Please note that inclusion in this list of dowloable works is not intended to imply approval. Of interest, yes, of approval not necessarily!
Now, since conversion to Unicode, most fonts are not needed and so are no longer listed. See: AmericanPictogram for the keyboard layout for this font.
Files and Downloads |
American Pictogram Font |
Diacritics used in Roman Scripts for Pāḷi/Sanskrit studies; PTS: Pāḷi English Dictionary.
Pāḷi Anuruddha, Dictionary of Pāḷi Idioms
Warren, Buddhism in Translations
Warren's Textbook introducing Buddhism by way of translations from the Pāḷi. A wide selection of sources organized by way of the Tripple Gem: Buddha, Dhamma, Saṅgha. Some oddities in the translation, and some choices one could live without, but all-in-all a great book for beginners.
The Fundamentals of Meditation Practice
by Ting Chen, Translated by Dharma Master Lok To, edited by Sam Landberg and Dr. Frank G. French
This is a Zip file of a PDF Document of a book on Ch'an meditation technique by the teacher of another of my teachers, Venerable Lok To, the book's translator (I believe Sam Landberg is also an old acquaintance of mine).
Tao Te Ching
by Lao-tzu
Translated by J. Legge
Sacred Books of the East, Vol 39 — 1891
This is a work which every educated person should have read. Its relevance here is that it is cited by Rhys Davids in DN 26. But thank goodness for that as this work is full of wise advice. It is also crazy in spots and surely meets the description: There are those of other beliefs that are sometimes correct and sometimes not. The influence of this work on Chinese culture is evident in its rulers even today after the Comunist revolution. Essentially Lao Tsu is describing the way the governer of a state should use intentional not-doing or Wu wei 無爲, which is a basic principle of the Dhamma. There is much for a Buddhist practitioner to learn from this work. Another case of a man born in the wrong time who but for contact with the Dhamma would most certainly have prospered within it.
Pāḷi Text Society Publications
These are zipped pdf files for downloading to your computer. Be warned! They are all large files.
With the exception of the volumes of The Book of the Discipline, all the suttas in these volumes have been converted to html files which can be accessed individually from the Index.
These books are either Public Domain or are being released to the public under the following licence:
For details see Terms of Use
Dialogues of the Buddha, Volume I
Dialogues of the Buddha, Volume II
Dialogues of the Buddha, Volume III
The Book of the Kindred Sayings, I
The Book of the Kindred Sayings, II
The Book of the Kindred Sayings, III
The Book of the Kindred Sayings, IV
The Book of the Kindred Sayings, V
The Middle Length Sayings, Volume I
The Middle Length Sayings, Volume II
The Middle Length Sayings, Volume III
The Book of the Gradual Sayings, Volume 1: The Book of the Ones, Twos and Threes
The Book of the Gradual Sayings, Volume 2: The Book of the Fours
The Book of the Gradual Sayings, Volume 3: The Book of the Fives and Sixes
The Book of the Gradual Sayings, Volume 4: The Book of the Sevens, Eights and Nines
The Book of the Gradual Sayings, Volume 5: The Book of the tens and elevens
The Book of the Discipline, Volume I: Sutta Vibhaṅga
The Book of the Discipline, Volume II: Sutta Vibhaṅga
The Book of the Discipline, Volume III: Sutta Vibhaṅga
The Book of the Discipline, Volume IV: Mahāvagga
The Book of the Discipline, Volume V: Cullavagga
The Book of the Discipline, Volume VI: Parivāra
The following two alternatives for the Vinaya Pitaka are also suggested:
1. Download the Rhys Davids/Oldenberg translation from Sacred Texts Archive. Now fully html formatted and available on this site.
2. Check out the available resources in the Index. These include the Patimokkha in the Rhys Davids/Oldenberg translation and Bhk. Thanissaro's version.
Digital Pāḷi Text Society's Pāḷi English Dictionary
The Upgrade version of the .htm edition of the PTS PED:
ped.htm almost 6MB! 2.2MB This version has an internal style sheet and all images have been removed. Works on installation, no editing necessary.
The Upgrade version of the .txt edition of the PTS PED: This version of the text file contains only the title page and the word listings; no introductory materials.
This work is based on a scanned version of an early reprint of an early edition of The Pāḷi Text Society's Pāḷi English Dictionary revised in accordance with the 2015 "Reprint with corrections" by K.R. Norman, William Pruitt and Peter Jackson.
