Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
X. Dasaka-Nipāta
IV. Upāli Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
X. The Book of the Tens
IV: Upāli and Ānanda

Sutta 31

Upāli Suttaṃ

Upāli and the Obligation[1]

Translated from the Pali by F. L. Woodward, M.A.

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[70] [50]

[1][bodh] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was dwelling near Sāvatthī.

Now the venerable Upāli came to see the Exalted One,
and on coming to him
saluted him
and sat down at one side.

So seated, he said this to the Exalted One:

"Pray, sir, with what object in view
was the training enjoined on the disciples of the Wayfarer
and the obligation pronounced?"

"It was done with ten objects in view, Upāli.

What ten?

For the excellence of the Order;

for the well-being of the Older;

for the control of ill-conditioned monks

and the comfort of well-behaved[2] monks;

for the restraint of the cankers[3]
in this same visible state;

for protection against the cankers
in a future life;

to give confidence to those of little faith;[4]

for the betterment of the faithful;

to establish true dhamma;

and to support the discipline.

These, Upāli, are the ten objects in view
of which the training was enjoined on the Wayfarer's disciples
and the obligation pronounced."




[bodh][ed1] "Pray, sir, what is the nature of the suspension of the obligation?"[5]

"The suspension of the obligation, Upāli,
is of ten sorts.

What ten?

When a transgressor is seated in that company;

when debate[6] [51] about a transgressor is unfinished;

[71] when a person not fully ordained is seated in that company;

when debate about such an one is unfinished;

when one who has renounced the training is seated in that company;

when debate on that subject is unfinished;

when a eunuch[7] is seated in that company;

when debate about such is unfinished;

when one who has defiled a nun[8] is seated in that company;

when debate about such is unfinished.

These are the ten suspensions of the obligation."


[1] Pāṭimokkha, cf. in detail G.S. i, 83 ff. Vin. i, 103 gives the supposed derivation of the word; pāṭimokkhan ti ādiṃ etaṃ, mukhaṃ etaṃ, pamukhaṃ etaṃ kusalānaṃ dhammānaṃ, tena vuccati p.; cf. Vin. ii, 196; A. i, 98; G.S. i, 83; Netti 50; Rhys Davids in E.R.E. art., 'Pātimokkha.'

[2] Pesalānaṃ (of dear virtue).

[3] At A. i, 98 (for the restraint of) the cankers of guilt, faults, fears and unprofitable states.

[4] Wrong at G.S. i, 83.

[5] Ṭhapana; cf. Vin. ii, 241, 243; UdA. 299.

[6] Pārājika-kathā vippakatā hoti. Comy. 'Has such an one fallen into transgression or not?' when such talk has started and is left unfinished; so with the other cases.

[7] Cf. Vin. i, 85. Such might not be fully ordained. If discovered he must be unfrocked.

[8] M. i, 67.


[ed1] BJT Pali and Bhk. Bodhi have this as a separate sutta.

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