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Index of the Suttas of the
Saṃyutta Nikāya
Sagāthā Vagga
Vana Saṃyutta


Index of Sutta Indexes


I. Sagāthā Vagga

PTS: Saṃyutta Nikāya Volume 1, Sagāthā-Vagga ed. by M. Léon Feer, London: Pāḷi Text Society 1884. The html formatted Pāḷi Text Society edition of the Pāḷi text.
BJT: Saṃyutta Nikāya Volume 1, Sagāthā-Vagga The Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series Pāḷi text.

The Pāḷi text for individual suttas listed below is adapted from the Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series [BJT], not from the PTS version.
Each translation is linked to its Pāḷi version and to the PTS, Sister Upalavanna, Olds and where available to the ATI Bhk. Thanissaro translation, and each of these is in turn linked back to each of the others. Many, but not all have been checked against the Pāḷi Text Society edition, and many have been reformatted to include the original Pāḷi (and/or organizational) phrase and sentence breaks.

PTS: Kindred Sayings with Verses, translated by Mrs. Rhys Davids,
WP: The Book with Verses, translated by bhikkhu Bodhi
ATI: The translations of bhikkhu Thanissaro and others originally located on Access to Insight
MNL: The translations of Sister Upalavanna.
BD: The translations of M. Olds.

9. Vana Saṃyutta, I.197

PTS: The Forest Suttas, I.250
WP: Connected Discourses in the Woods, 294

1. Viveka Suttaṃ, I.197

A deva admonishes a forest bhikkhu whose mind is distracted with worldly concerns.

PTS: Detachment, I.250
WP: Seclusion, 294
ATI: Seclusion

2. Upa-ṭ-ṭhāna Suttaṃ, I.197

A deva admonishes a forest-gone bhikkhu who is beset with sleepiness.

PTS: Ministry, 251
WP: Rousing, 295

3. Kassapa-gotta Suttaṃ, (or Cheta), I.1198

A deva admonishes Kasspa over his concern with teaching a dull-wit.

PTS: Kassapa of the Kassapas (or The Trapper), 252
WP: Kassapa-gotta, 296
ATI: Kassapa Gotta

4. Sambahulā (or Cārika) Suttaṃ, I.199

Two devas console themselves in their sadness at the departure of a group of bhikkhus who have been living in their forest abode.

PTS: Many of them, or On Tour, 253
ATI: Many
WP: A Number, 296

5. Ānanda Suttaṃ, I.199

A deva admonishes Ānanda over his concern about teaching the laity.

PTS: Ānanda, 254

ATI: Ānanda WP: Ānanda, 297

6. Anuruddho Suttaṃ, I.200

A deva, a former wife of Anuruddha, tries to tempt him to join the Gods of the Thirty-and-three. He explains the folly of such a desire.

PTS: Anuruddha, 254
WP: Anuruddha, 297
ATI: Anuruddha

7. Nāgadatta I.200

A deva admonishes the venerable Nagadatta for hanging around laymen too much.

PTS: Nāgadatta, 255
WP: Nagadatta, 298

8. Kulagharaṇī (or Ogāḷho) Suttaṃ, I.201

A deva uses magic power to alert a bhikkhu about spending too much time with a lay family.

PTS: The Housewife, or Engrossed, 256
WP: Family Mistress, 299

9. Vajji-putta (or Vesālī) Suttaṃ, I.201

A deva consoles a bhikkhu who is feeling lonely on hearing the sounds of a nearby festival.

PTS: The Vajjian (or Vesaliyan), 257
WP: Vijjian Prince (or Vesali), 300
ATI: The Vajjian Princeling

10. Sajjhāya (or Dhamma) Suttaṃ, I.202

A deva arouses a bhikkhu who he thinks has become lax. The bhikkhu explains that he has put aside worldly concerns and that this is not laxness.

PTS: Diligence (or Doctrines), 258
WP: Reciting, 300

11. Ayoniso (or Vitakkita) Suttaṃ, I.203

A deva stirs up a bhikkhu whose mind has become corrupted with evil thoughts.

PTS: Want of Method (or Fancies), 259
WP: Unwholesome Thoughts, 301
ATI: Inappropriate Attention

12. Majjhantiko (or Saṇika) Suttaṃ, I.203

A bhikkhu and a deva exchange views concerning the solitude of the forest.

PTS: Noontide, or Resounding, 259
WP: Noon, 301

13. Pakat'indriya (or Sambahulā Bhikkhū) Suttaṃ, I.203

A deva admonishes a large number of bhikkhus whose minds had become muddled with evil thoughts.

PTS: Uncontrolled (or, Very many brethren), 260
WP: Loose in Sense Faculties, 302

14. Paduma-puppha (or Puṇḍarīka) Suttaṃ, I.1

A deva calls a bhikkhu a 'smell thief' for enjoying the scent of a lotus blossom. The bhikkhu straightens him out.

PTS: The Red Lotus-blossom, or White Lotus, 260
WP: The Thief of Scent, 303
ATI: The Thief of a Scent, Bhk. Thanissaro, trans.
Stealing the Scent, (excerpt), Andrew Olendzki, trans.

 [I. Sagathavagga]  [II. Nidanavagga]  [III. Khandhavagga]  [IV. Salayatanavagga]  [V. Mahavagga]

 [Devatasamyutta]  [Devaputtasamyutta]  [Kosalasamyutta]  [Marasamyutta]  [Bhikkhunisamyutta]  [Brahmasamyutta]  [Brahmanasamyutta]  [Vangisatherasamyutta]  [Vanasamyutta]  [Yakkhasamyutta]  [Sakkasamyutta]


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