Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
Catukka Nipāta
X: Asura Vagga

Sutta 95

Chavālāta Suttaṃ

The Firebrand

Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.

Proofed against and modified in accordance with the revised edition at dhammatalks.org
For free distribution only.



[1][pts] "Monks, these four types of individuals are to be found existing in the world.

Which four?

The one who practices neither for his/her own benefit nor for that of others.

The one who practices for the benefit of others but not for his/her own.

The one who practices for his/her own benefit but not for that of others.

The one who practices for his/her own benefit and for that of others.

"Just as a firebrand from a funeral pyre
— burning at both ends,
covered with excrement in the middle —
is used as fuel neither in a village nor in the wilderness:
I tell you that this is a simile for the individual who practices neither for his/her own benefit nor for that of others.

The individual who practices for the benefit of others but not for his/her own is the higher and more refined of these two.

The individual who practices for his/her own benefit but not for that of others is the highest and most refined of these three.

The individual who practices for his/her own benefit and for that of others is, of these four, the foremost, the chief, the most outstanding, the highest, and supreme.

Just as from a cow comes milk; from milk, curds; from curds, butter; from butter, ghee; from ghee, the skimmings of ghee;
and of these, the skimmings of ghee are reckoned the foremost
— in the same way, of these four,
the individual who practices for his/her own benefit and for that of other is the foremost, the chief, the most outstanding, the highest, and supreme.

"These are the four types of individuals to be found existing in the world."



Of Related Interest:

SN 22:80;
AN 5:20;
AN 4.96 AN 7:64;
Iti 91


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