Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
Catukka Nipāta
XXVIII: Rāgādi-Peyyālaṃ

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Fours
Chapter XXVIII: Passion (and the Rest)[1]

Sutta 271
or [271-287] or [271-780]

Passion (and the Rest)


Translated from the Pali by F. L. Woodward, M.A.

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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Creative Commons Licence
For details see Terms of Use.


[Passion] [Anger] [Delusion] [Malevolence] [Ill Will] [Hypocrisy] [Spite] [Envy] [Grudging] [Deceit] [Treachery] [Obstinacy] [Impetuosity] [Pride] [Overweening Pride] [Mental Intoxication] [Negligence]



[1][bodh] Thus have I heard:

On a certain occasion the Exalted One was staying near Sāvatthī.

Then the Exalted One addressed the monks, saying:


"Yes, lord," they replied, and the Exalted One said:





"Monks, for the comprehension of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,[2]
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the comprehension of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,[3]
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the comprehension of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power[4]
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

[260] He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,[5]
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the comprehension of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Full Understanding

Monks, for the full understanding of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the full understanding of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the full understanding of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the full understanding of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Utter Destruction

Monks, for the utter destruction of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the utter destruction of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the abandoning of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the abandoning of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the abandoning of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the abandoning of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the destroying of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the destroying of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the destroying of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the destroying of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the decay of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the decay of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the decay of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the decay of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for dispassion towards passion[ed1]
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for dispassion towards passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for dispassion towards passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for dispassion towards passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the ending of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the ending of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the ending of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the ending of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Giving Up

Monks, for the giving up of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the giving up of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the giving up of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the giving up of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the renunciation of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the renunciation of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the renunciation of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of passion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the renunciation of passion
these four conditions must be made to grow.





Monks, for the comprehension of anger[6]
these four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the comprehension of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the comprehension of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the comprehension of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Full Understanding

Monks, for the full understanding of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the full understanding of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the full understanding of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the full understanding of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Utter Destruction

Monks, for the utter destruction of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the utter destruction of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the abandoning of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the abandoning of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the abandoning of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the abandoning of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the destroying of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the destroying of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the destroying of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the destroying of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the decay of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the decay of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the decay of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the decay of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for dispassion towards anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for dispassion towards anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for dispassion towards anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for dispassion towards anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the ending of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the ending of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the ending of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the ending of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Giving Up

Monks, for the giving up of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the giving up of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the giving up of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the giving up of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the renunciation of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the renunciation of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the renunciation of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of anger
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the renunciation of anger
these four conditions must be made to grow.





Monks, for the comprehension of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.[ed2]

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the comprehension of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the comprehension of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the comprehension of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Full Understanding

Monks, for the full understanding of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the full understanding of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the full understanding of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the full understanding of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Utter Destruction

Monks, for the utter destruction of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the utter destruction of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the abandoning of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the abandoning of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the abandoning of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the abandoning of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the destroying of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the destroying of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the destroying of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the destroying of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the decay of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the decay of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the decay of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the decay of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for dispassion towards delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for dispassion towards delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for dispassion towards delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for dispassion towards delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the ending of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the ending of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the ending of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the ending of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Giving Up

Monks, for the giving up of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the giving up of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the giving up of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the giving up of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the renunciation of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the renunciation of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the renunciation of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of delusion
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the renunciation of delusion
these four conditions must be made to grow.





Monks, for the comprehension of malevolence,
these four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the comprehension of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the comprehension of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the comprehension of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Full Understanding

Monks, for the full understanding of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the full understanding of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the full understanding of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the full understanding of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Utter Destruction

Monks, for the utter destruction of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the utter destruction of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the abandoning of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the abandoning of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the abandoning of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the abandoning of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the destroying of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the destroying of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the destroying of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the destroying of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the decay of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the decay of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the decay of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the decay of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for dispassion towards malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for dispassion towards malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for dispassion towards malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for dispassion towards malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the ending of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the ending of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the ending of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the ending of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Giving Up

Monks, for the giving up of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the giving up of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the giving up of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the giving up of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the renunciation of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the renunciation of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the renunciation of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of malevolence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the renunciation of malevolence
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Ill Will


