Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
Bhaṇḍagāma Vagga

Sutta 5

Anusota Suttaṃ

With the Flow

Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.

For free distribution only.



[1][pts][bodh] "These four types of individuals are to be found existing in the world.

Which four?

The individual who goes with the flow,
the individual who goes against the flow,
the individual who stands fast,
and the one who has crossed over,
gone beyond,
who stands on firm ground:
a brahman.

"And how is one an individual who goes with the flow?

There is the case where an individual indulges in sensual passions and does evil deeds.

This is called the individual who goes with the flow.

"And how is one an individual who goes against the flow?

There is the case where an individual doesn't indulge in sensual passions and doesn't do evil deeds.

Even though it may be with pain,
even though it may be with sorrow,
even though he may be crying,
his face in tears,
he lives the holy life that is perfect and pure.

This is called the individual who goes against the flow.

"And how is one an individual who stands fast?

There is the case where an individual,
with the total ending of the five lower fetters,
is due to arise spontaneously [in the Pure Abodes],
there to be totally unbound,
never again to return from that world.

This is called the individual who stands fast.

"And how is one an individual who has crossed over,
gone beyond,
who stands on firm ground:
a brahman?

There is the case where an individual,
through the ending of the effluents,
enters and remains
in the effluent-free awareness-release
and release of discernment,
having directly known and realized them manifest for himself
right in the here and now.

This is called the individual who has crossed over,
gone beyond,
who stands on firm ground:
a brahman.

"These are the four types of individuals to be found existing in the world."

People unrestrained
    in sensual passions,
not devoid
    of passion,
    in sensuality:
They return to birth and aging,
    again and again —
seized by craving,
going with the flow.

Thus the enlightened one,
with mindfulness here established,
    not indulging
    in sensuality and evil,
though it may be with pain,
would abandon sensuality.
    They call him
    one who goes against
        the flow.

having abandoned
the five defilements,
perfect in training,
not destined to fall back,
skilled in awareness,
with faculties composed:
    He's called
        one who stands fast

In one who, having known,
qualities high and low
    have been destroyed,
    have gone to their end,
    do not exist:
He's called
    a master of knowledge,
    one who has     fulfilled the holy life,
                gone to the world's end,[1] gone


[1] On the meaning of "world" here, see SN 35:82.



Of Related Interest:

SN 22:93;
SN 35:197;
AN 4:45;
AN 7:15;
Iti 109;
Sn 3:12;
Sn 5


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