S., the comment here says tadahūti tasmiṃ ahu tasmiṃ divase). At Mah. 37, 103, tadahū metri causâ.

p.p. explains it all — p.p.

[2] Tadahu = tadahe = taṃ divasaṃ. Comy. (see Childers).

[3] Cf. K.S. iv, 133.

[4] Mārisā. Cf. Dialog. ii, 242, 260.

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