Monks, for the comprehension of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.[ed2]

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the comprehension of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the comprehension of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the comprehension of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Full Understanding

Monks, for the full understanding of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the full understanding of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the full understanding of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the full understanding of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Utter Destruction

Monks, for the utter destruction of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the utter destruction of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the abandoning of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the abandoning of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the abandoning of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the abandoning of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the destroying of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the destroying of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the destroying of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the destroying of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the decay of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the decay of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the decay of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the decay of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for dispassion towards ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for dispassion towards ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for dispassion towards ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for dispassion towards ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the ending of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the ending of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the ending of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the ending of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Giving Up

Monks, for the giving up of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the giving up of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the giving up of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the giving up of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the renunciation of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the renunciation of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the renunciation of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of ill will
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the renunciation of ill will
these four conditions must be made to grow.





Monks, for the comprehension of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the comprehension of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the comprehension of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the comprehension of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Full Understanding

Monks, for the full understanding of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the full understanding of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the full understanding of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the full understanding of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Utter Destruction

Monks, for the utter destruction of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the utter destruction of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the abandoning of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the abandoning of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the abandoning of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the abandoning of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the destroying of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the destroying of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the destroying of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the destroying of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the decay of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the decay of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the decay of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the decay of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for dispassion towards hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for dispassion towards hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for dispassion towards hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for dispassion towards hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the ending of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the ending of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the ending of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the ending of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Giving Up

Monks, for the giving up of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the giving up of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the giving up of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the giving up of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the renunciation of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the renunciation of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the renunciation of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of hypocrisy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the renunciation of hypocrisy
these four conditions must be made to grow.





Monks, for the comprehension of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the comprehension of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the comprehension of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the comprehension of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Full Understanding

Monks, for the full understanding of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the full understanding of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the full understanding of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the full understanding of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Utter Destruction

Monks, for the utter destruction of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the utter destruction of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the abandoning of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the abandoning of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the abandoning of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the abandoning of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the destroying of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the destroying of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the destroying of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the destroying of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the decay of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the decay of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the decay of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the decay of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for dispassion towards spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for dispassion towards spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for dispassion towards spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for dispassion towards spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the ending of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the ending of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the ending of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the ending of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Giving Up

Monks, for the giving up of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the giving up of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the giving up of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the giving up of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the renunciation of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the renunciation of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the renunciation of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of spite
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the renunciation of spite
these four conditions must be made to grow.





Monks, for the comprehension of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the comprehension of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Full Understanding

Monks, for the full understanding of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the full understanding of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the full understanding of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the full understanding of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Utter Destruction

Monks, for the utter destruction of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the utter destruction of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the abandoning of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the abandoning of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the abandoning of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the abandoning of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the destroying of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the destroying of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the destroying of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the destroying of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the decay of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the decay of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the decay of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the decay of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for dispassion towards envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for dispassion towards envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for dispassion towards envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for dispassion towards envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the ending of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the ending of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the ending of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the ending of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Giving Up

Monks, for the giving up of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the giving up of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the giving up of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the giving up of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the renunciation of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the renunciation of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the renunciation of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of envy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the renunciation of envy
these four conditions must be made to grow.





Monks, for the comprehension of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the comprehension of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the comprehension of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the comprehension of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Full Understanding

Monks, for the full understanding of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the full understanding of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the full understanding of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the full understanding of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Utter Destruction

Monks, for the utter destruction of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the utter destruction of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the abandoning of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the abandoning of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the abandoning of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the abandoning of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the destroying of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the destroying of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the destroying of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the destroying of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the decay of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the decay of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the decay of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the decay of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for dispassion towards grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for dispassion towards grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for dispassion towards grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for dispassion towards grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the ending of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the ending of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the ending of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the ending of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Giving Up

Monks, for the giving up of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the giving up of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the giving up of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the giving up of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the renunciation of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the renunciation of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the renunciation of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of grudging
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the renunciation of grudging
these four conditions must be made to grow.