The Digatized PTS Pāḷi:
DN I 1-13
DN II 14-23
DN III 24-34
MN I 1-76
MN II 77-106
MN III 107-152
AN I Books 1-3
AN II Book 4
AN III Books 5 and 6
AN IV Books 7-8-9
AN V Books 10-11
SN Book I Sagātha-Vagga
SN Book II Nidāna-Vagga
SN Book III Khandha-Vagga
SN Book IV Saḷāyatana-Vagga
SN Book V Mahā-Vagga
VP I Mahavagga
Majjhima Nikāya.
The Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoḷi 3-volume manuscript used as the basis for the Bhk. Bodhi edited edition.
"Manuscript" here means hand written! and his script is no easy thing to read.
MN 1 Ñāṇamoḷi.
MN 2 Ñāṇamoḷi.
MN 3 Ñāṇamoḷi.
Portions (90 Suttas) of The Ven. Ñāṇamoḷi translation have been typeset and minimally edited and arranged by Phra Khantipalo. The work is titled: A Treasury of the Buddha's Discourses from the Majhima-nikaya. This is a scaned version of the typeset book and is readable.
The book version is also available from various sources.
MN 1 Ñāṇamoḷi.
MN 2 Ñāṇamoḷi.
MN 3 Ñāṇamoḷi.
A Practical Grammar of the Pāḷi Language
This is a Zip file of a PDF Document.
Journal of the Pāḷi Text Society 1882 - 1927
JPTS Contents
JPTS 1882 I
JPTS 1883_I
JPTS 1884_I
JPTS 1885_II
JPTS 1886_II
JPTS 1887_II
JPTS 1890_IV
JPTS 1891-3_IV
JPTS 1894-1896_IV
JPTS 1897-1901_V
JPTS 1902-3_V
JPTS 1904-5_V
JPTS 1906-7_V
JPTS 1908_VI
JPTS 1909_VI
JPTS 1910-12_VI
JPTS 1913-4_VII
JPTS 1915-6_VII
JPTS 1917-9_VII
JPTS 1920-3_VII
JPTS 1924-27_VIII
Journal Asiatique 1902
Bhikkhu Analayo:
Satipaṭṭhāna, The Direct Path to Realization
The Potential of Pleasant Feelings
Bhikkhu Anandajoti:
Udāna, Exalted Utterances, Translated by Ānandajoti Bhikkhu
Bhikkhu Ariyesako and Bhikkhu Nirodho:
The Light of Asia, Being the Life and Teaching of Gautama Prince of India and Founder of Buddhism (as told in verse by an Indian Buddhist). A version of this work annotated by Ānandajoti Bhikkhu.
Texts from The Buddhist Canon, commonly known as Dhammapada with Accompanying Narratives, translated from the Chinese by Samuel Beal, Professor of Chinese, University College, London, Trubner & Co., 1878.
The Eighteen Schools of Buddhism by Vasumitra" by Samuel Beal, from The Indian Antiquary, IX, 1880. Zipped File.
The Sutra of the Fourty-two Sections" by Samuel Beal, from Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Old Series, Vol. XIX, art. XIV, 1862. Zipped File.
Zipped text files Wheel_277, Transcendental Dependent Arising A Translation and Exposition of the Upanisa Sutta good to see Bhk.Bodhi's changes of vocabulary.
Dependent Origination
The Jhanas
Guided Metta Meditation (audio)
Nagualism Zipped File.
Reinterpreting the Jhānas Joural of the International Association of Buddhist Studies
Anapanasati (Mindfulness of Breathing)
Further Dialogues of the Buddha, Translated from the Pāḷi of the Majjhima Nikāya. Images.
Volume I
Volume II
Dictionary of the Pāḷi Language. Images.
The Preface to A Dictionary of the Pāḷi Language
On Yuan Chwang's Travels in India
The Fundamental Teachings of Early Buddhism
Caveat Lector, from The Journal of the Pali Text Society, Vol. XXIX (2007) pp.95-106.
Journal of Buddhist Ethics, Vol. 4., Sep. 1, 1997. Review of Bhk. Bodhi's edited edition of Ñāṇamoli's translation of the Majjhima Nikaya, Middle Length Discourse of the Buddha.
Cunningham, The Stupa of Bharhut, A Buddhist Monument Ornamented with Numerous Sculptures.
Nature and the Environment in Early Buddhism,
Fukanzazengi, A Universal Recommendation for True Zazen, by Dogen, Who Transmitted the Dharma from Sung (China)
The Autobiography of Luang Por Akaradej Thiracitto Bhikkhu (Ajahn Dtun)
The Interpretation of Dreams, The MacMillan Company, 1913.
