Digitized Pāḷi Texts
This collection represents the unproofread, superficially reformatted files of the Dhammakaya-input Pāḷi Text Society hard copy version of the Pāḷi texts, otherwise known as 'the Goettingen files'.
Dīgha Nikāya, The html formatted Pāḷi Text Society edition of the Pāḷi text ed by T.W. Rhys Davids and J.E. Carpenter.
Volume 1, Suttas 1-13.
Volume 2, Suttas 14-23.
Volume 3, Suttas 24-34.
Majjhima Nikāya, The html formatted Pāḷi Text Society edition of the Pāḷi text.
Volume 1, Suttas 1-76. ed. by V. Trenckner.
Volume 2, Suttas 77-106. ed. by R. Chalmers.
Volume 3, Suttas 107-152. ed. by R. Chalmers.
Aṅguttara Nikāya, The html formatted Pāḷi Text Society edition of the Pāḷi text.
Volume 1 Ones, Twos and Threes, ed. by R. Morris, London: Pāḷi Text Society 1885, second edition, revised by A.K. Warder, 1961.
Volume 2 Fours, ed. by R. Morris, London: Pāḷi Text Society 1888, second edition 1961.
Volume 3 Fives and Sixes, ed. by E. Hardy, London: Pāḷi Text Society 1897.
Volume 4 Sevens, Eights and Nines, ed. by E. Hardy, London: Pāḷi Text Society 1899.
Volume 5 Tens and Elevens, ed. by E. Hardy, London: Pāḷi Text Society 1900.
Saṃyutta Nikāya the html formatted Pāḷi Text Society edition of the Pāḷi text.
Volume 1, Sagāthā-Vagga ed. by M. Léon Feer, London: Pāḷi Text Society 1884.
Volume 2, Nidāna-Vagga ed. by M. Léon Feer, London: Pāḷi Text Society 1888.
Volume 3, Khandha-Vagga ed. by M. Léon Feer, London: Pāḷi Text Society 1890.
Volume 4, Saḷāyatana-Vagga ed. by M. Léon Feer, London: Pāḷi Text Society 1894.
Volume 5, Mahā-Vagga ed. by M. Léon Feer, London: Pāḷi Text Society 1898.
With some exceptions noted below no effort has been made to proofread the 'Goettingen' files because our adaptation of the BJT Pāḷi is being read against the PTS hard copy and has in addition the advantages of being fully unabridged and formatted according to the original and organizational phrase and paragraph breaks all of which will eventually make for a much more useful version of the Pāḷi for both Dhamma researchers and Pāḷi linguists. The PTS revisions are not intended to produce a 'critical' edition, and in effect act to preserve error.
Since even re-formatting involves checking against the hard copy for certain features, here and there I have made the occasional correction.
Revised editions of some volumes were not the editions used for the original 'Goettingen' conversion but there appears to have been some secondary and incomplete revision made based on the later versions. The revised editions retain the page breaks of the original hard copy edition, and all volumes of our html-formatted edition have been subjected to a certain amount of correction based on the changes suggested in the revised editions — specifically where a search-and-replace function could be easily performed across all volumes.
The 'Goettingen' files have converted what was the degree sign (°) (indicating Feer's own (that is, not found in the original Pāḷi) abridgment of some frequently used terms) into the hyphen. The problems caused in converting these back to the degree symbol are obvious. To do the job thoroughly would require a close proofreading of these files against the hard copy which is not within the scope of this posting as explained above. Some of these have been caught in passing, most are left as is. One problem that results is that occasionally a place where there were two degree signs together has further been mistaken for a single hyphenated word.
Researchers beware.
Each file represents a complete hard-copy volume. The files can be accessed from the top of the Index Page for each Nikāya volume, but the individual suttas are not linked-to from the Index pages and sutta translations are not linked to this version of the Pāḷi.
[Pages in all these files can be found or linked-to by appending "#pg000" (three digits in all cases, i.e.: 001) to the end of the url for that file. For example:
brings you to page 100 of MN 3.]
These files are released under a licence which allows anyone to reproduce, modify, distribute and even sell them as long as they are properly attributed and as long as the reproduced copy is distributed under the same licence and as long as changes from the original are noted. Some of the changes listed were made in the original 'Goettingen files'. The most important of these to note is that all footnotes were removed and content straddling page breaks has had content moved back to the preceding page sometimes in units of whole phrases. The relation to the original pagination will therefore sometimes be off by several lines.
Vinaya Piṭaka, Volume 1. Mahā Vagga. Based on the edition by Hermann Oldenberg, London: Pāḷi Text Society 1879. This is an unedited, unformatted copy of the Original 'Goettingen' file. Only a header and footer have been added and tag changes were made to make the file conform to HTML 5 standards and at the request of the PTS a notice as to the license has been inserted. The remaining volumes of the Vinaya Piṭaka in the 'Goettingen' edition are from the BJT version of the Pāḷi and are therefore not included here.
Dīgha Nikāya, The Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series Pāḷi text
Volume 1, Suttas 1-13.
Volume 2, Suttas 14-23.
Volume 3, Suttas 24-34.
Majjhima Nikāya, The Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series Pāḷi text
Volume 1, Suttas 1-76.
Volume 2, Suttas 77-106.
Volume 3, Suttas 107-152.
Aṅguttara Nikāya, The Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series Pāḷi text
Volume 1 Ones, Twos and Threes,
Volume 2 Fours,
Volume 3 Fives and Sixes,
Volume 4 Sevens, Eights and Nines,
Volume 5 Tens and Elevens,.
Saṃyutta Nikāya The Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series Pāḷi text.
Volume 1, Sagāthā-Vagga
Volume 2, Nidāna-Vagga
Volume 3, Khandha-Vagga
Volume 4, Saḷāyatana-Vagga
Volume 5, Mahā-Vagga
Vinaya Piṭaka, The Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series Pāḷi text.
Volume 1. Mahā Vagga.
Volume 2. Culla Vagga,
Volume 3. Suttavibhaṅga, Part I,
Volume 4. Suttavibhaṅga, Part II,
Volume 5. Parivāra.
These files were reproduced from those originally located on the Journal of Buddhist Ethics web site. These are the files (but from the version found on Metta Net Lanka) on which the hybrid BJT/PTS version of the Pāḷi which is linked-to from all sutta translations on this site. The files here presented are the 'raw' unproofed, unedited and unformatted original files found on that site. Only the headers, footers and PTS page number references have been altered.
This version of these files appears to have had some slight proofreading done over the version I have used, and it retains footnotes (generally regarding alternative readings). The footnotes are not linked to and from their point of reference, but are indicated by number within pages and are found at the end of each page.
The page numbering, especially in the Saṃyutta Nikaya, is haphazard due especially to copy and paste errors, but also apparently from fatigue. I have done no more to straighten out the mess than to insure that there are no duplicate 'id's' which would have produced html errors.
What you need to know is that the Pāḷi text linked-to from the translations on this site has, for the most part, been proofed against the hard copy of the PTS Pāḷi. Where the sutta was not proofread it will most closely resemble the BJT version presented above.