Monks, for the comprehension of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the comprehension of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the comprehension of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the comprehension of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Full Understanding

Monks, for the full understanding of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the full understanding of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the full understanding of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the full understanding of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Utter Destruction

Monks, for the utter destruction of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the utter destruction of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the abandoning of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the abandoning of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the abandoning of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the abandoning of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the destroying of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the destroying of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the destroying of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the destroying of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the decay of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the decay of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the decay of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the decay of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for dispassion towards deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for dispassion towards deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for dispassion towards deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for dispassion towards deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the ending of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the ending of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the ending of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the ending of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Giving Up

Monks, for the giving up of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the giving up of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the giving up of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the giving up of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the renunciation of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the renunciation of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the renunciation of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of deceit
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the renunciation of deceit
these four conditions must be made to grow.





Monks, for the comprehension of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the comprehension of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the comprehension of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the comprehension of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Full Understanding

Monks, for the full understanding of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the full understanding of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the full understanding of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the full understanding of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Utter Destruction

Monks, for the utter destruction of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the utter destruction of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the abandoning of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the abandoning of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the abandoning of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the abandoning of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the destroying of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the destroying of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the destroying of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the destroying of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the decay of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the decay of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the decay of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the decay of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for dispassion towards treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for dispassion towards treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for dispassion towards treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for dispassion towards treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the ending of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the ending of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the ending of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the ending of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Giving Up

Monks, for the giving up of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the giving up of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the giving up of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the giving up of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the renunciation of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the renunciation of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the renunciation of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of treachery
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the renunciation of treachery
these four conditions must be made to grow.





Monks, for the comprehension of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the comprehension of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the comprehension of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the comprehension of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Full Understanding

Monks, for the full understanding of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the full understanding of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the full understanding of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the full understanding of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Utter Destruction

Monks, for the utter destruction of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the utter destruction of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the abandoning of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the abandoning of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the abandoning of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the abandoning of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the destroying of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the destroying of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the destroying of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the destroying of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the decay of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the decay of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the decay of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the decay of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for dispassion towards obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for dispassion towards obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for dispassion towards obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for dispassion towards obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the ending of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the ending of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the ending of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the ending of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Giving Up

Monks, for the giving up of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the giving up of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the giving up of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the giving up of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the renunciation of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the renunciation of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the renunciation of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of obstinacy
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the renunciation of obstinacy
these four conditions must be made to grow.





Monks, for the comprehension of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the comprehension of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the comprehension of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the comprehension of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Full Understanding

Monks, for the full understanding of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the full understanding of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the full understanding of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the full understanding of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Utter Destruction

Monks, for the utter destruction of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the utter destruction of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the abandoning of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the abandoning of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the abandoning of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the abandoning of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the destroying of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the destroying of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the destroying of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the destroying of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the decay of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the decay of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the decay of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the decay of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for dispassion towards impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for dispassion towards impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for dispassion towards impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for dispassion towards impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the ending of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the ending of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the ending of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the ending of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Giving Up

Monks, for the giving up of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the giving up of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the giving up of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the giving up of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the renunciation of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the renunciation of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the renunciation of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of impetuosity
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the renunciation of impetuosity
these four conditions must be made to grow.





Monks, for the comprehension of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the comprehension of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the comprehension of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the comprehension of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Full Understanding

Monks, for the full understanding of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the full understanding of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the full understanding of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the full understanding of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Utter Destruction

Monks, for the utter destruction of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the utter destruction of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the abandoning of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the abandoning of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the abandoning of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the abandoning of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the destroying of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the destroying of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the destroying of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the destroying of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the decay of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the decay of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the decay of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the decay of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for dispassion towards pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for dispassion towards pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for dispassion towards pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for dispassion towards pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the ending of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the ending of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the ending of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the ending of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Giving Up

Monks, for the giving up of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the giving up of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the giving up of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the giving up of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the renunciation of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the renunciation of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the renunciation of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the renunciation of pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Overweening Pride


Monks, for the comprehension of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the comprehension of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the comprehension of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the comprehension of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Full Understanding

Monks, for the full understanding of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the full understanding of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the full understanding of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the full understanding of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Utter Destruction