The Mahāvaṃsa Or The Great Chronicle of Ceylon, translated by Wilhelm Geiger
The Travels of FA-hsien, (399-414 A.D.), or Record of the Buddhistic Kingdoms, H.A. Giles, M.A., re-translation.
From the Introduction: From this little book of travel the unbiassed reader may perhaps obtain a furtive glimpse of the gradeur of the Buddhist religion in the early years of the 5th century A.D.
Recovering the Buddha's Message
The Doctrine of the Buddha: The Religion of Reason
Manual of Budhism, in its Modern Development, translated from Singhalese mss. by R. Spence Hardy, Partridge and Oakey, 1853
The Udāna and The Itivuttaka
Saṃyutta Nikaya, An Anthology, Part I, Buddhist Publication Society, Wheel Number 107
Early Buddhist Theory of Knowledge
Gold Wrapped in Rags Autobiography of Ajaan Jia Cundo, translated by Ajaan Dick Sīlaratano, Forest Dhamma Publications, 2024
Or you can request a hard copy directly from them:
Please think of giving them a generous donation.
Pali Buddhist Texts Explained to the Beginner Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies Monograh Series #14
An Unentangled Knowing 1995; translated from the Thai by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
Buddhist Philosophy in India and Ceylon, 1923
Clarification on Feelings in Buddhist Dhyāna/Jhāna Meditation
What You Might Not Know about Jhāna and Samādhi
This is now a final version. A PDF file will be forthcoming shortly. There is also an option to order a printed version at the cost of its delivery, which is available here.
Circumnavigating the Unfamiliar: Dao'An (314-385) and Yan Fu (1852-1921) on Western Grammar
Language Theory, Phonology, and Etymology in Buddhism and their relationship to Brahmanism
The Language of Early Buddhism
Pra Rachapavanavigrom (Luang Por Liem Ṭhitadhammo)
Following the Footsteps of the Enlightened Beings
The Complete Mystical Works of Meister Eckhart, Translated by Maurice O'
C Walshe
Dictionary of Pāḷi Proper Names, Volume 1, A-Dh, (108,287 MB)
Dictionary of Pāḷi Proper Names, Volume 2, N-H, (130,772 MB).
This is the complete version. Much abbreviated versions are available on other sites, and the site has the full version set up in such a way as to allow searching for individual terms. This version has had the editing restrictions removed.
This is an invaluable resource which I have used in a hard copy form for many years. Much of the Index of Personalities on this site has been compiled from this source. Be aware that these volumes are both huge. Also note that they are alphabetized according to the Pāḷi: A Ā I Ī U Ū E Ē O K Kh G Gh Ṅ C Ch J Jh Ñ Ṭ Ṭh Ḍ Ḍh Ṇ T Th D Dh N P Ph B Bh M Y R L Ḷ Ḷh V S H
I recommend you use the Aimwell site for looking up individual terms and use this site or the one at Open Buddhist University (which was the source for the version on this site (Thank you bhante! your version of this work is much cleaner than the ones at and download much faster and it allows for removal of the editing restrictions) for downloading. The setup here is that you open the file on line and save it from there. The primary reason for having this on this site (aside from ego) is the paranoid thought that there may come a time when having it downloaded will be the only reasonable way to get it.
Venerable Ācariya Mun Bhūridatta Thera, A Spiritual Biography by Ācariya Mahā Boowa Ñāṇasampanno, translated by Bhikkhu Dick Sīlaratano. A Forest Dhamma Publication.
Path of Purification
The Life of the Buddha
The Practice of Loving-Kindness: (Metta)
Zipped text files. The Discourse On Right View: The Sammaditthi Sutta and its Commentary
Pāḷi Buddhist Review: Vol. 5, No. 1-2, 1980, Mulapariyaya Sutta, The Root of all Dhammas.
The Law of Dependedt Origination,
Nibbāna-the Mind Stilled.
Clearing the Path, Writings of Ñāṇavīra Thera (1960-1965), Path Press
A Philological Approach to Buddhism, The Buddhist Forum, Volume 5
Aṅguttara Nikāya Anthology
Buddhist Dictionary
[PDF ■ Read On-Line]
The first iteration of The Pāḷi Line c 1987. The original was typewritten. This version has been reset using Times Roman. The illustrations are from the original. Some very slight editing. Handy as a quick reference to one way of organizing the Dhamma. 74 pages.
The Pāḷi Line. A zipped version of the PDF. Available for reading on line here. A comprehensive course in the Buddha's doctrine based on the Dīgha Nikāya, Majjhima Nikāya, Aṅgutara Nikāya, and Saṃyutta Nikāya. This site is based on this work.
Pajapati's Problem.