Monks, for the utter destruction of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the utter destruction of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the abandoning of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the abandoning of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the abandoning of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the abandoning of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the destroying of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the destroying of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the destroying of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the destroying of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the decay of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the decay of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the decay of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the decay of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for dispassion towards overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for dispassion towards overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for dispassion towards overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for dispassion towards overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the ending of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the ending of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the ending of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the ending of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Giving Up

Monks, for the giving up of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the giving up of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the giving up of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the giving up of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the renunciation of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the renunciation of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the renunciation of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of overweening pride
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the renunciation of overweening pride
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Mental Intoxication


Monks, for the comprehension of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the comprehension of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the comprehension of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the comprehension of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Full Understanding

Monks, for the full understanding of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the full understanding of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the full understanding of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the full understanding of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Utter Destruction

Monks, for the utter destruction of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the utter destruction of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the abandoning of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the abandoning of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the abandoning of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the abandoning of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the destroying of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the destroying of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the destroying of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the destroying of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the decay of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the decay of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the decay of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the decay of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for dispassion towards mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for dispassion towards mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for dispassion towards mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for dispassion towards mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the ending of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the ending of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the ending of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the ending of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Giving Up

Monks, for the giving up of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the giving up of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the giving up of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the giving up of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the renunciation of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the renunciation of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the renunciation of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of mental intoxication
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the renunciation of mental intoxication
these four conditions must be made to grow.





Monks, for the comprehension of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.'

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the comprehension of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the comprehension of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the comprehension of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the comprehension of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Full Understanding

Monks, for the full understanding of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the full understanding of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the full understanding of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the full understanding of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the full understanding of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Utter Destruction

Monks, for the utter destruction of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the utter destruction of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the utter destruction of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the utter destruction of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the abandoning of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the abandoning of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the abandoning of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the abandoning of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the abandoning of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the destroying of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the destroying of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the destroying of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the destroying of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the destroying of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the decay of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the decay of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the decay of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the decay of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the decay of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for dispassion towards negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for dispassion towards negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for dispassion towards negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for dispassion towards negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for dispassion towards negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the ending of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the ending of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the ending of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the ending of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the ending of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.



Giving Up

Monks, for the giving up of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the giving up of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the giving up of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the giving up of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the giving up of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.




Monks, for the renunciation of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk dwells,
as regards body,
contemplating body (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards feelings
contemplating feelings (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells as regards mind
contemplating mind (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

He dwells, as regards mind-states,
contemplating mind-states (as transient),
and composed,
by having restrained dejection as to the world
arising from coveting.

Monks, for the renunciation of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to prevent the arising
of bad qualities
that have not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to abandon bad qualities
that have arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
to cause the arising
of good qualities
not yet arisen.

He starts desire,
sets going energy,
lays hold of thought
and exerts effort
for the persistence of good qualities
that have arisen,
for their non-confusion,
for their more-becoming,
for their increase and development,
for their perfecting.

Monks, for the renunciation of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.

Monks, for the renunciation of negligence
four conditions must be made to grow.

What four?

Herein a monk cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are desire,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are energy,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates that basis of psychic power
of which the features are thought,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

He cultivates the basis of psychic power
of which the features are investigation,
together with the co-factors
of concentration and struggle.

Monks, for the renunciation of negligence
these four conditions must be made to grow.




[1] Sinh. text makes four suttas of this. With it end the First Fifty Suttas; hut in reality 271 according to our arrangement of the text.

[2] Cf. K.S. v, 119 ff. (Arisings of Mindfulness).

[3] Cf. K.S. v, 173 ff. {On the Faculties); Mrs. Rh. D.: Gotama, p. 222

[4] Cf. K.S. v, 226 ff. (On the Bases of Psychio Power).

[5] Vīmaṃsa; cf. Sakya (Mrs. Rhys Davids), p. 250.

[6] Cf. G.S. i, 86 ff.


[ed1] Woodward has made this and the next item into one: "for the utter passionless ending." I have broken it apart but used his translations ("passionless" and "ending") for the meaning of the terms. Bhk. Bodhi's 'fading away' works better.


[ed2] Omitted by Woodward. Translation per PED.

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