Paṭicca Samuppada
On Kamma
Two Dialogues
Two on Emptiness
Freedom from Things of Time — Freedom from Things Not of Time
I See Dead People
The Honorable Emmeline M. Plunket:
Ancient Calendars and Constellations
Puakea Nogelmeier and Jake H. Davis:
The Buddhist Cosmos: A Comprehensive Survey of the Early Buddhist Worldview, according to Theravāda and Sarvāstivāda sources.
Venerable Madawela Punnaji, Maha Thera:
Return to Tranquility
Becoming a Buddhist
Beyond the Hoirizon of Time
Buddha the Radical Shrink: Buddhist Psychotherapy
Did We Cross the Threshold of Hope?
The Four Evolutionary Stages of Religion
The Philosophy of Vesak
The Psychology of Mettā
Why Religion?
A Taste of Freedom
Proto-Buddhism, An Alternative Paradigm for Decoding the Buddha's Discourses
Points of Controversy: or Subjects of Discouse, being a translation of the Kathā-vatthu from the Abhidhamma-Pitaka, by Shwe Zan Aung, BA, and Mrs. Rhys Davids, M.A.
Buddhist Birth Stories: or Jātaka Tales. The Oldest Collection of Folk-lore Extant, being The Jātakatthavaṇṇā, Edited in the Pāḷi by V. Fausböll and Translated by T.W. Rhys-Davids. The title page says "Volume 1" so it is uncertain if this is the complete set.
The American Lectures on the History of Religions.
Buddhism — The History and Literature of Buddhism, by T.W. Rhys-Davids.
The Hibbert Lectures, 1881, Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated by some points in the History of Indian Buddhism
Buddhism: A Sketch of the Life and Teachings of Gautama, the Buddha
Persecution of the Buddhists in India, JPTS 1894-1896, page 87 ff..
Schools of Buddhist Belief, by T.W. Rhys Davids, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Sociey, 1892.
The Sects of the Buddhists, by T.W. Rhys Davids, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Sociey, 1891.
Early Buddhism, by T.W. Rhys Davids.
The sutta tranlations of Rhys Davids' Buddhist Suttas, are individually located in the Sutta Index, collectively they can be found here.
Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta, The Great Discourse on the Wheel of Dhamma
Sacred Books of the East, Volume 21: Lotus of the True Law.
A Mahayana Sutta. Included here because occasionally referenced in footnotes.
King Asoka and Buddhism, Historical and Literary Studies, Edited by Anuradha Seneviratna
Saṃyutta Nikāya, An Anthology, Part I. by John D. Ireland. Buddhist Publication Society.
Saṃyutta Nikāya, An Anthology, Part II. by Bhikkhu Ñāṇananda. Buddhist Publication Society.
Saṃyutta Nikāya, An Anthology, Part III. by M. O'C. Walshe. Buddhist Publication Society.
David N. Snyder, Ph.D.:
The Complete Book of Buddha's Lists — Explained.
Jātakamālā or Garland of Birth-Stories by Āryaśūra, translated by J.S. Speyer
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, The Religious and Medicinal Uses of Cannabis in China, India and Tibet.
Asoka the Buddhist Emperor of India
The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I and II
The Mind like Fire Unbound
The Paradox of Becoming
Skill in Questions
The Question of Bhikkhunī Ordination
First Things First
The Truth of Rebirth
Udāna: Exclamations
The Mirror of Insight
mobi The Mirror of Insight
Pāḷi as an Artifical Language, from The Online Journal of the International Association of Sanskrit Studies, Volume X (1982), Proceedigs of the Conference Seminar of Indological Studies, Stockholm, 1980 (Reprinted with Permission)
Early Buddhist Teachings - A Collection of Early Sutras, compiled by Javier Fernandez-Viña
This compilation focuses on lesser known sources and attempts to collect a wide variety of them. It includes extracts from many different Indian Buddhist traditions including: Dharmaguptaka, Sarvastivada, Sautrantika, Mulasarvastivada, Mahasamghika, Pudgalavada and Mahayana.
Ajahn Visuddhi audios:
Manual of a Mystic, being a translation from the Pāḷi and Sinalese work entitled The Yogāvachara's Manual, by F. L. Wodward, M.A. Cantar Principles of Mahinda Buddhist College, Galle, Ceylon, Edited, with Introductor easay, by Mrs. Rhys Davids.
Toward a Computational Analysis of the Pali Canon
Translation Tools:
File Structure Template. A set of empty folders for organizing suttas in the Pāḷi Cannon.
 â Ā ā Ē ē Ī ī Ō ō Ū ū Ḍ ḍ Ḥ ḥ Ḷ ḷ ɱ Ṃ ṃ Ṁ ṁ ṇ Ṅ ṇ Ṇ ṇ ṛ Ñ ñ Ṭ ṭ ../ Ś ṣ ś ° > < § √
Easy Input of Pāḷi Diacriticals
This is a link to Bhikkhu Ānandajoti's page for the downloading of this script. This script allows you to input Pāḷi diacriticals into any program you have on your Windows computer.
And here is a link to a page provided by Alex Genaud which gives instructions as to how to set up the Mac for easy Pāḷi diacritic input.
TEXTPAD USERS. A Clip-book for the insertion of Unicode diacritical characters for the Pāḷi Language.
Download > Extract to SAMPLES subfolder of your TextPad installation folder > then
1. From the View menu, choose Clip Library;
2. Click the down arrow on the Clip Library, to display the list of clip-books;
3. Select "pali-diacritics.TCL" from the drop-down list.
The clip-book contains all the diacriticals used for writing the Pāḷi language in Roman characters (see above). All the alternative forms and a few often-used special characters are included, and the Clip book can be edited to add new clips as needed.
Translators/Editors, future and present, The unique Clip-book feature of TextPad allows the saving of any amount of text as a macro for insertion at a later time. This means it is possible that a collection of 'stock phrases' either of translation fragments or the original Pāḷi, can be stored for repeated use and inserted with a click where needed.
The Pāḷi Text Society's
Pāḷi-English Dictionary, Export Edition.
available from only, not
Zip file for dowloading: 2528KB
Edited by T.W. Rhys Davids, F.B.A., D.Sc., Ph.D., L.L.D., D.Litt. and William Stede, Ph.D.
This work is based on a scanned version of an early reprint of an early edition of The Pāḷi Text Society's Pāḷi English Dictionary revised in accordance with the 2015 "Reprint with corrections" by K.R. Norman, William Pruitt and Peter Jackson.
The main body of the work, the original Pāḷi Text Society edition, is in the Public Domain, the Corrected reprint Copyright The Pāḷi Text Society Commercial Rights Reserved .
This is the same dictionary as is used on this site with the audio files, the letter images, the sidebars and related images, and the links to the texts on BuddhaDust for citations removed. Abbreviations have been spelled out, citation sources are placed in in bold, non-English language words are placed in italics, the sort-order has been converted from the Pāḷi to English, and main entries have been given ids and hrefs so that linking to them from outside the dictionary is possible. An internal stylesheet has been used.
E-Book Editions
of the Pāḷi Text Society Translations
The Four Nikāyas
E-pub, Azw, Mobi, and PDF formats
Free downloads of the PTS translations of the Four Nikāyas have just been announced by Bhante Bhikkhu Subhuti on his website:
Please note that this is not a project of BuddhaDust and these publications are not being hosted on this site. These books were compiled and re-formatted from our as of then [Monday, December 30, 2019 8:15 AM] incompletely proofed html source files by Bhante Bhikkhu Subhuti and Stephen J. Torrence. Since then the html source files have been completely proofed.
It was originally announce that these books would undergo updating as the proofing of the source files was completed. To insure that you are downloading the latest version, please downlad from
Yarnbasket for a Buddhist
Selected Suttas from the Four Nikāyas
Selected Suttas from the Majjhima Nikāya
Yarnbasket for a Buddhist, Volume 1, Part 1, Selections from Suttas 1-100
Yarnbasket for a Buddhist, Volume 1, Part 2, Selections from Suttas 101-152
Sutta 1 (The MūlaPariyaya Sutta)
Sutta 10 (The Satipaṭṭhana Suttanta)
Selected Suttas from the Dīgha Nikāya
Yarnbasket for a Buddhist, Volume 2
Sutta 1
Sutta 6
Sutta 13
Sutta 15
Sutta 22
Sutta 33
Sutta 34
Selected Suttas from the Aṅguttara Nikāya
The Book of Ones
The Book of Twos
The Book of Threes
The Book of Fours
The Book of Fives
The Book of Sixes
The Book of Sevens
The Book of Eights
The Book of Nines
The Book of Tens
The Book of Elevens
Yarnbasket for a Buddhist, Volume 3, Part 1 Books 1-5
Yarnbasket for a Buddhist, Volume 3, Part 2 Books 6-11
Selected Suttas from the Saṃyutta Nikāya
Yarnbasket for a Buddhist, Volume 4, Part 1, Books 1-4
Yarnbasket for a Buddhist, Volume 4, Part 2, Book 5, Part I
Yarnbasket for a Buddhist, Volume 4, Part 2, Book 5, Part II